dep3_libs = [] # Permutate all combinations of shared and static libraries up to three levels # executable -> shared -> static -> shared (etc) foreach dep2 : ['sh', 'st'] foreach dep1 : ['sh', 'st'] foreach libtype : ['sh', 'st'] name = libtype + dep1 + dep2 if dep2 == 'sh' libret = 1 elif dep2 == 'st' libret = 2 else error('Unknown dep2 "@0@"'.format(dep2)) endif if libtype == 'sh' target = 'shared_library' build_args = [] elif libtype == 'st' target = 'static_library' build_args = ['-DMESON_STATIC_BUILD'] else error('Unknown libtype "@0@"'.format(libtype)) endif cdata = configuration_data() cdata.set('DEPENDENCY', dep1 + dep2) cdata.set('LIBTYPE', libtype) cdata.set('VALUE', libret) lib_c = configure_file(input : '', output : name + '-lib.c', configuration : cdata) dep = get_variable(dep1 + dep2 + 'dep') dep3_lib = build_target(name, lib_c, link_with : dep, target_type : target, c_args : build_args) dep3_libs += [dep3_lib] main_c = configure_file(input : '', output : name + '-main.c', configuration : cdata) dep3_bin = executable(name, main_c, link_with : dep3_lib, c_args : build_args) test(name + 'test', dep3_bin) endforeach endforeach endforeach