project('dependency-link-test', ['c', 'vala'], version: '0.1') valac = meson.get_compiler('vala') gee_dep = dependency('gee-0.8', required : false) code = '''void main() { var a=new Gee.ArrayList (); a.add (42); stdout.printf("%i",a[0]);}''' if gee_dep.found() # test 1; code should link code_links = valac.links( code, dependencies : [gee_dep], name: 'links with gee-0.8 library? == YES', ) assert (code_links, 'gee-0.8 library should link successfully.') endif # test 2; code should not link code_links = valac.links( code, name: 'links with gee library? == NO', ) assert (not code_links, 'gee-0.8 library should not link successfully.') math_dep = meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('m', required : false) glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0', required : false) code = '''void main() { var a=GLib.Math.cos (GLib.Math.PI / 3); stdout.printf("%f",a);}''' if math_dep.found() and glib_dep.found() # test 3; code should link code_links = valac.links( code, dependencies : [math_dep, glib_dep], name: 'links with math & glib-2.0 library? == YES', ) assert (code_links, 'Math library and glib-2.0 library should link successfully.') endif gio_dep = dependency('gio-2.0', required : false) code = '''void main() {var s = new GLib.Settings ("test");}''' if gio_dep.found() # test 4; code should link code_links = valac.links( code, dependencies : [gio_dep], name: 'links with gio-2.0? == YES', ) assert (code_links, 'gio-2.0 library should link successfully.') endif # test 5; code should not link code_links = valac.links( code, name: 'links with gio-2.0? == NO', ) assert (not code_links, 'gio-2.0 library should not link successfully.')