project('pch test', 'c', 'cpp', meson_version: '>= 0.46.0') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') cc_id = cc.get_id() if cc_id == 'pgi' error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: PGI compiler does support PCH, however, PGI cannot tolerate spaces in the --pch_dir path and Meson uses spaces in temporary build path names. If this test is run individually with no spaces in build path, it will pass.') endif subdir('c') subdir('cpp') subdir('generated') subdir('userDefined') subdir('withIncludeDirectories') if meson.backend() == 'xcode' warning('Xcode backend does not support forced includes. Skipping "withIncludeFile" which requires this.') else subdir('withIncludeFile') endif if meson.backend() == 'xcode' warning('Xcode backend only supports one precompiled header per target. Skipping "mixed" which has various precompiled headers.') else subdir('mixed') endif if cc_id == 'msvc' subdir('linkwhole') endif