# fail noisily if attempt to use this file without setting: # cmake_minimum_required(VERSION ${CMAKE_VERSION}) # project(... LANGUAGES ...) cmake_policy(SET CMP0000 NEW) set(PACKAGE_FOUND FALSE) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES LLVM_MESON_VERSIONS) while(TRUE) #Activate CMake version selection foreach(i IN LISTS LLVM_MESON_VERSIONS) find_package(LLVM ${i} CONFIG NAMES ${LLVM_MESON_PACKAGE_NAMES} QUIET) if(LLVM_FOUND) break() endif() endforeach() # ARCHS has to be set via the CMD interface if(LLVM_FOUND OR "${ARCHS}" STREQUAL "") break() endif() list(GET ARCHS 0 CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE) list(REMOVE_AT ARCHS 0) endwhile() function(meson_llvm_cmake_dynamic_available mod out) # Check if we can only compare LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS, because # we do not need complex component translation logic, if all # is covered by one variable if(mod IN_LIST LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS) set(${out} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) return() elseif((NOT (mod IN_LIST LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS)) AND (NOT("${LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS}" STREQUAL "all"))) set(${out} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() # Complex heuristic to filter all pseudo-components and skip invalid names # LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS will be 'all', because in other case we returned # in previous check. 'all' is also handled there. set(llvm_pseudo_components "native" "backend" "engine" "all-targets") is_llvm_target_specifier(${mod} mod_spec INCLUDED_TARGETS) string(TOUPPER "${LLVM_AVAILABLE_LIBS}" capitalized_libs) string(TOUPPER "${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}" capitalized_tgts) if(mod_spec) set(${out} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(mod IN_LIST capitalized_tgts) set(${out} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(mod IN_LIST llvm_pseudo_components) set(${out} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(LLVM${mod} IN_LIST capitalized_libs) set(${out} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${out} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(is_static target ret) if(TARGET ${target}) get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE) if(target_type STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY") set(${ret} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() endif() set(${ret} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Concatenate LLVM_MESON_REQUIRED_MODULES and LLVM_MESON_OPTIONAL_MODULES set(LLVM_MESON_MODULES ${LLVM_MESON_REQUIRED_MODULES} ${LLVM_MESON_OPTIONAL_MODULES}) # Check if LLVM exists in dynamic world # Initialization before modules checking if(LLVM_FOUND) if(LLVM_MESON_DYLIB AND TARGET LLVM) set(PACKAGE_FOUND TRUE) elseif(NOT LLVM_MESON_DYLIB) # Use LLVMSupport to check if static targets exist set(static_tg FALSE) is_static(LLVMCore static_tg) if(static_tg) set(PACKAGE_FOUND TRUE) endif(static_tg) endif() endif() if(PACKAGE_FOUND) foreach(mod IN LISTS LLVM_MESON_MODULES) # Reset variables set(out_mods) set(real_mods) # Generate a lower and upper case version string(TOLOWER "${mod}" mod_L) string(TOUPPER "${mod}" mod_U) # Special case - "all-targets" pseudo target # Just append all targets, if pseudo-target exists if("${mod}" STREQUAL "all-targets") set(mod_L ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}) string(TOUPPER "${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}" mod_U) endif() # Check if required module is linked is inside libLLVM.so. # If not, skip this module if(LLVM_MESON_DYLIB AND DEFINED LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS) meson_llvm_cmake_dynamic_available(${mod} MOD_F) meson_llvm_cmake_dynamic_available(${mod_L} MOD_L_F) meson_llvm_cmake_dynamic_available(${mod_U} MOD_U_F) if(MOD_F OR MOD_L_F OR MOD_U_F) set(MESON_LLVM_TARGETS_${mod} LLVM) endif() elseif(LLVM_MESON_DYLIB AND (mod IN_LIST LLVM_MESON_REQUIRED_MODULES)) # Dynamic was requested, but no required variables set, we cannot continue set(PACKAGE_FOUND FALSE) break() elseif(LLVM_MESON_DYLIB) # Dynamic was requested, and we request optional modules only. Continue continue() else() # CMake only do this for static components, and we # replicate its behaviour # Get the mapped components llvm_map_components_to_libnames(out_mods ${mod} ${mod_L} ${mod_U}) list(SORT out_mods) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES out_mods) # Make sure that the modules exist foreach(i IN LISTS out_mods) set(static_tg FALSE) is_static(${i} static_tg) if(static_tg) list(APPEND real_mods ${i}) endif() endforeach() # Set the output variables set(MESON_LLVM_TARGETS_${mod} ${real_mods}) foreach(i IN LISTS real_mods) set(MESON_TARGET_TO_LLVM_${i} ${mod}) endforeach() endif() endforeach() # Check the following variables: # LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION # LLVM_VERSION # LLVM_VERSION_STRING if(NOT DEFINED PACKAGE_VERSION) if(DEFINED LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION) set(PACKAGE_VERSION "${LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION}") elseif(DEFINED LLVM_VERSION) set(PACKAGE_VERSION "${LLVM_VERSION}") elseif(DEFINED LLVM_VERSION_STRING) set(PACKAGE_VERSION "${LLVM_VERSION_STRING}") endif() endif() # Check the following variables: # LLVM_LIBRARIES # LLVM_LIBS set(libs) #Hardcode LLVM, because we links with libLLVM.so when dynamic if(LLVM_MESON_DYLIB) get_target_property(libs LLVM IMPORTED_LOCATION) elseif(DEFINED LLVM_LIBRARIES) set(libs LLVM_LIBRARIES) elseif(DEFINED LLVM_LIBS) set(libs LLVM_LIBS) endif() # Check the following variables: # LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS # LLVM_INCLUDES # LLVM_INCLUDE_DIR set(includes) if(DEFINED LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS) set(includes LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS) elseif(DEFINED LLVM_INCLUDES) set(includes LLVM_INCLUDES) elseif(DEFINED LLVM_INCLUDE_DIR) set(includes LLVM_INCLUDE_DIR) endif() # Check the following variables: # LLVM_DEFINITIONS set(definitions) if(DEFINED LLVM_DEFINITIONS) set(definitions LLVM_DEFINITIONS) endif() set(PACKAGE_INCLUDE_DIRS "${${includes}}") set(PACKAGE_DEFINITIONS "${${definitions}}") set(PACKAGE_LIBRARIES "${${libs}}") endif()