# Copyright 2013-2017 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This file contains the detection logic for external dependencies that # are UI-related. import os import re import subprocess import typing as T from collections import OrderedDict from .. import mlog from .. import mesonlib from ..mesonlib import ( MesonException, Popen_safe, extract_as_list, version_compare_many ) from ..environment import detect_cpu_family from .base import DependencyException, DependencyMethods from .base import ExternalDependency, NonExistingExternalProgram from .base import ExtraFrameworkDependency, PkgConfigDependency from .base import ConfigToolDependency, DependencyFactory from .base import find_external_program if T.TYPE_CHECKING: from ..environment import Environment from .base import ExternalProgram class GLDependencySystem(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, name: str, environment, kwargs): super().__init__(name, environment, kwargs) if self.env.machines[self.for_machine].is_darwin(): self.is_found = True # FIXME: Use AppleFrameworks dependency self.link_args = ['-framework', 'OpenGL'] # FIXME: Detect version using self.clib_compiler return if self.env.machines[self.for_machine].is_windows(): self.is_found = True # FIXME: Use self.clib_compiler.find_library() self.link_args = ['-lopengl32'] # FIXME: Detect version using self.clib_compiler return @staticmethod def get_methods(): if mesonlib.is_osx() or mesonlib.is_windows(): return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.SYSTEM] else: return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG] def log_tried(self): return 'system' class GnuStepDependency(ConfigToolDependency): tools = ['gnustep-config'] tool_name = 'gnustep-config' def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): super().__init__('gnustep', environment, kwargs, language='objc') if not self.is_found: return self.modules = kwargs.get('modules', []) self.compile_args = self.filter_args( self.get_config_value(['--objc-flags'], 'compile_args')) self.link_args = self.weird_filter(self.get_config_value( ['--gui-libs' if 'gui' in self.modules else '--base-libs'], 'link_args')) def find_config(self, versions=None, returncode: int = 0): tool = [self.tools[0]] try: p, out = Popen_safe(tool + ['--help'])[:2] except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): return (None, None) if p.returncode != returncode: return (None, None) self.config = tool found_version = self.detect_version() if versions and not version_compare_many(found_version, versions)[0]: return (None, found_version) return (tool, found_version) def weird_filter(self, elems): """When building packages, the output of the enclosing Make is sometimes mixed among the subprocess output. I have no idea why. As a hack filter out everything that is not a flag. """ return [e for e in elems if e.startswith('-')] def filter_args(self, args): """gnustep-config returns a bunch of garbage args such as -O2 and so on. Drop everything that is not needed. """ result = [] for f in args: if f.startswith('-D') \ or f.startswith('-f') \ or f.startswith('-I') \ or f == '-pthread' \ or (f.startswith('-W') and not f == '-Wall'): result.append(f) return result def detect_version(self): gmake = self.get_config_value(['--variable=GNUMAKE'], 'variable')[0] makefile_dir = self.get_config_value(['--variable=GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES'], 'variable')[0] # This Makefile has the GNUStep version set base_make = os.path.join(makefile_dir, 'Additional', 'base.make') # Print the Makefile variable passed as the argument. For instance, if # you run the make target `print-SOME_VARIABLE`, this will print the # value of the variable `SOME_VARIABLE`. printver = "print-%:\n\t@echo '$($*)'" env = os.environ.copy() # See base.make to understand why this is set env['FOUNDATION_LIB'] = 'gnu' p, o, e = Popen_safe([gmake, '-f', '-', '-f', base_make, 'print-GNUSTEP_BASE_VERSION'], env=env, write=printver, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) version = o.strip() if not version: mlog.debug("Couldn't detect GNUStep version, falling back to '1'") # Fallback to setting some 1.x version version = '1' return version def _qt_get_private_includes(mod_inc_dir, module, mod_version): # usually Qt5 puts private headers in /QT_INSTALL_HEADERS/module/VERSION/module/private # except for at least QtWebkit and Enginio where the module version doesn't match Qt version # as an example with Qt 5.10.1 on linux you would get: # /usr/include/qt5/QtCore/5.10.1/QtCore/private/ # /usr/include/qt5/QtWidgets/5.10.1/QtWidgets/private/ # /usr/include/qt5/QtWebKit/5.212.0/QtWebKit/private/ # on Qt4 when available private folder is directly in module folder # like /usr/include/QtCore/private/ if int(mod_version.split('.')[0]) < 5: return tuple() private_dir = os.path.join(mod_inc_dir, mod_version) # fallback, let's try to find a directory with the latest version if not os.path.exists(private_dir): dirs = [filename for filename in os.listdir(mod_inc_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mod_inc_dir, filename))] dirs.sort(reverse=True) for dirname in dirs: if len(dirname.split('.')) == 3: private_dir = dirname break return (private_dir, os.path.join(private_dir, 'Qt' + module)) class QtExtraFrameworkDependency(ExtraFrameworkDependency): def __init__(self, name, env, kwargs, language: T.Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(name, env, kwargs, language=language) self.mod_name = name[2:] def get_compile_args(self, with_private_headers=False, qt_version="0"): if self.found(): mod_inc_dir = os.path.join(self.framework_path, 'Headers') args = ['-I' + mod_inc_dir] if with_private_headers: args += ['-I' + dirname for dirname in _qt_get_private_includes(mod_inc_dir, self.mod_name, qt_version)] return args return [] class QtBaseDependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, name, env, kwargs): super().__init__(name, env, kwargs, language='cpp') self.qtname = name.capitalize() self.qtver = name[-1] if self.qtver == "4": self.qtpkgname = 'Qt' else: self.qtpkgname = self.qtname self.root = '/usr' self.bindir = None self.private_headers = kwargs.get('private_headers', False) mods = extract_as_list(kwargs, 'modules') self.requested_modules = mods if not mods: raise DependencyException('No ' + self.qtname + ' modules specified.') self.from_text = 'pkg-config' self.qtmain = kwargs.get('main', False) if not isinstance(self.qtmain, bool): raise DependencyException('"main" argument must be a boolean') # Keep track of the detection methods used, for logging purposes. methods = [] # Prefer pkg-config, then fallback to `qmake -query` if DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG in self.methods: mlog.debug('Trying to find qt with pkg-config') self._pkgconfig_detect(mods, kwargs) methods.append('pkgconfig') if not self.is_found and DependencyMethods.QMAKE in self.methods: mlog.debug('Trying to find qt with qmake') self.from_text = self._qmake_detect(mods, kwargs) methods.append('qmake-' + self.name) methods.append('qmake') if not self.is_found: # Reset compile args and link args self.compile_args = [] self.link_args = [] self.from_text = mlog.format_list(methods) self.version = None def compilers_detect(self, interp_obj): "Detect Qt (4 or 5) moc, uic, rcc in the specified bindir or in PATH" # It is important that this list does not change order as the order of # the returned ExternalPrograms will change as well bins = ['moc', 'uic', 'rcc', 'lrelease'] found = {b: NonExistingExternalProgram(name='{}-{}'.format(b, self.name)) for b in bins} wanted = '== {}'.format(self.version) def gen_bins(): for b in bins: if self.bindir: yield os.path.join(self.bindir, b), b # prefer the -qt of the tool to the plain one, as we # don't know what the unsuffixed one points to without calling it. yield '{}-{}'.format(b, self.name), b yield b, b for b, name in gen_bins(): if found[name].found(): continue if name == 'lrelease': arg = ['-version'] elif mesonlib.version_compare(self.version, '>= 5'): arg = ['--version'] else: arg = ['-v'] # Ensure that the version of qt and each tool are the same def get_version(p): _, out, err = mesonlib.Popen_safe(p.get_command() + arg) if b.startswith('lrelease') or not self.version.startswith('4'): care = out else: care = err return care.split(' ')[-1].replace(')', '').strip() p = interp_obj.find_program_impl([b], required=False, version_func=get_version, wanted=wanted).held_object if p.found(): found[name] = p return tuple([found[b] for b in bins]) def _pkgconfig_detect(self, mods, kwargs): # We set the value of required to False so that we can try the # qmake-based fallback if pkg-config fails. kwargs['required'] = False modules = OrderedDict() for module in mods: modules[module] = PkgConfigDependency(self.qtpkgname + module, self.env, kwargs, language=self.language) for m_name, m in modules.items(): if not m.found(): self.is_found = False return self.compile_args += m.get_compile_args() if self.private_headers: qt_inc_dir = m.get_pkgconfig_variable('includedir', dict()) mod_private_dir = os.path.join(qt_inc_dir, 'Qt' + m_name) if not os.path.isdir(mod_private_dir): # At least some versions of homebrew don't seem to set this # up correctly. /usr/local/opt/qt/include/Qt + m_name is a # symlink to /usr/local/opt/qt/include, but the pkg-config # file points to /usr/local/Cellar/qt/x.y.z/Headers/, and # the Qt + m_name there is not a symlink, it's a file mod_private_dir = qt_inc_dir mod_private_inc = _qt_get_private_includes(mod_private_dir, m_name, m.version) for directory in mod_private_inc: self.compile_args.append('-I' + directory) self.link_args += m.get_link_args() if 'Core' in modules: core = modules['Core'] else: corekwargs = {'required': 'false', 'silent': 'true'} core = PkgConfigDependency(self.qtpkgname + 'Core', self.env, corekwargs, language=self.language) modules['Core'] = core if self.env.machines[self.for_machine].is_windows() and self.qtmain: # Check if we link with debug binaries debug_lib_name = self.qtpkgname + 'Core' + self._get_modules_lib_suffix(True) is_debug = False for arg in core.get_link_args(): if arg == '-l%s' % debug_lib_name or arg.endswith('%s.lib' % debug_lib_name) or arg.endswith('%s.a' % debug_lib_name): is_debug = True break libdir = core.get_pkgconfig_variable('libdir', {}) if not self._link_with_qtmain(is_debug, libdir): self.is_found = False return self.is_found = True self.version = m.version self.pcdep = list(modules.values()) # Try to detect moc, uic, rcc # Used by self.compilers_detect() self.bindir = self.get_pkgconfig_host_bins(core) if not self.bindir: # If exec_prefix is not defined, the pkg-config file is broken prefix = core.get_pkgconfig_variable('exec_prefix', {}) if prefix: self.bindir = os.path.join(prefix, 'bin') def search_qmake(self) -> T.Generator['ExternalProgram', None, None]: for qmake in ('qmake-' + self.name, 'qmake'): yield from find_external_program(self.env, self.for_machine, qmake, 'QMake', [qmake]) def _qmake_detect(self, mods, kwargs): for qmake in self.search_qmake(): if not qmake.found(): continue # Check that the qmake is for qt5 pc, stdo = Popen_safe(qmake.get_command() + ['-v'])[0:2] if pc.returncode != 0: continue if not 'Qt version ' + self.qtver in stdo: mlog.log('QMake is not for ' + self.qtname) continue # Found qmake for Qt5! self.qmake = qmake break else: # Didn't find qmake :( self.is_found = False return self.version = re.search(self.qtver + r'(\.\d+)+', stdo).group(0) # Query library path, header path, and binary path mlog.log("Found qmake:", mlog.bold(self.qmake.get_path()), '(%s)' % self.version) stdo = Popen_safe(self.qmake.get_command() + ['-query'])[1] qvars = {} for line in stdo.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line == '': continue (k, v) = tuple(line.split(':', 1)) qvars[k] = v # Qt on macOS uses a framework, but Qt for iOS/tvOS does not xspec = qvars.get('QMAKE_XSPEC', '') if self.env.machines.host.is_darwin() and not any(s in xspec for s in ['ios', 'tvos']): mlog.debug("Building for macOS, looking for framework") self._framework_detect(qvars, mods, kwargs) # Sometimes Qt is built not as a framework (for instance, when using conan pkg manager) # skip and fall back to normal procedure then if self.is_found: return self.qmake.name else: mlog.debug("Building for macOS, couldn't find framework, falling back to library search") incdir = qvars['QT_INSTALL_HEADERS'] self.compile_args.append('-I' + incdir) libdir = qvars['QT_INSTALL_LIBS'] # Used by self.compilers_detect() self.bindir = self.get_qmake_host_bins(qvars) self.is_found = True # Use the buildtype by default, but look at the b_vscrt option if the # compiler supports it. is_debug = self.env.coredata.get_builtin_option('buildtype') == 'debug' if 'b_vscrt' in self.env.coredata.base_options: if self.env.coredata.base_options['b_vscrt'].value in ('mdd', 'mtd'): is_debug = True modules_lib_suffix = self._get_modules_lib_suffix(is_debug) for module in mods: mincdir = os.path.join(incdir, 'Qt' + module) self.compile_args.append('-I' + mincdir) if module == 'QuickTest': define_base = 'QMLTEST' elif module == 'Test': define_base = 'TESTLIB' else: define_base = module.upper() self.compile_args.append('-DQT_%s_LIB' % define_base) if self.private_headers: priv_inc = self.get_private_includes(mincdir, module) for directory in priv_inc: self.compile_args.append('-I' + directory) libfile = self.clib_compiler.find_library(self.qtpkgname + module + modules_lib_suffix, self.env, libdir) if libfile: libfile = libfile[0] else: mlog.log("Could not find:", module, self.qtpkgname + module + modules_lib_suffix, 'in', libdir) self.is_found = False break self.link_args.append(libfile) if self.env.machines[self.for_machine].is_windows() and self.qtmain: if not self._link_with_qtmain(is_debug, libdir): self.is_found = False return self.qmake.name def _get_modules_lib_suffix(self, is_debug): suffix = '' if self.env.machines[self.for_machine].is_windows(): if is_debug: suffix += 'd' if self.qtver == '4': suffix += '4' if self.env.machines[self.for_machine].is_darwin(): if is_debug: suffix += '_debug' if mesonlib.version_compare(self.version, '>= 5.14.0'): if self.env.machines[self.for_machine].is_android(): cpu_family = self.env.machines[self.for_machine].cpu_family if cpu_family == 'x86': suffix += '_x86' elif cpu_family == 'x86_64': suffix += '_x86_64' elif cpu_family == 'arm': suffix += '_armeabi-v7a' elif cpu_family == 'aarch64': suffix += '_arm64-v8a' else: mlog.warning('Android target arch {!r} for Qt5 is unknown, ' 'module detection may not work'.format(cpu_family)) return suffix def _link_with_qtmain(self, is_debug, libdir): base_name = 'qtmaind' if is_debug else 'qtmain' qtmain = self.clib_compiler.find_library(base_name, self.env, libdir) if qtmain: self.link_args.append(qtmain[0]) return True return False def _framework_detect(self, qvars, modules, kwargs): libdir = qvars['QT_INSTALL_LIBS'] # ExtraFrameworkDependency doesn't support any methods fw_kwargs = kwargs.copy() fw_kwargs.pop('method', None) fw_kwargs['paths'] = [libdir] for m in modules: fname = 'Qt' + m mlog.debug('Looking for qt framework ' + fname) fwdep = QtExtraFrameworkDependency(fname, self.env, fw_kwargs, language=self.language) if fwdep.found(): self.compile_args.append('-F' + libdir) self.compile_args += fwdep.get_compile_args(with_private_headers=self.private_headers, qt_version=self.version) self.link_args += fwdep.get_link_args() else: break else: self.is_found = True # Used by self.compilers_detect() self.bindir = self.get_qmake_host_bins(qvars) def get_qmake_host_bins(self, qvars): # Prefer QT_HOST_BINS (qt5, correct for cross and native compiling) # but fall back to QT_INSTALL_BINS (qt4) if 'QT_HOST_BINS' in qvars: return qvars['QT_HOST_BINS'] else: return qvars['QT_INSTALL_BINS'] @staticmethod def get_methods(): return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.QMAKE] def get_exe_args(self, compiler): # Originally this was -fPIE but nowadays the default # for upstream and distros seems to be -reduce-relocations # which requires -fPIC. This may cause a performance # penalty when using self-built Qt or on platforms # where -fPIC is not required. If this is an issue # for you, patches are welcome. return compiler.get_pic_args() def get_private_includes(self, mod_inc_dir, module): return tuple() def log_details(self): module_str = ', '.join(self.requested_modules) return 'modules: ' + module_str def log_info(self): return '{}'.format(self.from_text) def log_tried(self): return self.from_text class Qt4Dependency(QtBaseDependency): def __init__(self, env, kwargs): QtBaseDependency.__init__(self, 'qt4', env, kwargs) def get_pkgconfig_host_bins(self, core): # Only return one bins dir, because the tools are generally all in one # directory for Qt4, in Qt5, they must all be in one directory. Return # the first one found among the bin variables, in case one tool is not # configured to be built. applications = ['moc', 'uic', 'rcc', 'lupdate', 'lrelease'] for application in applications: try: return os.path.dirname(core.get_pkgconfig_variable('%s_location' % application, {})) except MesonException: pass class Qt5Dependency(QtBaseDependency): def __init__(self, env, kwargs): QtBaseDependency.__init__(self, 'qt5', env, kwargs) def get_pkgconfig_host_bins(self, core): return core.get_pkgconfig_variable('host_bins', {}) def get_private_includes(self, mod_inc_dir, module): return _qt_get_private_includes(mod_inc_dir, module, self.version) class SDL2DependencyConfigTool(ConfigToolDependency): tools = ['sdl2-config'] tool_name = 'sdl2-config' def __init__(self, name: str, environment: 'Environment', kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]): super().__init__(name, environment, kwargs) if not self.is_found: return self.compile_args = self.get_config_value(['--cflags'], 'compile_args') self.link_args = self.get_config_value(['--libs'], 'link_args') @staticmethod def get_methods(): if mesonlib.is_osx(): return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL, DependencyMethods.EXTRAFRAMEWORK] else: return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL] class WxDependency(ConfigToolDependency): tools = ['wx-config-3.0', 'wx-config', 'wx-config-gtk3'] tool_name = 'wx-config' def __init__(self, environment: 'Environment', kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]): super().__init__('WxWidgets', environment, kwargs, language='cpp') if not self.is_found: return self.requested_modules = self.get_requested(kwargs) extra_args = [] if self.static: extra_args.append('--static=yes') # Check to make sure static is going to work err = Popen_safe(self.config + extra_args)[2] if 'No config found to match' in err: mlog.debug('WxWidgets is missing static libraries.') self.is_found = False return # wx-config seems to have a cflags as well but since it requires C++, # this should be good, at least for now. self.compile_args = self.get_config_value(['--cxxflags'] + extra_args + self.requested_modules, 'compile_args') self.link_args = self.get_config_value(['--libs'] + extra_args + self.requested_modules, 'link_args') @staticmethod def get_requested(kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> T.List[str]: if 'modules' not in kwargs: return [] candidates = extract_as_list(kwargs, 'modules') for c in candidates: if not isinstance(c, str): raise DependencyException('wxwidgets module argument is not a string') return candidates class VulkanDependencySystem(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, name: str, environment, kwargs, language: T.Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(name, environment, kwargs, language=language) try: self.vulkan_sdk = os.environ['VULKAN_SDK'] if not os.path.isabs(self.vulkan_sdk): raise DependencyException('VULKAN_SDK must be an absolute path.') except KeyError: self.vulkan_sdk = None if self.vulkan_sdk: # TODO: this config might not work on some platforms, fix bugs as reported # we should at least detect other 64-bit platforms (e.g. armv8) lib_name = 'vulkan' lib_dir = 'lib' inc_dir = 'include' if mesonlib.is_windows(): lib_name = 'vulkan-1' lib_dir = 'Lib32' inc_dir = 'Include' if detect_cpu_family(self.env.coredata.compilers.host) == 'x86_64': lib_dir = 'Lib' # make sure header and lib are valid inc_path = os.path.join(self.vulkan_sdk, inc_dir) header = os.path.join(inc_path, 'vulkan', 'vulkan.h') lib_path = os.path.join(self.vulkan_sdk, lib_dir) find_lib = self.clib_compiler.find_library(lib_name, environment, lib_path) if not find_lib: raise DependencyException('VULKAN_SDK point to invalid directory (no lib)') if not os.path.isfile(header): raise DependencyException('VULKAN_SDK point to invalid directory (no include)') self.type_name = 'vulkan_sdk' self.is_found = True self.compile_args.append('-I' + inc_path) self.link_args.append('-L' + lib_path) self.link_args.append('-l' + lib_name) # TODO: find a way to retrieve the version from the sdk? # Usually it is a part of the path to it (but does not have to be) return else: # simply try to guess it, usually works on linux libs = self.clib_compiler.find_library('vulkan', environment, []) if libs is not None and self.clib_compiler.has_header('vulkan/vulkan.h', '', environment, disable_cache=True)[0]: self.type_name = 'system' self.is_found = True for lib in libs: self.link_args.append(lib) return @staticmethod def get_methods(): return [DependencyMethods.SYSTEM] def log_tried(self): return 'system' gl_factory = DependencyFactory( 'gl', [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.SYSTEM], system_class=GLDependencySystem, ) sdl2_factory = DependencyFactory( 'sdl2', [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL, DependencyMethods.EXTRAFRAMEWORK], configtool_class=SDL2DependencyConfigTool, ) vulkan_factory = DependencyFactory( 'vulkan', [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.SYSTEM], system_class=VulkanDependencySystem, )