# Copyright 2016 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This class contains the basic functionality needed to run any interpreter # or an interpreter-based tool. from . import mparser, mesonlib, mlog from . import environment, dependencies import os, copy, re from functools import wraps # Decorators for method calls. def check_stringlist(a, msg='Arguments must be strings.'): if not isinstance(a, list): mlog.debug('Not a list:', str(a)) raise InvalidArguments('Argument not a list.') if not all(isinstance(s, str) for s in a): mlog.debug('Element not a string:', str(a)) raise InvalidArguments(msg) def noPosargs(f): @wraps(f) def wrapped(self, node, args, kwargs): if len(args) != 0: raise InvalidArguments('Function does not take positional arguments.') return f(self, node, args, kwargs) return wrapped def noKwargs(f): @wraps(f) def wrapped(self, node, args, kwargs): if len(kwargs) != 0: raise InvalidArguments('Function does not take keyword arguments.') return f(self, node, args, kwargs) return wrapped def stringArgs(f): @wraps(f) def wrapped(self, node, args, kwargs): assert(isinstance(args, list)) check_stringlist(args) return f(self, node, args, kwargs) return wrapped class InterpreterException(mesonlib.MesonException): pass class InvalidCode(InterpreterException): pass class InvalidArguments(InterpreterException): pass class InterpreterObject(): def __init__(self): self.methods = {} def method_call(self, method_name, args, kwargs): if method_name in self.methods: return self.methods[method_name](args, kwargs) raise InvalidCode('Unknown method "%s" in object.' % method_name) class MutableInterpreterObject(InterpreterObject): def __init__(self): super().__init__() class InterpreterBase: def __init__(self, source_root, subdir): self.source_root = source_root self.funcs = {} self.builtin = {} self.subdir = subdir self.variables = {} def load_root_meson_file(self): mesonfile = os.path.join(self.source_root, self.subdir, environment.build_filename) if not os.path.isfile(mesonfile): raise InvalidArguments('Missing Meson file in %s' % mesonfile) with open(mesonfile, encoding='utf8') as mf: code = mf.read() if len(code.strip()) == 0: raise InvalidCode('Builder file is empty.') assert(isinstance(code, str)) try: self.ast = mparser.Parser(code).parse() except mesonlib.MesonException as me: me.file = environment.build_filename raise me def parse_project(self): """ Parses project() and initializes languages, compilers etc. Do this early because we need this before we parse the rest of the AST. """ self.evaluate_codeblock(self.ast, end=1) def sanity_check_ast(self): if not isinstance(self.ast, mparser.CodeBlockNode): raise InvalidCode('AST is of invalid type. Possibly a bug in the parser.') if len(self.ast.lines) == 0: raise InvalidCode('No statements in code.') first = self.ast.lines[0] if not isinstance(first, mparser.FunctionNode) or first.func_name != 'project': raise InvalidCode('First statement must be a call to project') def run(self): # Evaluate everything after the first line, which is project() because # we already parsed that in self.parse_project() self.evaluate_codeblock(self.ast, start=1) def evaluate_codeblock(self, node, start=0, end=None): if node is None: return if not isinstance(node, mparser.CodeBlockNode): e = InvalidCode('Tried to execute a non-codeblock. Possibly a bug in the parser.') e.lineno = node.lineno e.colno = node.colno raise e statements = node.lines[start:end] i = 0 while i < len(statements): cur = statements[i] try: self.evaluate_statement(cur) except Exception as e: if not(hasattr(e, 'lineno')): e.lineno = cur.lineno e.colno = cur.colno e.file = os.path.join(self.subdir, 'meson.build') raise e i += 1 # In THE FUTURE jump over blocks and stuff. def evaluate_statement(self, cur): if isinstance(cur, mparser.FunctionNode): return self.function_call(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.AssignmentNode): return self.assignment(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.MethodNode): return self.method_call(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.StringNode): return cur.value elif isinstance(cur, mparser.BooleanNode): return cur.value elif isinstance(cur, mparser.IfClauseNode): return self.evaluate_if(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.IdNode): return self.get_variable(cur.value) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ComparisonNode): return self.evaluate_comparison(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ArrayNode): return self.evaluate_arraystatement(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.NumberNode): return cur.value elif isinstance(cur, mparser.AndNode): return self.evaluate_andstatement(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.OrNode): return self.evaluate_orstatement(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.NotNode): return self.evaluate_notstatement(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.UMinusNode): return self.evaluate_uminusstatement(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ArithmeticNode): return self.evaluate_arithmeticstatement(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ForeachClauseNode): return self.evaluate_foreach(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.PlusAssignmentNode): return self.evaluate_plusassign(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.IndexNode): return self.evaluate_indexing(cur) elif isinstance(cur, mparser.TernaryNode): return self.evaluate_ternary(cur) elif self.is_elementary_type(cur): return cur else: raise InvalidCode("Unknown statement.") def evaluate_arraystatement(self, cur): (arguments, kwargs) = self.reduce_arguments(cur.args) if len(kwargs) > 0: raise InvalidCode('Keyword arguments are invalid in array construction.') return arguments def evaluate_notstatement(self, cur): v = self.evaluate_statement(cur.value) if isinstance(v, mparser.BooleanNode): v = v.value if not isinstance(v, bool): raise InterpreterException('Argument to "not" is not a boolean.') return not v def evaluate_if(self, node): assert(isinstance(node, mparser.IfClauseNode)) for i in node.ifs: result = self.evaluate_statement(i.condition) if not(isinstance(result, bool)): raise InvalidCode('If clause {!r} does not evaluate to true or false.'.format(result)) if result: self.evaluate_codeblock(i.block) return if not isinstance(node.elseblock, mparser.EmptyNode): self.evaluate_codeblock(node.elseblock) def function_call(self, node): func_name = node.func_name (posargs, kwargs) = self.reduce_arguments(node.args) if func_name in self.funcs: return self.funcs[func_name](node, self.flatten(posargs), kwargs) else: self.unknown_function_called(func_name) def unknown_function_called(self, func_name): raise InvalidCode('Unknown function "%s".' % func_name) def reduce_arguments(self, args): assert(isinstance(args, mparser.ArgumentNode)) if args.incorrect_order(): raise InvalidArguments('All keyword arguments must be after positional arguments.') reduced_pos = [self.evaluate_statement(arg) for arg in args.arguments] reduced_kw = {} for key in args.kwargs.keys(): if not isinstance(key, str): raise InvalidArguments('Keyword argument name is not a string.') a = args.kwargs[key] reduced_kw[key] = self.evaluate_statement(a) if not isinstance(reduced_pos, list): reduced_pos = [reduced_pos] return (reduced_pos, reduced_kw) def flatten(self, args): if isinstance(args, mparser.StringNode): return args.value if isinstance(args, (int, str, InterpreterObject)): return args result = [] for a in args: if isinstance(a, list): rest = self.flatten(a) result = result + rest elif isinstance(a, mparser.StringNode): result.append(a.value) else: result.append(a) return result def assignment(self, node): assert(isinstance(node, mparser.AssignmentNode)) var_name = node.var_name if not isinstance(var_name, str): raise InvalidArguments('Tried to assign value to a non-variable.') value = self.evaluate_statement(node.value) value = self.to_native(value) if not self.is_assignable(value): raise InvalidCode('Tried to assign an invalid value to variable.') # For mutable objects we need to make a copy on assignment if isinstance(value, MutableInterpreterObject): value = copy.deepcopy(value) self.set_variable(var_name, value) return value def set_variable(self, varname, variable): if variable is None: raise InvalidCode('Can not assign None to variable.') if not isinstance(varname, str): raise InvalidCode('First argument to set_variable must be a string.') if not self.is_assignable(variable): raise InvalidCode('Assigned value not of assignable type.') if re.match('[_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*$', varname) is None: raise InvalidCode('Invalid variable name: ' + varname) if varname in self.builtin: raise InvalidCode('Tried to overwrite internal variable "%s"' % varname) self.variables[varname] = variable def get_variable(self, varname): if varname in self.builtin: return self.builtin[varname] if varname in self.variables: return self.variables[varname] raise InvalidCode('Unknown variable "%s".' % varname) def to_native(self, arg): if isinstance(arg, (mparser.StringNode, mparser.NumberNode, mparser.BooleanNode)): return arg.value return arg def is_assignable(self, value): return isinstance(value, (InterpreterObject, dependencies.Dependency, str, int, list, mesonlib.File)) def func_build_target(self, node, args, kwargs): if 'target_type' not in kwargs: raise InterpreterException('Missing target_type keyword argument') target_type = kwargs.pop('target_type') if target_type == 'executable': return self.func_executable(node, args, kwargs) elif target_type == 'shared_library': return self.func_shared_lib(node, args, kwargs) elif target_type == 'static_library': return self.func_static_lib(node, args, kwargs) elif target_type == 'library': return self.func_library(node, args, kwargs) elif target_type == 'jar': return self.func_jar(node, args, kwargs) else: raise InterpreterException('Unknown target_type.') def func_set_variable(self, node, args, kwargs): if len(args) != 2: raise InvalidCode('Set_variable takes two arguments.') varname = args[0] value = self.to_native(args[1]) self.set_variable(varname, value) # @noKwargs def func_get_variable(self, node, args, kwargs): if len(args)<1 or len(args)>2: raise InvalidCode('Get_variable takes one or two arguments.') varname = args[0] if not isinstance(varname, str): raise InterpreterException('First argument must be a string.') try: return self.variables[varname] except KeyError: pass if len(args) == 2: return args[1] raise InterpreterException('Tried to get unknown variable "%s".' % varname) @stringArgs @noKwargs def func_is_variable(self, node, args, kwargs): if len(args) != 1: raise InvalidCode('Is_variable takes two arguments.') varname = args[0] return varname in self.variables