# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Copyright 2024 The Meson development team from __future__ import annotations import re import typing as T from configparser import ConfigParser, MissingSectionHeaderError, ParsingError from copy import deepcopy from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields, asdict from pathlib import Path from . import mparser from .mesonlib import MesonException from .ast.postprocess import AstConditionLevel from .ast.printer import RawPrinter from .ast.visitor import FullAstVisitor from .environment import build_filename if T.TYPE_CHECKING: import argparse from typing_extensions import Literal class DefaultConfigParser(ConfigParser): def __init__(self, delimiters: T.Tuple[str, ...] = ('=', ':')): super().__init__(delimiters=delimiters, interpolation=None) def read_default(self, filename: Path) -> None: if not filename.exists(): raise MesonException(f'Configuration file {filename} not found') try: super().read(filename, encoding='utf-8') except MissingSectionHeaderError: self.read_string(f'[{self.default_section}]\n' + filename.read_text(encoding='utf-8')) def getstr(self, section: str, key: str, fallback: T.Optional[str] = None) -> T.Optional[str]: value: T.Optional[str] = self.get(section, key, fallback=fallback) if value: value = value.strip('"').strip("'") return value def match_path(filename: str, pattern: str) -> bool: '''recursive glob match for editorconfig sections''' index = 0 num_ranges: T.List[T.Tuple[int, int]] = [] def curl_replace(m: re.Match) -> str: nonlocal index if '\\.\\.' in m[1]: index += 1 low, high = m[1].split('\\.\\.') num_ranges.append((int(low), int(high))) return f'(?P-?[0-9]+)' else: return T.cast(str, m[1].replace(',', '|')) pattern_re = pattern.replace('.', '\\.') pattern_re = re.sub(r'(? . pattern_re = re.sub(r'(? ([^/]*) pattern_re = re.sub(r'(? (.*) pattern_re = re.sub(r'(? [^name] pattern_re = re.sub(r'(? FormatterConfig: defaults = {f.name: f.metadata['default'] for f in fields(cls)} return cls(**defaults) def update(self, config: FormatterConfig) -> FormatterConfig: """Returns copy of self updated with other config""" new_config = deepcopy(self) for key, value in asdict(config).items(): if value is not None: setattr(new_config, key, value) return new_config def with_editorconfig(self, editorconfig: EditorConfig) -> FormatterConfig: """Returns copy of self updated with editorconfig""" config = deepcopy(self) if editorconfig.indent_style == 'space': indent_size = editorconfig.indent_size or 4 config.indent_by = indent_size * ' ' elif editorconfig.indent_style == 'tab': config.indent_by = '\t' elif editorconfig.indent_size: config.indent_by = editorconfig.indent_size * ' ' if editorconfig.max_line_length == 'off': config.max_line_length = 0 elif editorconfig.max_line_length: config.max_line_length = int(editorconfig.max_line_length) if editorconfig.end_of_line: config.end_of_line = editorconfig.end_of_line if editorconfig.insert_final_newline: config.insert_final_newline = editorconfig.insert_final_newline if editorconfig.tab_width: config.tab_width = editorconfig.tab_width return config @property def newline(self) -> T.Optional[str]: if self.end_of_line == 'crlf': return '\r\n' if self.end_of_line == 'lf': return '\n' if self.end_of_line == 'cr': return '\r' return None class MultilineArgumentDetector(FullAstVisitor): def __init__(self, config: FormatterConfig): self.config = config self.is_multiline = False def enter_node(self, node: mparser.BaseNode) -> None: if node.whitespaces and '#' in node.whitespaces.value: self.is_multiline = True elif isinstance(node, mparser.StringNode) and node.is_multiline: self.is_multiline = True def visit_ArgumentNode(self, node: mparser.ArgumentNode) -> None: if node.is_multiline: self.is_multiline = True if self.is_multiline: return if self.config.kwargs_force_multiline and node.kwargs: self.is_multiline = True super().visit_ArgumentNode(node) class TrimWhitespaces(FullAstVisitor): def __init__(self, config: FormatterConfig): self.config = config self.in_block_comments = False self.in_arguments = 0 self.indent_comments = '' def visit_default_func(self, node: mparser.BaseNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) node.whitespaces.accept(self) def enter_node(self, node: mparser.BaseNode) -> None: if isinstance(node, mparser.WhitespaceNode): return if not node.whitespaces: # Ensure every node has a whitespace node node.whitespaces = mparser.WhitespaceNode(mparser.Token('whitespace', node.filename, 0, 0, 0, (0, 0), '')) node.whitespaces.condition_level = node.condition_level def exit_node(self, node: mparser.BaseNode) -> None: pass def move_whitespaces(self, from_node: mparser.BaseNode, to_node: mparser.BaseNode) -> None: to_node.whitespaces.value = from_node.whitespaces.value + to_node.whitespaces.value from_node.whitespaces = None to_node.whitespaces.accept(self) def add_space_after(self, node: mparser.BaseNode) -> None: if not node.whitespaces.value: node.whitespaces.value = ' ' def add_nl_after(self, node: mparser.BaseNode, force: bool = False) -> None: if not node.whitespaces.value: node.whitespaces.value = '\n' elif force and not node.whitespaces.value.endswith('\n'): node.whitespaces.value += '\n' def dedent(self, value: str) -> str: if value.endswith(self.config.indent_by): value = value[:-len(self.config.indent_by)] return value def sort_arguments(self, node: mparser.ArgumentNode) -> None: # TODO: natsort def sort_key(arg: mparser.BaseNode) -> str: if isinstance(arg, mparser.StringNode): return arg.raw_value return getattr(node, 'value', '') node.arguments.sort(key=sort_key) def visit_EmptyNode(self, node: mparser.EmptyNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) self.in_block_comments = True node.whitespaces.accept(self) self.in_block_comments = False def visit_WhitespaceNode(self, node: mparser.WhitespaceNode) -> None: lines = node.value.splitlines(keepends=True) node.value = '' in_block_comments = self.in_block_comments with_comments = ['#' in line for line in lines] + [False] for i, line in enumerate(lines): has_nl = line.endswith('\n') line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): if not in_block_comments: node.value += self.config.indent_before_comments else: node.value += self.indent_comments node.value += line if has_nl and (line or with_comments[i+1] or not self.in_arguments): node.value += '\n' in_block_comments = True if node.value.endswith('\n'): node.value += self.indent_comments def visit_SymbolNode(self, node: mparser.SymbolNode) -> None: super().visit_SymbolNode(node) if node.value in "([{" and node.whitespaces.value == '\n': node.whitespaces.value = '' def visit_StringNode(self, node: mparser.StringNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) if self.config.simplify_string_literals: if node.is_multiline and not any(x in node.value for x in ['\n', "'"]): node.is_multiline = False node.value = node.escape() if node.is_fstring and '@' not in node.value: node.is_fstring = False self.exit_node(node) def visit_UnaryOperatorNode(self, node: mparser.UnaryOperatorNode) -> None: super().visit_UnaryOperatorNode(node) self.move_whitespaces(node.value, node) def visit_NotNode(self, node: mparser.NotNode) -> None: super().visit_UnaryOperatorNode(node) if not node.operator.whitespaces.value: node.operator.whitespaces.value = ' ' self.move_whitespaces(node.value, node) def visit_BinaryOperatorNode(self, node: mparser.BinaryOperatorNode) -> None: super().visit_BinaryOperatorNode(node) self.add_space_after(node.left) self.add_space_after(node.operator) self.move_whitespaces(node.right, node) def visit_ArrayNode(self, node: mparser.ArrayNode) -> None: super().visit_ArrayNode(node) self.move_whitespaces(node.rbracket, node) if node.lbracket.whitespaces.value: node.args.is_multiline = True if node.args.arguments and not node.args.is_multiline and self.config.space_array: self.add_space_after(node.lbracket) self.add_space_after(node.args) if not node.args.arguments: self.move_whitespaces(node.lbracket, node.args) def visit_DictNode(self, node: mparser.DictNode) -> None: super().visit_DictNode(node) self.move_whitespaces(node.rcurl, node) if node.lcurl.whitespaces.value: node.args.is_multiline = True def visit_CodeBlockNode(self, node: mparser.CodeBlockNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) if node.pre_whitespaces: self.in_block_comments = True node.pre_whitespaces.accept(self) self.in_block_comments = False else: node.pre_whitespaces = mparser.WhitespaceNode(mparser.Token('whitespace', node.filename, 0, 0, 0, (0, 0), '')) node.pre_whitespaces.block_indent = True for i in node.lines: i.accept(self) self.exit_node(node) if node.lines: self.move_whitespaces(node.lines[-1], node) else: node.whitespaces.value = node.pre_whitespaces.value + node.whitespaces.value node.pre_whitespaces.value = '' self.in_block_comments = True node.whitespaces.accept(self) self.in_block_comments = False if node.condition_level == 0 and self.config.insert_final_newline: self.add_nl_after(node, force=True) indent = node.condition_level * self.config.indent_by if indent and node.lines: node.pre_whitespaces.value += indent for line in node.lines[:-1]: line.whitespaces.value += indent def visit_IndexNode(self, node: mparser.IndexNode) -> None: super().visit_IndexNode(node) self.move_whitespaces(node.rbracket, node) def visit_MethodNode(self, node: mparser.MethodNode) -> None: super().visit_MethodNode(node) self.move_whitespaces(node.rpar, node) if node.lpar.whitespaces.value: node.args.is_multiline = True def visit_FunctionNode(self, node: mparser.FunctionNode) -> None: if node.func_name.value == 'files': if self.config.sort_files: self.sort_arguments(node.args) if len(node.args.arguments) == 1 and not node.args.kwargs: arg = node.args.arguments[0] if isinstance(arg, mparser.ArrayNode): if not arg.lbracket.whitespaces or not arg.lbracket.whitespaces.value.strip(): # files([...]) -> files(...) node.args = arg.args super().visit_FunctionNode(node) self.move_whitespaces(node.rpar, node) if node.lpar.whitespaces.value: node.args.is_multiline = True def visit_AssignmentNode(self, node: mparser.AssignmentNode) -> None: super().visit_AssignmentNode(node) self.add_space_after(node.var_name) self.add_space_after(node.operator) self.move_whitespaces(node.value, node) def visit_ForeachClauseNode(self, node: mparser.ForeachClauseNode) -> None: super().visit_ForeachClauseNode(node) self.add_space_after(node.foreach_) self.add_space_after(node.varnames[-1]) for comma in node.commas: self.add_space_after(comma) self.add_space_after(node.colon) node.block.whitespaces.value += node.condition_level * self.config.indent_by node.block.whitespaces.block_indent = True self.move_whitespaces(node.endforeach, node) def visit_IfClauseNode(self, node: mparser.IfClauseNode) -> None: super().visit_IfClauseNode(node) self.move_whitespaces(node.endif, node) for if_node in node.ifs: if_node.whitespaces.value += node.condition_level * self.config.indent_by if isinstance(node.elseblock, mparser.ElseNode): node.elseblock.whitespaces.value += node.condition_level * self.config.indent_by def visit_IfNode(self, node: mparser.IfNode) -> None: super().visit_IfNode(node) self.add_space_after(node.if_) self.in_block_comments = True self.move_whitespaces(node.block, node) self.in_block_comments = False node.whitespaces.condition_level = node.condition_level + 1 node.whitespaces.block_indent = True def visit_ElseNode(self, node: mparser.ElseNode) -> None: super().visit_ElseNode(node) self.in_block_comments = True self.move_whitespaces(node.block, node) self.in_block_comments = False node.whitespaces.condition_level = node.condition_level + 1 node.whitespaces.block_indent = True def visit_TernaryNode(self, node: mparser.TernaryNode) -> None: super().visit_TernaryNode(node) self.add_space_after(node.condition) self.add_space_after(node.questionmark) self.add_space_after(node.trueblock) self.add_space_after(node.colon) self.move_whitespaces(node.falseblock, node) def visit_ArgumentNode(self, node: mparser.ArgumentNode) -> None: if not node.is_multiline: ml_detector = MultilineArgumentDetector(self.config) node.accept(ml_detector) if ml_detector.is_multiline: node.is_multiline = True self.in_arguments += 1 super().visit_ArgumentNode(node) self.in_arguments -= 1 if not node.arguments and not node.kwargs: node.whitespaces.accept(self) return last_node: mparser.BaseNode has_trailing_comma = len(node.commas) == len(node.arguments) + len(node.kwargs) if has_trailing_comma: last_node = node.commas[-1] elif node.kwargs: for last_node in node.kwargs.values(): pass else: last_node = node.arguments[-1] self.move_whitespaces(last_node, node) if not node.is_multiline and '#' not in node.whitespaces.value: node.whitespaces.value = '' def visit_ParenthesizedNode(self, node: mparser.ParenthesizedNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) is_multiline = node.lpar.whitespaces and '#' in node.lpar.whitespaces.value if is_multiline: self.indent_comments += self.config.indent_by node.lpar.accept(self) node.inner.accept(self) if is_multiline: node.inner.whitespaces.value = self.dedent(node.inner.whitespaces.value) self.indent_comments = self.dedent(self.indent_comments) self.add_nl_after(node.inner) node.rpar.accept(self) self.move_whitespaces(node.rpar, node) class ArgumentFormatter(FullAstVisitor): def __init__(self, config: FormatterConfig): self.config = config self.level = 0 self.indent_after = False self.is_function_arguments = False def add_space_after(self, node: mparser.BaseNode) -> None: if not node.whitespaces.value: node.whitespaces.value = ' ' def add_nl_after(self, node: mparser.BaseNode, indent: int) -> None: if not node.whitespaces.value or node.whitespaces.value == ' ': node.whitespaces.value = '\n' indent_by = (node.condition_level + indent) * self.config.indent_by if indent_by: node.whitespaces.value += indent_by def visit_ArrayNode(self, node: mparser.ArrayNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) if node.args.is_multiline: self.level += 1 if node.args.arguments: self.add_nl_after(node.lbracket, indent=self.level) node.lbracket.accept(self) self.is_function_arguments = False node.args.accept(self) if node.args.is_multiline: self.level -= 1 node.rbracket.accept(self) self.exit_node(node) def visit_DictNode(self, node: mparser.DictNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) if node.args.is_multiline: self.level += 1 if node.args.kwargs: self.add_nl_after(node.lcurl, indent=self.level) node.lcurl.accept(self) self.is_function_arguments = False node.args.accept(self) if node.args.is_multiline: self.level -= 1 node.rcurl.accept(self) self.exit_node(node) def visit_MethodNode(self, node: mparser.MethodNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) node.source_object.accept(self) if node.args.is_multiline: self.level += 1 self.add_nl_after(node.lpar, indent=self.level) self.is_function_arguments = True node.args.accept(self) if node.args.is_multiline: self.level -= 1 self.exit_node(node) def visit_FunctionNode(self, node: mparser.FunctionNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) if node.args.is_multiline: self.level += 1 self.add_nl_after(node.lpar, indent=self.level) self.is_function_arguments = True node.args.accept(self) if node.args.is_multiline: self.level -= 1 self.exit_node(node) def visit_WhitespaceNode(self, node: mparser.WhitespaceNode) -> None: lines = node.value.splitlines(keepends=True) if lines: indent = (node.condition_level + self.level) * self.config.indent_by node.value = '' if node.block_indent else lines.pop(0) for line in lines: if '#' in line and not line.startswith(indent): node.value += indent node.value += line if self.indent_after and node.value.endswith(('\n', self.config.indent_by)): node.value += indent def visit_ArgumentNode(self, node: mparser.ArgumentNode) -> None: is_function_arguments = self.is_function_arguments # record it, because it may change when visiting children super().visit_ArgumentNode(node) for colon in node.colons: self.add_space_after(colon) if self.config.wide_colon: for key in node.kwargs: self.add_space_after(key) arguments_count = len(node.arguments) + len(node.kwargs) has_trailing_comma = node.commas and len(node.commas) == arguments_count if node.is_multiline: need_comma = True if arguments_count == 1 and is_function_arguments: need_comma = not self.config.no_single_comma_function if need_comma and not has_trailing_comma: comma = mparser.SymbolNode(mparser.Token('comma', node.filename, 0, 0, 0, (0, 0), ',')) comma.condition_level = node.condition_level comma.whitespaces = mparser.WhitespaceNode(mparser.Token('whitespace', node.filename, 0, 0, 0, (0, 0), '')) node.commas.append(comma) elif has_trailing_comma and not need_comma: node.commas.pop(-1) arg_index = 0 if self.config.group_arg_value: for arg in node.arguments[:-1]: group_args = False if isinstance(arg, mparser.StringNode) and arg.value.startswith('--'): next_arg = node.arguments[arg_index + 1] if isinstance(next_arg, mparser.StringNode) and not next_arg.value.startswith('--'): group_args = True if group_args: # keep '--arg', 'value' on same line self.add_space_after(node.commas[arg_index]) elif arg_index < len(node.commas): self.add_nl_after(node.commas[arg_index], self.level) arg_index += 1 for comma in node.commas[arg_index:-1]: self.add_nl_after(comma, self.level) if node.arguments or node.kwargs: self.add_nl_after(node, self.level - 1) else: if has_trailing_comma and not (node.commas[-1].whitespaces and node.commas[-1].whitespaces.value): node.commas.pop(-1) for comma in node.commas: self.add_space_after(comma) self.exit_node(node) def visit_ParenthesizedNode(self, node: mparser.ParenthesizedNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) is_multiline = '\n' in node.lpar.whitespaces.value if is_multiline: current_indent_after = self.indent_after self.indent_after = True node.lpar.accept(self) node.inner.accept(self) if is_multiline: self.indent_after = current_indent_after node.rpar.accept(self) self.exit_node(node) class ComputeLineLengths(FullAstVisitor): def __init__(self, config: FormatterConfig, level: int): self.config = config self.lengths: T.List[int] = [] self.length = 0 self.argument_stack: T.List[mparser.ArgumentNode] = [] self.level = level self.need_regenerate = False def visit_default_func(self, node: mparser.BaseNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) assert hasattr(node, 'value') self.length += len(str(node.value)) self.exit_node(node) def len(self, line: str) -> int: '''Compute line length, including tab stops''' parts = line.split('\t') line_length = len(parts[0]) for p in parts[1:]: tab_length = ((self.length + line_length) % self.config.tab_width) or self.config.tab_width line_length += tab_length + len(p) return line_length def count_multiline(self, value: str) -> None: lines = value.splitlines(keepends=True) for line in lines: if line.endswith('\n'): self.lengths.append(self.length + self.len(line) - 1) self.length = 0 else: self.length += self.len(line) def visit_WhitespaceNode(self, node: mparser.WhitespaceNode) -> None: self.count_multiline(node.value) def visit_EmptyNode(self, node: mparser.EmptyNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) self.exit_node(node) def visit_NumberNode(self, node: mparser.NumberNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) self.length += len(node.raw_value) self.exit_node(node) def visit_StringNode(self, node: mparser.StringNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) if node.is_fstring: self.length += 1 if node.is_multiline: self.length += 3 self.count_multiline(node.value) self.length += 3 else: self.length += self.len(node.raw_value) + 2 self.exit_node(node) def visit_ContinueNode(self, node: mparser.ContinueNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) self.length += len('continue') self.exit_node(node) def visit_BreakNode(self, node: mparser.BreakNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) self.length += len('break') self.exit_node(node) def split_if_needed(self, node: mparser.ArgumentNode) -> None: if len(node) and not node.is_multiline and self.length > self.config.max_line_length: arg = self.argument_stack[self.level] if len(self.argument_stack) > self.level else node if not arg.is_multiline: arg.is_multiline = True self.need_regenerate = True def visit_ArgumentNode(self, node: mparser.ArgumentNode) -> None: self.argument_stack.append(node) super().visit_ArgumentNode(node) self.split_if_needed(node) self.argument_stack.pop(-1) def visit_ArrayNode(self, node: mparser.ArrayNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) node.lbracket.accept(self) node.args.accept(self) node.rbracket.accept(self) self.split_if_needed(node.args) # split if closing bracket is too far self.exit_node(node) def visit_DictNode(self, node: mparser.DictNode) -> None: self.enter_node(node) node.lcurl.accept(self) node.args.accept(self) node.rcurl.accept(self) self.split_if_needed(node.args) # split if closing bracket is too far self.exit_node(node) class SubdirFetcher(FullAstVisitor): def __init__(self, current_dir: Path): self.current_dir = current_dir self.subdirs: T.List[Path] = [] def visit_FunctionNode(self, node: mparser.FunctionNode) -> None: if node.func_name.value == 'subdir': if node.args.arguments and isinstance(node.args.arguments[0], mparser.StringNode): subdir = node.args.arguments[0].value self.subdirs.append(self.current_dir / subdir) super().visit_FunctionNode(node) class Formatter: def __init__(self, configuration_file: T.Optional[Path], use_editor_config: bool, fetch_subdirs: bool): self.fetch_subdirs = fetch_subdirs self.use_editor_config = use_editor_config self.config = self.load_configuration(configuration_file) self.current_config = self.config self.current_dir = Path() self.subdirs: T.List[Path] = [] def load_editor_config(self, source_file: Path) -> EditorConfig: # See https://editorconfig.org/ config = EditorConfig() for p in source_file.parents: editorconfig_file = p / '.editorconfig' if not editorconfig_file.exists(): continue cp = DefaultConfigParser(delimiters=('=',)) cp.read_default(editorconfig_file) sections = [section for section in cp.sections() if match_path(source_file.as_posix(), section)] for f in fields(config): if getattr(cp, f.name, None) is not None: continue # value already set from higher file getter = f.metadata['getter'] for section in sections: value = getter(cp, section, f.name, fallback=None) if value is not None: setattr(config, f.name, value) # Root is not required except in the top level .editorconfig. if cp.getboolean(cp.default_section, 'root', fallback=False): break return config def load_configuration(self, configuration_file: T.Optional[Path]) -> FormatterConfig: config = FormatterConfig() if configuration_file: cp = DefaultConfigParser() try: cp.read_default(configuration_file) except ParsingError as e: raise MesonException(f'Unable to parse configuration file "{configuration_file}":\n{e}') from e for f in fields(config): getter = f.metadata['getter'] value = getter(cp, cp.default_section, f.name, fallback=None) if value is not None: setattr(config, f.name, value) if config.use_editor_config: self.use_editor_config = True return config def format(self, code: str, source_file: Path) -> str: self.current_dir = source_file.parent self.current_config = FormatterConfig.default() if self.use_editor_config: self.current_config = self.current_config.with_editorconfig(self.load_editor_config(source_file)) self.current_config = self.current_config.update(self.config) ast = mparser.Parser(code, source_file.as_posix()).parse() if self.fetch_subdirs: subdir_fetcher = SubdirFetcher(self.current_dir) ast.accept(subdir_fetcher) self.subdirs = subdir_fetcher.subdirs ast.accept(AstConditionLevel()) for level in range(5): ast.accept(TrimWhitespaces(self.current_config)) ast.accept(ArgumentFormatter(self.current_config)) cll = ComputeLineLengths(self.current_config, level) ast.accept(cll) if not cll.need_regenerate: break printer = RawPrinter() ast.accept(printer) return printer.result def add_arguments(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: inplace_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() inplace_group.add_argument( '-q', '--check-only', action='store_true', help='exit with 1 if files would be modified by meson format' ) inplace_group.add_argument( '-i', '--inplace', action='store_true', help='format files in-place' ) parser.add_argument( '-r', '--recursive', action='store_true', help='recurse subdirs (requires --check-only or --inplace option)', ) parser.add_argument( '-c', '--configuration', metavar='meson.format', type=Path, help='read configuration from meson.format' ) parser.add_argument( '-e', '--editor-config', action='store_true', default=False, help='try to read configuration from .editorconfig' ) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', type=Path, help='output file (implies having exactly one input)' ) parser.add_argument( 'sources', nargs='*', type=Path, help='meson source files' ) def run(options: argparse.Namespace) -> int: if options.output and len(options.sources) != 1: raise MesonException('--output argument implies having exactly one source file') if options.recursive and not (options.inplace or options.check_only): raise MesonException('--recursive argument requires either --inplace or --check-only option') sources: T.List[Path] = options.sources.copy() or [Path(build_filename)] if not options.configuration: default_config_path = sources[0].parent / 'meson.format' if default_config_path.exists(): options.configuration = default_config_path formatter = Formatter(options.configuration, options.editor_config, options.recursive) while sources: src_file = sources.pop(0) if src_file.is_dir(): src_file = src_file / build_filename try: code = src_file.read_text(encoding='utf-8') except IOError as e: raise MesonException(f'Unable to read from {src_file}') from e formatted = formatter.format(code, src_file) if options.recursive: sources.extend(formatter.subdirs) if options.inplace: try: with src_file.open('w', encoding='utf-8', newline=formatter.current_config.newline) as sf: sf.write(formatted) except IOError as e: raise MesonException(f'Unable to write to {src_file}') from e elif options.check_only: # TODO: add verbose output showing diffs if code != formatted: return 1 elif options.output: try: with options.output.open('w', encoding='utf-8', newline=formatter.current_config.newline) as of: of.write(formatted) except IOError as e: raise MesonException(f'Unable to write to {src_file}') from e else: print(formatted, end='') return 0 # TODO: remove empty newlines when more than N (2...) # TODO: magic comment to prevent formatting # TODO: handle meson.options ? # TODO: split long lines on binary operators # TODO: align series of assignements # TODO: align comments # TODO: move comments on long lines # Differences from muon format: # - By default, uses two spaces before comment, and added option for that # - Muon will mix CRLF and LF on Windows files... # - Support for end_of_line char # - Support for max_line_length, end_of_line, insert_final_newline, tab_width in .editorconfig # - Option to simplify string literals # - Option to recognize and parse meson.build in subdirs # - Correctly compute line length when using tabs # - By default, arguments in files() are sorted alphabetically # - Option to group '--arg', 'value' on same line in multiline arguments