name: dep long_name: Dependency object description: Abstract representation of a dependency methods: - name: found returns: bool description: Returns whether the dependency was found. - name: name since: 0.48.0 returns: str description: | Returns the name of the dependency that was searched. Returns `'internal'` for dependencies created with [[declare_dependency]]. - name: get_pkgconfig_variable since: 0.36.0 deprecated: 0.56.0 returns: str description: | Gets the pkg-config variable specified, or, if invoked on a non pkg-config dependency, error out. posargs: var_name: type: str description: Name of the variable to query kwargs: define_variable: type: list[str] since: 0.44.0 description: | You can also redefine a variable by passing a list to this kwarg that can affect the retrieved variable: `['prefix', '/'])`. default: type: str since: 0.45.0 description: | The value to return if the variable was not found. A warning is issued if the variable is not defined and this kwarg is not set. - name: get_configtool_variable since: 0.44.0 deprecated: 0.56.0 returns: str description: | Gets the command line argument from the config tool (with `--` prepended), or, if invoked on a non config-tool dependency, error out. posargs: var_name: type: str description: Name of the variable to query - name: type_name returns: str description: | Returns a string describing the type of the dependency, the most common values are `internal` for deps created with [[declare_dependency]] and `pkgconfig` for system dependencies obtained with Pkg-config. - name: version returns: str description: | the version number as a string, for example `1.2.8`. `unknown` if the dependency provider doesn't support determining the version. - name: include_type returns: str since: 0.52.0 description: Returns the value set by the `include_type` kwarg. - name: as_system returns: dep since: 0.52.0 description: | Returns a copy of the dependency object, which has changed the value of `include_type` to `value`. The `value` argument is optional and defaults to `'preserve'`. optargs: value: type: str description: The new value. See [[dependency]] for supported values. - name: as_link_whole returns: dep since: 0.56.0 description: | Only dependencies created with [[declare_dependency]], returns a copy of the dependency object with all link_with arguments changed to link_whole. This is useful for example for fallback dependency from a subproject built with `default_library=static`. Note that all `link_with` objects must be static libraries otherwise an error will be raised when trying to `link_whole` a shared library. - name: partial_dependency returns: dep since: 0.46.0 description: | Returns a new dependency object with the same name, version, found status, type name, and methods as the object that called it. This new object will only inherit other attributes from its parent as controlled by keyword arguments. If the parent has any dependencies, those will be applied to the new partial dependency with the same rules. So, given: ```meson dep1 = declare_dependency(compile_args : '-Werror=foo', link_with : 'libfoo') dep2 = declare_dependency(compile_args : '-Werror=bar', dependencies : dep1) dep3 = dep2.partial_dependency(compile_args : true) ``` dep3 will add `['-Werror=foo', '-Werror=bar']` to the compiler args of any target it is added to, but libfoo will not be added to the link_args. The following arguments will add the following attributes: - compile_args: any arguments passed to the compiler - link_args: any arguments passed to the linker - links: anything passed via link_with or link_whole - includes: any include_directories - sources: any compiled or static sources the dependency has warnings: - A bug present until 0.50.1 results in the above behavior not working correctly. kwargs: compile_args: type: bool default: false description: Whether to include compile_args link_args: type: bool default: false description: Whether to include link_args links: type: bool default: false description: Whether to include links includes: type: bool default: false description: Whether to include includes sources: type: bool default: false description: Whether to include sources - name: get_variable returns: str since: 0.51.0 description: | A generic variable getter method, which replaces the `get_*type*_variable` methods. This allows one to get the variable from a dependency without knowing specifically how that dependency was found. If `default_value` is set and the value cannot be gotten from the object then `default_value` is returned, if it is not set then an error is raised. optargs: varname: type: str since: 0.58.0 description: | This argument is used as a default value for `cmake`, `pkgconfig`, `configtool` and `internal` keyword arguments. It is useful in the common case where `pkgconfig` and `internal` use the same variable name, in which case it's easier to write `dep.get_variable('foo')` instead of `dep.get_variable(pkgconfig: 'foo', internal: 'foo')`. kwargs: cmake: type: str description: The CMake variable name pkgconfig: type: str description: The pkgconfig variable name configtool: type: str description: The configtool variable name internal: type: str since: 0.54.0 description: The internal variable name default_value: type: str description: The davault value to return when the variable does not exist pkgconfig_define: type: list[str] description: See [[dep.get_pkgconfig_variable]]