project('pkgconfig-gen-dependencies', 'c', version: '1.0') pkgg = import('pkgconfig') # libmain internally use libinternal and expose libexpose in its API exposed_lib = shared_library('libexposed', 'exposed.c') internal_lib = shared_library('libinternal', 'internal.c') main_lib = both_libraries('libmain', 'dummy.c', link_with : [exposed_lib, internal_lib]) custom_lib = shared_library('custom', 'custom.c') pkgg.generate(exposed_lib) # Declare a few different Dependency objects pc_dep = dependency('libfoo', version : '>=1.0') pc_dep_dup = dependency('libfoo', version : '>= 1.0') notfound_dep = dependency('notfound', required : false) threads_dep = dependency('threads') custom_dep = declare_dependency(link_with : custom_lib, compile_args : ['-DCUSTOM']) custom2_dep = declare_dependency(link_args : ['-lcustom2'], compile_args : ['-DCUSTOM2']) exe = executable('test1', 'main.c', dependencies : [pc_dep]) test('Test1', exe) # Generate a PC file: # - Having libmain in libraries should pull implicitly libexposed and libinternal in Libs.private # - Having libexposed in libraries should remove it from Libs.private # - We generated a pc file for libexposed so it should be in Requires instead of Libs # - Having threads_dep in libraries should add '-pthread' in both Libs and Cflags # - Having custom_dep in libraries and libraries_private should only add it in Libs # - Having custom2_dep in libraries_private should not add its Cflags # - Having pc_dep in libraries_private should add it in Requires.private # - pc_dep_dup is the same library and same version, should be ignored # - notfound_dep is not required so it shouldn't appear in the pc file. pkgg.generate(libraries : [main_lib, exposed_lib, threads_dep, threads_dep, custom_dep, custom_dep, '-pthread'], libraries_private : [custom_dep, custom2_dep, custom2_dep, pc_dep, pc_dep_dup, notfound_dep], version : '1.0', name : 'dependency-test', filebase : 'dependency-test', description : 'A dependency test.' ) pkgg.generate( name : 'requires-test', version : '1.0', description : 'Dependency Requires field test.', requires : [exposed_lib, pc_dep, 'libhello'], ) pkgg.generate( name : 'requires-private-test', version : '1.0', description : 'Dependency Requires.private field test.', requires_private : [exposed_lib, pc_dep, 'libhello', notfound_dep], ) # Verify that if we promote internal_lib as public dependency, it comes after # the main library. main_lib2 = both_libraries('libmain2', 'dummy.c', link_with : internal_lib) pkgg.generate(main_lib2, libraries : internal_lib, filebase : 'pub-lib-order', ) # This will be built against both simple7.pc and simple7-uninstalled.pc, check # that include directories works in both cases. simple7 = dependency('simple7') exe = executable('test2', 'test2.c', dependencies: simple7, ) test('Test2', exe)