project('Python extension module', 'c', default_options : ['buildtype=release', 'werror=true', 'python.bytecompile=-1']) # Because Windows Python ships only with optimized libs, # we must build this project the same way. if meson.backend() != 'ninja' error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: Ninja backend required') endif py_mod = import('python') py = py_mod.find_installation() py2 = py_mod.find_installation('python2', required: get_option('python2'), disabler: true) py_dep = py.dependency(required: false) if not py_dep.found() error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: Python libraries not found.') endif subdir('ext') blaster = configure_file( input: '', output: '', configuration: {'tachyon_module': 'tachyon'} ) test('extmod', py, args : blaster, env : ['PYTHONPATH=' + pypathdir]) py.install_sources(blaster, pure: false) py.install_sources(blaster, subdir: 'pure') install_subdir('subinst', install_dir: py.get_install_dir(pure: false)) py2.install_sources(blaster, pure: false) py2.install_sources(blaster, subdir: 'pure') install_subdir('subinst', install_dir: py2.get_install_dir(pure: false)) py3_pkg_dep = dependency('python3', method: 'pkg-config', required : false) if py3_pkg_dep.found() py3_dep_majver = py3_pkg_dep.version().split('.') py3_dep_majver = py3_dep_majver[0] + '.' + py3_dep_majver[1] message(f'got two pythons: pkg-config is @py3_dep_majver@, and module is', py.language_version()) if py3_dep_majver != py.language_version() message('skipped python3 pkg-config test because the default python3 is different from Meson\'s') else python_lib_dir = py3_pkg_dep.get_pkgconfig_variable('libdir') # Check we can apply a version constraint dependency('python3', version: '>=@0@'.format(py_dep.version())) endif else message('Skipped python3 pkg-config test because it was not found') endif