project('llvmtest', ['c', 'cpp'], default_options : ['c_std=c99']) method = get_option('method') static = get_option('link-static') d = dependency('llvm', required : false, static : static) if not d.found() error('MESON_SKIP_TEST llvm not found.') endif modules_to_find = [ 'bitwriter', 'asmprinter', 'executionengine', 'mcjit', 'target', 'nativecodegen', 'amdgpu', 'engine' ] if(method == 'combination') if not d.version().version_compare(static ? '>0.1' : '>=7.0') error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: llvm version is too low') endif llvm_ct_dep = dependency( 'llvm', modules : modules_to_find, required : false, static : static, method : 'config-tool', ) # Bump the version along till the LLVM bug is fixed if static and d.version().startswith('16.0') and d.version()[5].to_int() <= 4 message('Skipping modules with cmake, see') llvm_cm_dep = dependency( 'llvm', required : false, static : static, method : 'cmake', ) else llvm_cm_dep = dependency( 'llvm', modules : modules_to_find, required : false, static : static, method : 'cmake', ) endif assert(llvm_ct_dep.found() and llvm_cm_dep.found(), 'config-tool and cmake both need to be found') cm_version_major = llvm_cm_dep.version().split('.')[0].to_int() cm_version_minor = llvm_cm_dep.version().split('.')[1].to_int() ct_version_major = llvm_ct_dep.version().split('.')[0].to_int() ct_version_minor = llvm_ct_dep.version().split('.')[1].to_int() assert(cm_version_major == ct_version_major, 'config-tool and cmake returns different major versions') assert(cm_version_minor == ct_version_minor, 'config-tool and cmake returns different minor versions') else if(not static and method == 'cmake') d = dependency('llvm', version : '>=7.0', required : false, static : static) if not d.found() error('MESON_SKIP_TEST llvm version is too low for cmake dynamic link.') endif endif d = dependency('llvm', modules : 'not-found', required : false, static : static, method : method) assert(d.found() == false, 'not-found llvm module found') d = dependency('llvm', version : '<0.1', required : false, static : static, method : method) assert(d.found() == false, 'ancient llvm module found') d = dependency('llvm', optional_modules : 'not-found', required : false, static : static, method : method) assert(d.found() == true, 'optional module stopped llvm from being found.') # Check we can apply a version constraint d = dependency('llvm', version : ['< 500', '>=@0@'.format(d.version())], required: false, static : static, method : method) assert(d.found() == true, 'Cannot set version constraints') # Check if we have to get pseudo components d = dependency('llvm', modules: ['all-targets','native','engine'], required: false, static : static, method : method) assert(d.found() == true, 'Cannot find pseudo components') dep_tinfo = dependency('tinfo', required : false) if not dep_tinfo.found() cpp = meson.get_compiler('cpp') dep_tinfo = cpp.find_library('tinfo', required: false) endif # Bump the version along till the LLVM bug is fixed if static and method == 'cmake' and d.version().startswith('16.0') and d.version()[5].to_int() <= 4 message('Skipping modules with cmake, see') llvm_dep = dependency( 'llvm', required : false, static : static, method : method, ) else llvm_dep = dependency( 'llvm', modules : modules_to_find, required : false, static : static, method : method, ) endif if not llvm_dep.found() error('MESON_SKIP_TEST required llvm modules not found.') endif executable( 'sum', 'sum.c', dependencies : [ llvm_dep, dep_tinfo, # zlib will be statically linked on windows dependency('zlib', required : host_machine.system() != 'windows'), meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('dl', required : false), ] ) endif