#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright © 2021 Intel Corporation

"""Script for running a single project test.

This script is meant for Meson developers who want to run a single project
test, with all of the rules from the test.json file loaded.

import argparse
import pathlib
import typing as T

from mesonbuild import mlog
from run_project_tests import TestDef, load_test_json, run_test, BuildStep, test_emits_skip_msg
from run_project_tests import setup_commands, detect_system_compiler, print_tool_versions

    from run_project_tests import CompilerArgumentType

    class ArgumentType(CompilerArgumentType):

        """Typing information for command line arguments."""

        case: pathlib.Path
        subtests: T.List[int]
        backend: str
        extra_args: T.List[str]

def main() -> None:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('case', type=pathlib.Path, help='The test case to run')
    parser.add_argument('extra_args', nargs='*',
                        help='arguments that are passed directly to Meson (remember to have -- before these).')
    parser.add_argument('--subtest', type=int, action='append', dest='subtests', help='which subtests to run')
    parser.add_argument('--backend', action='store', help="Which backend to use")
    parser.add_argument('--cross-file', action='store', help='File describing cross compilation environment.')
    parser.add_argument('--native-file', action='store', help='File describing native compilation environment.')
    parser.add_argument('--use-tmpdir', action='store_true', help='Use tmp directory for temporary files.')
    args = T.cast('ArgumentType', parser.parse_args())


    test = TestDef(args.case, args.case.stem, [])
    tests = load_test_json(test, False)
    if args.subtests:
        tests = [t for i, t in enumerate(tests) if i in args.subtests]

    def should_fail(path: pathlib.Path) -> str:
        dir_ = path.parent.stem
        # FIXME: warning tets might not be handled correctly still…
        if dir_.startswith(('failing', 'warning')):
            if ' ' in dir_:
                return dir_.split(' ')[1]
            return 'meson'
        return ''

    results = [run_test(t, t.args + args.extra_args, should_fail(t.path), args.use_tmpdir) for t in tests]
    failed = False
    for test, result in zip(tests, results):
        if result is None:
            is_skipped = True
            skip_reason = 'not run because preconditions were not met'
            for l in result.stdo.splitlines():
                if test_emits_skip_msg(l):
                    is_skipped = True
                    offset = l.index('MESON_SKIP_TEST') + 16
                    skip_reason = l[offset:].strip()
                is_skipped = False
                skip_reason = ''

        if is_skipped:
            msg = mlog.yellow('SKIP:')
        elif result.msg:
            msg = mlog.red('FAIL:')
            failed = True
            msg = mlog.green('PASS:')
        mlog.log(msg, *test.display_name())
        if skip_reason:
            mlog.log(mlog.bold('Reason:'), skip_reason)
        if result is not None and result.msg and 'MESON_SKIP_TEST' not in result.stdo:
            mlog.log('reason:', result.msg)
            if result.step is BuildStep.configure:
                # For configure failures, instead of printing stdout,
                # print the meson log if available since it's a superset
                # of stdout and often has very useful information.
            for cmd_res in result.cicmds:

    exit(1 if failed else 0)

if __name__ == "__main__":