# Copyright 2020 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Entrypoint script for backend agnostic compile.""" import os import pathlib import shutil import sys import typing as T from . import mlog from . import mesonlib from .mesonlib import MesonException if T.TYPE_CHECKING: import argparse def add_arguments(parser: 'argparse.ArgumentParser') -> None: """Add compile specific arguments.""" parser.add_argument( '-j', '--jobs', action='store', default=0, type=int, help='The number of worker jobs to run (if supported). If the value is less than 1 the build program will guess.' ) parser.add_argument( '-l', '--load-average', action='store', default=0, type=int, help='The system load average to try to maintain (if supported)' ) parser.add_argument( '--clean', action='store_true', help='Clean the build directory.' ) parser.add_argument( '-C', action='store', dest='builddir', type=pathlib.Path, default='.', help='The directory containing build files to be built.' ) def run(options: 'argparse.Namespace') -> int: bdir = options.builddir # type: pathlib.Path if not bdir.exists(): raise MesonException('Path to builddir {} does not exist!'.format(str(bdir.resolve()))) if not bdir.is_dir(): raise MesonException('builddir path should be a directory.') cmd = [] # type: T.List[str] runner = None # type T.Optional[str] slns = list(bdir.glob('*.sln')) if (bdir / 'build.ninja').exists(): runner = os.environ.get('NINJA') if not runner: if shutil.which('ninja'): runner = 'ninja' elif shutil.which('samu'): runner = 'samu' if runner is None: raise MesonException('Cannot find either ninja or samu.') cmd = [runner, '-C', bdir.as_posix()] # If the value is set to < 1 then don't set anything, which let's # ninja/samu decide what to do. if options.jobs > 0: cmd.extend(['-j', str(options.jobs)]) if options.load_average > 0: cmd.extend(['-l', str(options.load_average)]) if options.clean: cmd.append('clean') # TODO: with python 3.8 this could be `elif slns := bdir.glob('*.sln'):` elif slns: assert len(slns) == 1, 'More than one solution in a project?' sln = slns[0] cmd = ['msbuild', str(sln.resolve())] # In msbuild `-m` with no number means "detect cpus", the default is `-m1` if options.jobs > 0: cmd.append('-m{}'.format(options.jobs)) else: cmd.append('-m') if options.load_average: mlog.warning('Msbuild does not have a load-average switch, ignoring.') if options.clean: cmd.extend(['/t:Clean']) # TODO: xcode? else: raise MesonException( 'Could not find any runner or backend for directory {}'.format(bdir.resolve().as_posix())) mlog.log('Found runner:', runner) p, *_ = mesonlib.Popen_safe(cmd, stdout=sys.stdout.buffer, stderr=sys.stderr.buffer) return p.returncode