" Vim syntax file " Language: Meson " Maintainer: Nirbheek Chauhan <nirbheek.chauhan@gmail.com> " Last Change: 2016 Dec 7 " Credits: Zvezdan Petkovic <zpetkovic@acm.org> " Neil Schemenauer <nas@meson.ca> " Dmitry Vasiliev " " This version is copied and edited from python.vim " It's very basic, and doesn't do many things I'd like it to " For instance, it should show errors for syntax that is valid in " Python but not in Meson. " " Optional highlighting can be controlled using these variables. " " let meson_space_error_highlight = 1 " " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items. " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded. if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " We need nocompatible mode in order to continue lines with backslashes. " Original setting will be restored. let s:cpo_save = &cpo setlocal cpo&vim " https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/wiki/Syntax syn keyword mesonConditional elif else if endif syn keyword mesonRepeat foreach endforeach syn keyword mesonOperator and not or syn match mesonComment "#.*$" contains=mesonTodo,@Spell syn keyword mesonTodo FIXME NOTE NOTES TODO XXX contained " Strings can either be single quoted or triple counted across multiple lines, " but always with a ' syn region mesonString \ start="\z('\)" end="\z1" skip="\\\\\|\\\z1" \ contains=mesonEscape,@Spell syn region mesonString \ start="\z('''\)" end="\z1" keepend \ contains=mesonEscape,mesonSpaceError,@Spell syn match mesonEscape "\\[abfnrtv'\\]" contained syn match mesonEscape "\\\o\{1,3}" contained syn match mesonEscape "\\x\x\{2}" contained syn match mesonEscape "\%(\\u\x\{4}\|\\U\x\{8}\)" contained " Meson allows case-insensitive Unicode IDs: http://www.unicode.org/charts/ syn match mesonEscape "\\N{\a\+\%(\s\a\+\)*}" contained syn match mesonEscape "\\$" " Meson only supports integer numbers " https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/wiki/Syntax#numbers syn match mesonNumber "\<\d\+\>" " booleans syn keyword mesonConstant false true " Built-in functions syn keyword mesonBuiltin \ add_global_arguments \ add_global_link_arguments \ add_languages \ add_project_arguments \ add_project_arguments \ add_project_link_arguments \ benchmark \ build_machine \ build_target \ configuration_data \ configure_file \ custom_target \ declare_dependency \ dependency \ environment \ error \ executable \ files \ find_library \ find_program \ generator \ get_option \ get_variable \ gettext \ host_machine \ import \ include_directories \ install_data \ install_headers \ install_man \ install_subdir \ is_subproject \ is_variable \ jar \ join_paths \ library \ meson \ message \ project \ run_command \ run_target \ set_variable \ shared_library \ shared_module \ static_library \ subdir \ subproject \ target_machine \ test \ vcs_tag if exists("meson_space_error_highlight") " trailing whitespace syn match mesonSpaceError display excludenl "\s\+$" " mixed tabs and spaces syn match mesonSpaceError display " \+\t" syn match mesonSpaceError display "\t\+ " endif if version >= 508 || !exists("did_meson_syn_inits") if version <= 508 let did_meson_syn_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> endif " The default highlight links. Can be overridden later. HiLink mesonStatement Statement HiLink mesonConditional Conditional HiLink mesonRepeat Repeat HiLink mesonOperator Operator HiLink mesonComment Comment HiLink mesonTodo Todo HiLink mesonString String HiLink mesonEscape Special HiLink mesonNumber Number HiLink mesonBuiltin Function HiLink mesonConstant Number if exists("meson_space_error_highlight") HiLink mesonSpaceError Error endif delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "meson" let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim:set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 noet: