#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2016-2017 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import stat import shlex import subprocess import re, json import tempfile import unittest, os, sys, shutil, time from glob import glob from pathlib import PurePath import mesonbuild.compilers import mesonbuild.environment import mesonbuild.mesonlib from mesonbuild.mesonlib import is_windows, is_osx from mesonbuild.environment import detect_ninja, Environment from mesonbuild.dependencies import PkgConfigDependency, ExternalProgram if is_windows(): exe_suffix = '.exe' else: exe_suffix = '' def get_soname(fname): # HACK, fix to not use shell. raw_out = subprocess.check_output(['readelf', '-a', fname], universal_newlines=True) pattern = re.compile('soname: \[(.*?)\]') for line in raw_out.split('\n'): m = pattern.search(line) if m is not None: return m.group(1) raise RuntimeError('Could not determine soname:\n\n' + raw_out) def get_fake_options(prefix): import argparse opts = argparse.Namespace() opts.cross_file = None opts.wrap_mode = None opts.prefix = prefix return opts class FakeEnvironment(object): def __init__(self): self.cross_info = None def is_cross_build(self): return False class InternalTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_version_number(self): searchfunc = mesonbuild.environment.search_version self.assertEqual(searchfunc('foobar 1.2.3'), '1.2.3') self.assertEqual(searchfunc('1.2.3'), '1.2.3') self.assertEqual(searchfunc('foobar 2016.10.28 1.2.3'), '1.2.3') self.assertEqual(searchfunc('2016.10.28 1.2.3'), '1.2.3') self.assertEqual(searchfunc('foobar 2016.10.128'), 'unknown version') self.assertEqual(searchfunc('2016.10.128'), 'unknown version') def test_mode_symbolic_to_bits(self): modefunc = mesonbuild.mesonlib.FileMode.perms_s_to_bits self.assertEqual(modefunc('---------'), 0) self.assertEqual(modefunc('r--------'), stat.S_IRUSR) self.assertEqual(modefunc('---r-----'), stat.S_IRGRP) self.assertEqual(modefunc('------r--'), stat.S_IROTH) self.assertEqual(modefunc('-w-------'), stat.S_IWUSR) self.assertEqual(modefunc('----w----'), stat.S_IWGRP) self.assertEqual(modefunc('-------w-'), stat.S_IWOTH) self.assertEqual(modefunc('--x------'), stat.S_IXUSR) self.assertEqual(modefunc('-----x---'), stat.S_IXGRP) self.assertEqual(modefunc('--------x'), stat.S_IXOTH) self.assertEqual(modefunc('--S------'), stat.S_ISUID) self.assertEqual(modefunc('-----S---'), stat.S_ISGID) self.assertEqual(modefunc('--------T'), stat.S_ISVTX) self.assertEqual(modefunc('--s------'), stat.S_ISUID | stat.S_IXUSR) self.assertEqual(modefunc('-----s---'), stat.S_ISGID | stat.S_IXGRP) self.assertEqual(modefunc('--------t'), stat.S_ISVTX | stat.S_IXOTH) self.assertEqual(modefunc('rwx------'), stat.S_IRWXU) self.assertEqual(modefunc('---rwx---'), stat.S_IRWXG) self.assertEqual(modefunc('------rwx'), stat.S_IRWXO) # We could keep listing combinations exhaustively but that seems # tedious and pointless. Just test a few more. self.assertEqual(modefunc('rwxr-xr-x'), stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH) self.assertEqual(modefunc('rw-r--r--'), stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH) self.assertEqual(modefunc('rwsr-x---'), stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_ISUID | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP) def test_compiler_args_class(self): cargsfunc = mesonbuild.compilers.CompilerArgs c = mesonbuild.environment.CCompiler([], 'fake', False) # Test that bad initialization fails self.assertRaises(TypeError, cargsfunc, []) self.assertRaises(TypeError, cargsfunc, [], []) self.assertRaises(TypeError, cargsfunc, c, [], []) # Test that empty initialization works a = cargsfunc(c) self.assertEqual(a, []) # Test that list initialization works a = cargsfunc(['-I.', '-I..'], c) self.assertEqual(a, ['-I.', '-I..']) # Test that there is no de-dup on initialization self.assertEqual(cargsfunc(['-I.', '-I.'], c), ['-I.', '-I.']) ## Test that appending works a.append('-I..') self.assertEqual(a, ['-I..', '-I.']) a.append('-O3') self.assertEqual(a, ['-I..', '-I.', '-O3']) ## Test that in-place addition works a += ['-O2', '-O2'] self.assertEqual(a, ['-I..', '-I.', '-O3', '-O2', '-O2']) # Test that removal works a.remove('-O2') self.assertEqual(a, ['-I..', '-I.', '-O3', '-O2']) # Test that de-dup happens on addition a += ['-Ifoo', '-Ifoo'] self.assertEqual(a, ['-Ifoo', '-I..', '-I.', '-O3', '-O2']) # .extend() is just +=, so we don't test it ## Test that addition works # Test that adding a list with just one old arg works and yields the same array a = a + ['-Ifoo'] self.assertEqual(a, ['-Ifoo', '-I..', '-I.', '-O3', '-O2']) # Test that adding a list with one arg new and one old works a = a + ['-Ifoo', '-Ibaz'] self.assertEqual(a, ['-Ifoo', '-Ibaz', '-I..', '-I.', '-O3', '-O2']) # Test that adding args that must be prepended and appended works a = a + ['-Ibar', '-Wall'] self.assertEqual(a, ['-Ibar', '-Ifoo', '-Ibaz', '-I..', '-I.', '-O3', '-O2', '-Wall']) ## Test that reflected addition works # Test that adding to a list with just one old arg works and DOES NOT yield the same array a = ['-Ifoo'] + a self.assertEqual(a, ['-Ibar', '-Ifoo', '-Ibaz', '-I..', '-I.', '-O3', '-O2', '-Wall']) # Test that adding to a list with just one new arg that is not pre-pended works a = ['-Werror'] + a self.assertEqual(a, ['-Ibar', '-Ifoo', '-Ibaz', '-I..', '-I.', '-Werror', '-O3', '-O2', '-Wall']) # Test that adding to a list with two new args preserves the order a = ['-Ldir', '-Lbah'] + a self.assertEqual(a, ['-Ibar', '-Ifoo', '-Ibaz', '-I..', '-I.', '-Ldir', '-Lbah', '-Werror', '-O3', '-O2', '-Wall']) def test_commonpath(self): from os.path import sep commonpath = mesonbuild.mesonlib.commonpath self.assertRaises(ValueError, commonpath, []) self.assertEqual(commonpath(['/usr', '/usr']), sep + 'usr') self.assertEqual(commonpath(['/usr', '/usr/']), sep + 'usr') self.assertEqual(commonpath(['/usr', '/usr/bin']), sep + 'usr') self.assertEqual(commonpath(['/usr/', '/usr/bin']), sep + 'usr') self.assertEqual(commonpath(['/usr/./', '/usr/bin']), sep + 'usr') self.assertEqual(commonpath(['/usr/bin', '/usr/bin']), sep + 'usr' + sep + 'bin') self.assertEqual(commonpath(['/usr//bin', '/usr/bin']), sep + 'usr' + sep + 'bin') self.assertEqual(commonpath(['/usr/./bin', '/usr/bin']), sep + 'usr' + sep + 'bin') self.assertEqual(commonpath(['/usr/local', '/usr/lib']), sep + 'usr') self.assertEqual(commonpath(['/usr', '/bin']), sep) self.assertEqual(commonpath(['/usr', 'bin']), '') self.assertEqual(commonpath(['blam', 'bin']), '') prefix = '/some/path/to/prefix' libdir = '/some/path/to/prefix/libdir' self.assertEqual(commonpath([prefix, libdir]), str(PurePath(prefix))) def test_string_templates_substitution(self): dictfunc = mesonbuild.mesonlib.get_filenames_templates_dict substfunc = mesonbuild.mesonlib.substitute_values ME = mesonbuild.mesonlib.MesonException # Identity self.assertEqual(dictfunc([], []), {}) # One input, no outputs inputs = ['bar/foo.c.in'] outputs = [] ret = dictfunc(inputs, outputs) d = {'@INPUT@': inputs, '@INPUT0@': inputs[0], '@PLAINNAME@': 'foo.c.in', '@BASENAME@': 'foo.c'} # Check dictionary self.assertEqual(ret, d) # Check substitutions cmd = ['some', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), cmd) cmd = ['@INPUT@.out', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), [inputs[0] + '.out'] + cmd[1:]) cmd = ['@INPUT0@.out', '@PLAINNAME@.ok', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), [inputs[0] + '.out'] + [d['@PLAINNAME@'] + '.ok'] + cmd[2:]) cmd = ['@INPUT@', '@BASENAME@.hah', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), inputs + [d['@BASENAME@'] + '.hah'] + cmd[2:]) cmd = ['@OUTPUT@'] self.assertRaises(ME, substfunc, cmd, d) # One input, one output inputs = ['bar/foo.c.in'] outputs = ['out.c'] ret = dictfunc(inputs, outputs) d = {'@INPUT@': inputs, '@INPUT0@': inputs[0], '@PLAINNAME@': 'foo.c.in', '@BASENAME@': 'foo.c', '@OUTPUT@': outputs, '@OUTPUT0@': outputs[0], '@OUTDIR@': '.'} # Check dictionary self.assertEqual(ret, d) # Check substitutions cmd = ['some', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), cmd) cmd = ['@INPUT@.out', '@OUTPUT@', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), [inputs[0] + '.out'] + outputs + cmd[2:]) cmd = ['@INPUT0@.out', '@PLAINNAME@.ok', '@OUTPUT0@'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), [inputs[0] + '.out', d['@PLAINNAME@'] + '.ok'] + outputs) cmd = ['@INPUT@', '@BASENAME@.hah', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), inputs + [d['@BASENAME@'] + '.hah'] + cmd[2:]) # One input, one output with a subdir outputs = ['dir/out.c'] ret = dictfunc(inputs, outputs) d = {'@INPUT@': inputs, '@INPUT0@': inputs[0], '@PLAINNAME@': 'foo.c.in', '@BASENAME@': 'foo.c', '@OUTPUT@': outputs, '@OUTPUT0@': outputs[0], '@OUTDIR@': 'dir'} # Check dictionary self.assertEqual(ret, d) # Two inputs, no outputs inputs = ['bar/foo.c.in', 'baz/foo.c.in'] outputs = [] ret = dictfunc(inputs, outputs) d = {'@INPUT@': inputs, '@INPUT0@': inputs[0], '@INPUT1@': inputs[1]} # Check dictionary self.assertEqual(ret, d) # Check substitutions cmd = ['some', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), cmd) cmd = ['@INPUT@', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), inputs + cmd[1:]) cmd = ['@INPUT0@.out', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), [inputs[0] + '.out'] + cmd[1:]) cmd = ['@INPUT0@.out', '@INPUT1@.ok', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), [inputs[0] + '.out', inputs[1] + '.ok'] + cmd[2:]) cmd = ['@INPUT0@', '@INPUT1@', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), inputs + cmd[2:]) # Many inputs, can't use @INPUT@ like this cmd = ['@INPUT@.out', 'ordinary', 'strings'] # Not enough inputs cmd = ['@INPUT2@.out', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertRaises(ME, substfunc, cmd, d) # Too many inputs cmd = ['@PLAINNAME@'] self.assertRaises(ME, substfunc, cmd, d) cmd = ['@BASENAME@'] self.assertRaises(ME, substfunc, cmd, d) # No outputs cmd = ['@OUTPUT@'] self.assertRaises(ME, substfunc, cmd, d) cmd = ['@OUTPUT0@'] self.assertRaises(ME, substfunc, cmd, d) cmd = ['@OUTDIR@'] self.assertRaises(ME, substfunc, cmd, d) # Two inputs, one output outputs = ['dir/out.c'] ret = dictfunc(inputs, outputs) d = {'@INPUT@': inputs, '@INPUT0@': inputs[0], '@INPUT1@': inputs[1], '@OUTPUT@': outputs, '@OUTPUT0@': outputs[0], '@OUTDIR@': 'dir'} # Check dictionary self.assertEqual(ret, d) # Check substitutions cmd = ['some', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), cmd) cmd = ['@OUTPUT@', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), outputs + cmd[1:]) cmd = ['@OUTPUT@.out', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), [outputs[0] + '.out'] + cmd[1:]) cmd = ['@OUTPUT0@.out', '@INPUT1@.ok', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), [outputs[0] + '.out', inputs[1] + '.ok'] + cmd[2:]) # Many inputs, can't use @INPUT@ like this cmd = ['@INPUT@.out', 'ordinary', 'strings'] # Not enough inputs cmd = ['@INPUT2@.out', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertRaises(ME, substfunc, cmd, d) # Not enough outputs cmd = ['@OUTPUT2@.out', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertRaises(ME, substfunc, cmd, d) # Two inputs, two outputs outputs = ['dir/out.c', 'dir/out2.c'] ret = dictfunc(inputs, outputs) d = {'@INPUT@': inputs, '@INPUT0@': inputs[0], '@INPUT1@': inputs[1], '@OUTPUT@': outputs, '@OUTPUT0@': outputs[0], '@OUTPUT1@': outputs[1], '@OUTDIR@': 'dir'} # Check dictionary self.assertEqual(ret, d) # Check substitutions cmd = ['some', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), cmd) cmd = ['@OUTPUT@', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), outputs + cmd[1:]) cmd = ['@OUTPUT0@', '@OUTPUT1@', 'strings'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), outputs + cmd[2:]) cmd = ['@OUTPUT0@.out', '@INPUT1@.ok', '@OUTDIR@'] self.assertEqual(substfunc(cmd, d), [outputs[0] + '.out', inputs[1] + '.ok', 'dir']) # Many inputs, can't use @INPUT@ like this cmd = ['@INPUT@.out', 'ordinary', 'strings'] # Not enough inputs cmd = ['@INPUT2@.out', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertRaises(ME, substfunc, cmd, d) # Not enough outputs cmd = ['@OUTPUT2@.out', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertRaises(ME, substfunc, cmd, d) # Many outputs, can't use @OUTPUT@ like this cmd = ['@OUTPUT@.out', 'ordinary', 'strings'] self.assertRaises(ME, substfunc, cmd, d) class BasePlatformTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() src_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) src_root = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), src_root) self.src_root = src_root # In case the directory is inside a symlinked directory, find the real # path otherwise we might not find the srcdir from inside the builddir. self.builddir = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp()) self.logdir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'meson-logs') self.prefix = '/usr' self.libdir = os.path.join(self.prefix, 'lib') self.installdir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'install') self.meson_command = [sys.executable, os.path.join(src_root, 'meson.py')] self.mconf_command = [sys.executable, os.path.join(src_root, 'mesonconf.py')] self.mintro_command = [sys.executable, os.path.join(src_root, 'mesonintrospect.py')] self.mtest_command = [sys.executable, os.path.join(src_root, 'mesontest.py'), '-C', self.builddir] self.ninja_command = [detect_ninja(), '-C', self.builddir] self.common_test_dir = os.path.join(src_root, 'test cases/common') self.vala_test_dir = os.path.join(src_root, 'test cases/vala') self.framework_test_dir = os.path.join(src_root, 'test cases/frameworks') self.unit_test_dir = os.path.join(src_root, 'test cases/unit') self.orig_env = os.environ.copy() def _print_meson_log(self): log = os.path.join(self.logdir, 'meson-log.txt') if not os.path.isfile(log): print("{!r} doesn't exist".format(log)) return with open(log, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: print(f.read()) def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.builddir) os.environ = self.orig_env super().tearDown() def _run(self, command): ''' Run a command while printing the stdout and stderr to stdout, and also return a copy of it ''' p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=os.environ.copy(), universal_newlines=True) output = p.communicate()[0] print(output) if p.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, command) return output def init(self, srcdir, extra_args=None, default_args=True): if extra_args is None: extra_args = [] args = [srcdir, self.builddir] if default_args: args += ['--prefix', self.prefix, '--libdir', self.libdir] try: self._run(self.meson_command + args + extra_args) except: self._print_meson_log() raise self.privatedir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'meson-private') def build(self, extra_args=None): if extra_args is None: extra_args = [] self._run(self.ninja_command + extra_args) def run_tests(self): self._run(self.ninja_command + ['test']) def install(self): os.environ['DESTDIR'] = self.installdir self._run(self.ninja_command + ['install']) def uninstall(self): self._run(self.ninja_command + ['uninstall']) def run_target(self, target): ''' Run a Ninja target while printing the stdout and stderr to stdout, and also return a copy of it ''' return self._run(self.ninja_command + [target]) def setconf(self, arg, will_build=True): # This is needed to increase the difference between build.ninja's # timestamp and coredata.dat's timestamp due to a Ninja bug. # https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/issues/371 if will_build: time.sleep(1) self._run(self.mconf_command + [arg, self.builddir]) def wipe(self): shutil.rmtree(self.builddir) def get_compdb(self): with open(os.path.join(self.builddir, 'compile_commands.json')) as ifile: contents = json.load(ifile) # If Ninja is using .rsp files, generate them, read their contents, and # replace it as the command for all compile commands in the parsed json. if len(contents) > 0 and contents[0]['command'].endswith('.rsp'): # Pretend to build so that the rsp files are generated self.build(['-d', 'keeprsp', '-n']) for each in contents: # Extract the actual command from the rsp file compiler, rsp = each['command'].split(' @') rsp = os.path.join(self.builddir, rsp) # Replace the command with its contents with open(rsp, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: each['command'] = compiler + ' ' + f.read() return contents def get_meson_log(self): with open(os.path.join(self.builddir, 'meson-logs', 'meson-log.txt')) as f: return f.readlines() def get_meson_log_compiler_checks(self): ''' Fetch a list command-lines run by meson for compiler checks. Each command-line is returned as a list of arguments. ''' log = self.get_meson_log() prefix = 'Command line:' cmds = [l[len(prefix):].split() for l in log if l.startswith(prefix)] return cmds def introspect(self, arg): out = subprocess.check_output(self.mintro_command + [arg, self.builddir], universal_newlines=True) return json.loads(out) def assertPathEqual(self, path1, path2): ''' Handles a lot of platform-specific quirks related to paths such as separator, case-sensitivity, etc. ''' self.assertEqual(PurePath(path1), PurePath(path2)) def assertPathBasenameEqual(self, path, basename): msg = '{!r} does not end with {!r}'.format(path, basename) # We cannot use os.path.basename because it returns '' when the path # ends with '/' for some silly reason. This is not how the UNIX utility # `basename` works. path_basename = PurePath(path).parts[-1] self.assertEqual(PurePath(path_basename), PurePath(basename), msg) class AllPlatformTests(BasePlatformTests): ''' Tests that should run on all platforms ''' def test_default_options_prefix(self): ''' Tests that setting a prefix in default_options in project() works. Can't be an ordinary test because we pass --prefix to meson there. https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/1349 ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '94 default options') self.init(testdir, default_args=False) opts = self.introspect('--buildoptions') for opt in opts: if opt['name'] == 'prefix': prefix = opt['value'] self.assertEqual(prefix, '/absoluteprefix') def test_absolute_prefix_libdir(self): ''' Tests that setting absolute paths for --prefix and --libdir work. Can't be an ordinary test because these are set via the command-line. https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/1341 https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/1345 ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '94 default options') prefix = '/someabs' libdir = 'libdir' extra_args = ['--prefix=' + prefix, # This can just be a relative path, but we want to test # that passing this as an absolute path also works '--libdir=' + prefix + '/' + libdir] self.init(testdir, extra_args, default_args=False) opts = self.introspect('--buildoptions') for opt in opts: if opt['name'] == 'prefix': self.assertEqual(prefix, opt['value']) elif opt['name'] == 'libdir': self.assertEqual(libdir, opt['value']) def test_libdir_must_be_inside_prefix(self): ''' Tests that libdir is forced to be inside prefix no matter how it is set. Must be a unit test for obvious reasons. ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '1 trivial') # libdir being inside prefix is ok args = ['--prefix', '/opt', '--libdir', '/opt/lib32'] self.init(testdir, args) self.wipe() # libdir not being inside prefix is not ok args = ['--prefix', '/usr', '--libdir', '/opt/lib32'] self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError, self.init, testdir, args) self.wipe() # libdir must be inside prefix even when set via mesonconf self.init(testdir) self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError, self.setconf, '-Dlibdir=/opt', False) def test_static_library_overwrite(self): ''' Tests that static libraries are never appended to, always overwritten. Has to be a unit test because this involves building a project, reconfiguring, and building it again so that `ar` is run twice on the same static library. https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/1355 ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '3 static') env = Environment(testdir, self.builddir, self.meson_command, get_fake_options(self.prefix), []) cc = env.detect_c_compiler(False) static_linker = env.detect_static_linker(cc) if is_windows(): raise unittest.SkipTest('https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/1526') if not isinstance(static_linker, mesonbuild.compilers.ArLinker): raise unittest.SkipTest('static linker is not `ar`') # Configure self.init(testdir) # Get name of static library targets = self.introspect('--targets') self.assertEqual(len(targets), 1) libname = targets[0]['filename'] # Build and get contents of static library self.build() before = self._run(['ar', 't', os.path.join(self.builddir, libname)]).split() # Filter out non-object-file contents before = [f for f in before if f.endswith(('.o', '.obj'))] # Static library should contain only one object self.assertEqual(len(before), 1, msg=before) # Change the source to be built into the static library self.setconf('-Dsource=libfile2.c') self.build() after = self._run(['ar', 't', os.path.join(self.builddir, libname)]).split() # Filter out non-object-file contents after = [f for f in after if f.endswith(('.o', '.obj'))] # Static library should contain only one object self.assertEqual(len(after), 1, msg=after) # and the object must have changed self.assertNotEqual(before, after) def test_static_compile_order(self): ''' Test that the order of files in a compiler command-line while compiling and linking statically is deterministic. This can't be an ordinary test case because we need to inspect the compiler database. https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/pull/951 ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '5 linkstatic') self.init(testdir) compdb = self.get_compdb() # Rules will get written out in this order self.assertTrue(compdb[0]['file'].endswith("libfile.c")) self.assertTrue(compdb[1]['file'].endswith("libfile2.c")) self.assertTrue(compdb[2]['file'].endswith("libfile3.c")) self.assertTrue(compdb[3]['file'].endswith("libfile4.c")) # FIXME: We don't have access to the linker command def test_run_target_files_path(self): ''' Test that run_targets are run from the correct directory https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/957 ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '58 run target') self.init(testdir) self.run_target('check_exists') def test_install_introspection(self): ''' Tests that the Meson introspection API exposes install filenames correctly https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/829 ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '8 install') self.init(testdir) intro = self.introspect('--targets') if intro[0]['type'] == 'executable': intro = intro[::-1] self.assertPathEqual(intro[0]['install_filename'], '/usr/lib/libstat.a') self.assertPathEqual(intro[1]['install_filename'], '/usr/bin/prog' + exe_suffix) def test_uninstall(self): exename = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'usr/bin/prog' + exe_suffix) testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '8 install') self.init(testdir) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(exename)) self.install() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(exename)) self.uninstall() self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(exename)) def test_testsetups(self): if not shutil.which('valgrind'): raise unittest.SkipTest('Valgrind not installed.') testdir = os.path.join(self.unit_test_dir, '2 testsetups') self.init(testdir) self.build() # Run tests without setup self.run_tests() with open(os.path.join(self.logdir, 'testlog.txt')) as f: basic_log = f.read() # Run buggy test with setup that has env that will make it fail self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError, self._run, self.mtest_command + ['--setup=valgrind']) with open(os.path.join(self.logdir, 'testlog-valgrind.txt')) as f: vg_log = f.read() self.assertFalse('TEST_ENV is set' in basic_log) self.assertFalse('Memcheck' in basic_log) self.assertTrue('TEST_ENV is set' in vg_log) self.assertTrue('Memcheck' in vg_log) # Run buggy test with setup without env that will pass self._run(self.mtest_command + ['--setup=wrapper']) # Setup with no properties works self._run(self.mtest_command + ['--setup=empty']) # Setup with only env works self._run(self.mtest_command + ['--setup=onlyenv']) # Setup with only a timeout works self._run(self.mtest_command + ['--setup=timeout']) def assertFailedTestCount(self, failure_count, command): try: self._run(command) self.assertEqual(0, failure_count, 'Expected %d tests to fail.' % failure_count) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: self.assertEqual(e.returncode, failure_count) def test_suite_selection(self): testdir = os.path.join(self.unit_test_dir, '4 suite selection') self.init(testdir) self.build() self.assertFailedTestCount(3, self.mtest_command) self.assertFailedTestCount(0, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', ':success']) self.assertFailedTestCount(3, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', ':fail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(3, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', ':success']) self.assertFailedTestCount(0, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', ':fail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(1, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'mainprj']) self.assertFailedTestCount(0, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'subprjsucc']) self.assertFailedTestCount(1, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'subprjfail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(1, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'subprjmix']) self.assertFailedTestCount(2, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', 'mainprj']) self.assertFailedTestCount(3, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', 'subprjsucc']) self.assertFailedTestCount(2, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', 'subprjfail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(2, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', 'subprjmix']) self.assertFailedTestCount(1, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'mainprj:fail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(0, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'mainprj:success']) self.assertFailedTestCount(2, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', 'mainprj:fail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(3, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', 'mainprj:success']) self.assertFailedTestCount(1, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'subprjfail:fail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(0, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'subprjfail:success']) self.assertFailedTestCount(2, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', 'subprjfail:fail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(3, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', 'subprjfail:success']) self.assertFailedTestCount(0, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'subprjsucc:fail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(0, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'subprjsucc:success']) self.assertFailedTestCount(3, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', 'subprjsucc:fail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(3, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', 'subprjsucc:success']) self.assertFailedTestCount(1, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'subprjmix:fail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(0, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'subprjmix:success']) self.assertFailedTestCount(2, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', 'subprjmix:fail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(3, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', 'subprjmix:success']) self.assertFailedTestCount(2, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'subprjfail', '--suite', 'subprjmix:fail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(3, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'subprjfail', '--suite', 'subprjmix', '--suite', 'mainprj']) self.assertFailedTestCount(2, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'subprjfail', '--suite', 'subprjmix', '--suite', 'mainprj', '--no-suite', 'subprjmix:fail']) self.assertFailedTestCount(1, self.mtest_command + ['--suite', 'subprjfail', '--suite', 'subprjmix', '--suite', 'mainprj', '--no-suite', 'subprjmix:fail', 'mainprj-failing_test']) self.assertFailedTestCount(1, self.mtest_command + ['--no-suite', 'subprjfail:fail', '--no-suite', 'subprjmix:fail']) def test_build_by_default(self): testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '137 build by default') self.init(testdir) self.build() genfile = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'generated.dat') exe = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'fooprog' + exe_suffix) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(genfile)) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(exe)) self._run(self.ninja_command + ['fooprog' + exe_suffix]) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(exe)) def test_internal_include_order(self): testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '138 include order') self.init(testdir) execmd = fxecmd = None for cmd in self.get_compdb(): if 'someexe' in cmd['command']: execmd = cmd['command'] continue if 'somefxe' in cmd['command']: fxecmd = cmd['command'] continue if not execmd or not fxecmd: raise Exception('Could not find someexe and somfxe commands') # Check include order for 'someexe' incs = [a for a in shlex.split(execmd) if a.startswith("-I")] self.assertEqual(len(incs), 8) # target private dir self.assertPathEqual(incs[0], "-Isub4/someexe@exe") # target build subdir self.assertPathEqual(incs[1], "-Isub4") # target source subdir self.assertPathBasenameEqual(incs[2], 'sub4') # include paths added via per-target c_args: ['-I'...] self.assertPathBasenameEqual(incs[3], 'sub3') # target include_directories: build dir self.assertPathEqual(incs[4], "-Isub2") # target include_directories: source dir self.assertPathBasenameEqual(incs[5], 'sub2') # target internal dependency include_directories: build dir self.assertPathEqual(incs[6], "-Isub1") # target internal dependency include_directories: source dir self.assertPathBasenameEqual(incs[7], 'sub1') # Check include order for 'somefxe' incs = [a for a in shlex.split(fxecmd) if a.startswith('-I')] self.assertEqual(len(incs), 9) # target private dir self.assertPathEqual(incs[0], '-Isomefxe@exe') # target build dir self.assertPathEqual(incs[1], '-I.') # target source dir self.assertPathBasenameEqual(incs[2], os.path.basename(testdir)) # target internal dependency correct include_directories: build dir self.assertPathEqual(incs[3], "-Isub4") # target internal dependency correct include_directories: source dir self.assertPathBasenameEqual(incs[4], 'sub4') # target internal dependency dep include_directories: build dir self.assertPathEqual(incs[5], "-Isub1") # target internal dependency dep include_directories: source dir self.assertPathBasenameEqual(incs[6], 'sub1') # target internal dependency wrong include_directories: build dir self.assertPathEqual(incs[7], "-Isub2") # target internal dependency wrong include_directories: source dir self.assertPathBasenameEqual(incs[8], 'sub2') def test_compiler_detection(self): ''' Test that automatic compiler detection and setting from the environment both work just fine. This is needed because while running project tests and other unit tests, we always read CC/CXX/etc from the environment. ''' gnu = mesonbuild.compilers.GnuCompiler clang = mesonbuild.compilers.ClangCompiler intel = mesonbuild.compilers.IntelCompiler msvc = mesonbuild.compilers.VisualStudioCCompiler ar = mesonbuild.compilers.ArLinker lib = mesonbuild.compilers.VisualStudioLinker langs = [('c', 'CC'), ('cpp', 'CXX')] if not is_windows(): langs += [('objc', 'OBJC'), ('objcpp', 'OBJCXX')] testdir = os.path.join(self.unit_test_dir, '5 compiler detection') env = Environment(testdir, self.builddir, self.meson_command, get_fake_options(self.prefix), []) for lang, evar in langs: evalue = None # Detect with evar and do sanity checks on that if evar in os.environ: ecc = getattr(env, 'detect_{}_compiler'.format(lang))(False) elinker = env.detect_static_linker(ecc) # Pop it so we don't use it for the next detection evalue = os.environ.pop(evar) # Very rough/strict heuristics. Would never work for actual # compiler detection, but should be ok for the tests. if os.path.basename(evalue).startswith('g'): self.assertIsInstance(ecc, gnu) self.assertIsInstance(elinker, ar) elif 'clang' in os.path.basename(evalue): self.assertIsInstance(ecc, clang) self.assertIsInstance(elinker, ar) elif os.path.basename(evalue).startswith('ic'): self.assertIsInstance(ecc, intel) self.assertIsInstance(elinker, ar) elif os.path.basename(evalue).startswith('cl'): self.assertIsInstance(ecc, msvc) self.assertIsInstance(elinker, lib) else: raise AssertionError('Unknown compiler {!r}'.format(evalue)) # Check that we actually used the evalue correctly as the compiler self.assertEqual(ecc.get_exelist(), shlex.split(evalue)) # Do auto-detection of compiler based on platform, PATH, etc. cc = getattr(env, 'detect_{}_compiler'.format(lang))(False) linker = env.detect_static_linker(cc) # Check compiler type if isinstance(cc, gnu): self.assertIsInstance(linker, ar) if is_osx(): self.assertEqual(cc.gcc_type, mesonbuild.compilers.GCC_OSX) elif is_windows(): self.assertEqual(cc.gcc_type, mesonbuild.compilers.GCC_MINGW) else: self.assertEqual(cc.gcc_type, mesonbuild.compilers.GCC_STANDARD) if isinstance(cc, clang): self.assertIsInstance(linker, ar) if is_osx(): self.assertEqual(cc.clang_type, mesonbuild.compilers.CLANG_OSX) elif is_windows(): # Not implemented yet self.assertEqual(cc.clang_type, mesonbuild.compilers.CLANG_WIN) else: self.assertEqual(cc.clang_type, mesonbuild.compilers.CLANG_STANDARD) if isinstance(cc, intel): self.assertIsInstance(linker, ar) if is_osx(): self.assertEqual(cc.icc_type, mesonbuild.compilers.ICC_OSX) elif is_windows(): self.assertEqual(cc.icc_type, mesonbuild.compilers.ICC_WIN) else: self.assertEqual(cc.icc_type, mesonbuild.compilers.ICC_STANDARD) if isinstance(cc, msvc): self.assertTrue(is_windows()) self.assertIsInstance(linker, lib) self.assertEqual(cc.id, 'msvc') # Set evar ourselves to a wrapper script that just calls the same # exelist + some argument. This is meant to test that setting # something like `ccache gcc -pipe` or `distcc ccache gcc` works. wrapper = os.path.join(testdir, 'compiler wrapper.py') wrappercc = [sys.executable, wrapper] + cc.get_exelist() + cc.get_always_args() wrappercc_s = '' for w in wrappercc: wrappercc_s += shlex.quote(w) + ' ' os.environ[evar] = wrappercc_s wcc = getattr(env, 'detect_{}_compiler'.format(lang))(False) # Check static linker too wrapperlinker = [sys.executable, wrapper] + linker.get_exelist() + linker.get_always_args() wrapperlinker_s = '' for w in wrapperlinker: wrapperlinker_s += shlex.quote(w) + ' ' os.environ['AR'] = wrapperlinker_s wlinker = env.detect_static_linker(wcc) # Must be the same type since it's a wrapper around the same exelist self.assertIs(type(cc), type(wcc)) self.assertIs(type(linker), type(wlinker)) # Ensure that the exelist is correct self.assertEqual(wcc.get_exelist(), wrappercc) self.assertEqual(wlinker.get_exelist(), wrapperlinker) def test_always_prefer_c_compiler_for_asm(self): testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '141 c cpp and asm') # Skip if building with MSVC env = Environment(testdir, self.builddir, self.meson_command, get_fake_options(self.prefix), []) if env.detect_c_compiler(False).get_id() == 'msvc': raise unittest.SkipTest('MSVC can\'t compile assembly') self.init(testdir) commands = {'c-asm': {}, 'cpp-asm': {}, 'cpp-c-asm': {}, 'c-cpp-asm': {}} for cmd in self.get_compdb(): # Get compiler split = shlex.split(cmd['command']) if split[0] == 'ccache': compiler = split[1] else: compiler = split[0] # Classify commands if 'Ic-asm' in cmd['command']: if cmd['file'].endswith('.S'): commands['c-asm']['asm'] = compiler elif cmd['file'].endswith('.c'): commands['c-asm']['c'] = compiler else: raise AssertionError('{!r} found in cpp-asm?'.format(cmd['command'])) elif 'Icpp-asm' in cmd['command']: if cmd['file'].endswith('.S'): commands['cpp-asm']['asm'] = compiler elif cmd['file'].endswith('.cpp'): commands['cpp-asm']['cpp'] = compiler else: raise AssertionError('{!r} found in cpp-asm?'.format(cmd['command'])) elif 'Ic-cpp-asm' in cmd['command']: if cmd['file'].endswith('.S'): commands['c-cpp-asm']['asm'] = compiler elif cmd['file'].endswith('.c'): commands['c-cpp-asm']['c'] = compiler elif cmd['file'].endswith('.cpp'): commands['c-cpp-asm']['cpp'] = compiler else: raise AssertionError('{!r} found in c-cpp-asm?'.format(cmd['command'])) elif 'Icpp-c-asm' in cmd['command']: if cmd['file'].endswith('.S'): commands['cpp-c-asm']['asm'] = compiler elif cmd['file'].endswith('.c'): commands['cpp-c-asm']['c'] = compiler elif cmd['file'].endswith('.cpp'): commands['cpp-c-asm']['cpp'] = compiler else: raise AssertionError('{!r} found in cpp-c-asm?'.format(cmd['command'])) else: raise AssertionError('Unknown command {!r} found'.format(cmd['command'])) # Check that .S files are always built with the C compiler self.assertEqual(commands['c-asm']['asm'], commands['c-asm']['c']) self.assertEqual(commands['c-asm']['asm'], commands['cpp-asm']['asm']) self.assertEqual(commands['cpp-asm']['asm'], commands['c-cpp-asm']['c']) self.assertEqual(commands['c-cpp-asm']['asm'], commands['c-cpp-asm']['c']) self.assertEqual(commands['cpp-c-asm']['asm'], commands['cpp-c-asm']['c']) self.assertNotEqual(commands['cpp-asm']['asm'], commands['cpp-asm']['cpp']) self.assertNotEqual(commands['c-cpp-asm']['c'], commands['c-cpp-asm']['cpp']) self.assertNotEqual(commands['cpp-c-asm']['c'], commands['cpp-c-asm']['cpp']) # Check that the c-asm target is always linked with the C linker build_ninja = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'build.ninja') with open(build_ninja, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: contents = f.read() m = re.search('build c-asm.*: c_LINKER', contents) self.assertIsNotNone(m, msg=contents) def test_preprocessor_checks_CPPFLAGS(self): ''' Test that preprocessor compiler checks read CPPFLAGS but not CFLAGS ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '140 get define') define = 'MESON_TEST_DEFINE_VALUE' # NOTE: this list can't have \n, ' or " # \n is never substituted by the GNU pre-processor via a -D define # ' and " confuse shlex.split() even when they are escaped # % and # confuse the MSVC preprocessor value = 'spaces and fun!@$^&*()-=_+{}[]:;<>?,./~`' os.environ['CPPFLAGS'] = '-D{}="{}"'.format(define, value) os.environ['CFLAGS'] = '-DMESON_FAIL_VALUE=cflags-read'.format(define) self.init(testdir, ['-D{}={}'.format(define, value)]) class WindowsTests(BasePlatformTests): ''' Tests that should run on Cygwin, MinGW, and MSVC ''' def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.platform_test_dir = os.path.join(self.src_root, 'test cases/windows') def test_find_program(self): ''' Test that Windows-specific edge-cases in find_program are functioning correctly. Cannot be an ordinary test because it involves manipulating PATH to point to a directory with Python scripts. ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.platform_test_dir, '9 find program') # Find `cmd` and `cmd.exe` prog1 = ExternalProgram('cmd') self.assertTrue(prog1.found(), msg='cmd not found') prog2 = ExternalProgram('cmd.exe') self.assertTrue(prog2.found(), msg='cmd.exe not found') self.assertPathEqual(prog1.get_path(), prog2.get_path()) # Find cmd with an absolute path that's missing the extension cmd_path = prog2.get_path()[:-4] prog = ExternalProgram(cmd_path) self.assertTrue(prog.found(), msg='{!r} not found'.format(cmd_path)) # Finding a script with no extension inside a directory works prog = ExternalProgram(os.path.join(testdir, 'test-script')) self.assertTrue(prog.found(), msg='test-script not found') # Finding a script with an extension inside a directory works prog = ExternalProgram(os.path.join(testdir, 'test-script-ext.py')) self.assertTrue(prog.found(), msg='test-script-ext.py not found') # Finding a script in PATH w/o extension works and adds the interpreter os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + testdir prog = ExternalProgram('test-script-ext') self.assertTrue(prog.found(), msg='test-script-ext not found in PATH') self.assertPathEqual(prog.get_command()[0], sys.executable) self.assertPathBasenameEqual(prog.get_path(), 'test-script-ext.py') # Finding a script in PATH with extension works and adds the interpreter prog = ExternalProgram('test-script-ext.py') self.assertTrue(prog.found(), msg='test-script-ext.py not found in PATH') self.assertPathEqual(prog.get_command()[0], sys.executable) self.assertPathBasenameEqual(prog.get_path(), 'test-script-ext.py') class LinuxlikeTests(BasePlatformTests): ''' Tests that should run on Linux and *BSD ''' def test_basic_soname(self): ''' Test that the soname is set correctly for shared libraries. This can't be an ordinary test case because we need to run `readelf` and actually check the soname. https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/785 ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '4 shared') self.init(testdir) self.build() lib1 = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'libmylib.so') soname = get_soname(lib1) self.assertEqual(soname, 'libmylib.so') def test_custom_soname(self): ''' Test that the soname is set correctly for shared libraries when a custom prefix and/or suffix is used. This can't be an ordinary test case because we need to run `readelf` and actually check the soname. https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/785 ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '27 library versions') self.init(testdir) self.build() lib1 = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'prefixsomelib.suffix') soname = get_soname(lib1) self.assertEqual(soname, 'prefixsomelib.suffix') def test_pic(self): ''' Test that -fPIC is correctly added to static libraries when b_staticpic is true and not when it is false. This can't be an ordinary test case because we need to inspect the compiler database. ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '3 static') self.init(testdir) compdb = self.get_compdb() self.assertIn('-fPIC', compdb[0]['command']) self.setconf('-Db_staticpic=false') # Regenerate build self.build() compdb = self.get_compdb() self.assertNotIn('-fPIC', compdb[0]['command']) def test_pkgconfig_gen(self): ''' Test that generated pkg-config files can be found and have the correct version and link args. This can't be an ordinary test case because we need to run pkg-config outside of a Meson build file. https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/889 ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '51 pkgconfig-gen') self.init(testdir) env = FakeEnvironment() kwargs = {'required': True, 'silent': True} os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR'] = self.privatedir simple_dep = PkgConfigDependency('libfoo', env, kwargs) self.assertTrue(simple_dep.found()) self.assertEqual(simple_dep.get_version(), '1.0') self.assertIn('-lfoo', simple_dep.get_link_args()) def test_vala_c_warnings(self): ''' Test that no warnings are emitted for C code generated by Vala. This can't be an ordinary test case because we need to inspect the compiler database. https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/864 ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.vala_test_dir, '5 target glib') self.init(testdir) compdb = self.get_compdb() vala_command = None c_command = None for each in compdb: if each['file'].endswith('GLib.Thread.c'): vala_command = each['command'] elif each['file'].endswith('GLib.Thread.vala'): continue elif each['file'].endswith('retcode.c'): c_command = each['command'] else: m = 'Unknown file {!r} in vala_c_warnings test'.format(each['file']) raise AssertionError(m) self.assertIsNotNone(vala_command) self.assertIsNotNone(c_command) # -w suppresses all warnings, should be there in Vala but not in C self.assertIn("'-w'", vala_command) self.assertNotIn("'-w'", c_command) # -Wall enables all warnings, should be there in C but not in Vala self.assertNotIn("'-Wall'", vala_command) self.assertIn("'-Wall'", c_command) # -Werror converts warnings to errors, should always be there since it's # injected by an unrelated piece of code and the project has werror=true self.assertIn("'-Werror'", vala_command) self.assertIn("'-Werror'", c_command) def test_qt5dependency_pkgconfig_detection(self): ''' Test that qt4 and qt5 detection with pkgconfig works. ''' # Verify Qt4 or Qt5 can be found with pkg-config if not shutil.which('pkg-config'): raise unittest.SkipTest('pkg-config not found') qt4 = subprocess.call(['pkg-config', '--exists', 'QtCore']) qt5 = subprocess.call(['pkg-config', '--exists', 'Qt5Core']) if qt4 != 0 or qt5 != 0: raise unittest.SkipTest('Qt not found with pkg-config') testdir = os.path.join(self.framework_test_dir, '4 qt') self.init(testdir) # Confirm that the dependency was found with qmake msg = 'Qt4 native `pkg-config` dependency (modules: Core, Gui) found: YES\n' msg2 = 'Qt5 native `pkg-config` dependency (modules: Core, Gui) found: YES\n' mesonlog = self.get_meson_log() self.assertTrue(msg in mesonlog or msg2 in mesonlog) def test_qt5dependency_qmake_detection(self): ''' Test that qt5 detection with qmake works. This can't be an ordinary test case because it involves setting the environment. ''' # Verify that qmake is for Qt5 if not shutil.which('qmake-qt5'): if not shutil.which('qmake'): raise unittest.SkipTest('QMake not found') # For some inexplicable reason qmake --version gives different # results when run from the command line vs invoked by Python. # Check for both cases in case this behaviour changes in the future. output = subprocess.getoutput(['qmake', '--version']) if 'Qt version 5' not in output and 'qt5' not in output: raise unittest.SkipTest('Qmake found, but it is not for Qt 5.') # Disable pkg-config codepath and force searching with qmake/qmake-qt5 os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR'] = self.builddir os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = self.builddir testdir = os.path.join(self.framework_test_dir, '4 qt') self.init(testdir) # Confirm that the dependency was found with qmake msg = 'Qt5 native `qmake-qt5` dependency (modules: Core) found: YES\n' msg2 = 'Qt5 native `qmake` dependency (modules: Core) found: YES\n' mesonlog = self.get_meson_log() self.assertTrue(msg in mesonlog or msg2 in mesonlog) def get_soname(self, fname): output = subprocess.check_output(['readelf', '-a', fname], universal_newlines=True) for line in output.split('\n'): if 'SONAME' in line: return line.split('[')[1].split(']')[0] raise RuntimeError('Readelf gave no SONAME.') def _test_soname_impl(self, libpath, install): testdir = os.path.join(self.unit_test_dir, '1 soname') self.init(testdir) self.build() if install: self.install() # File without aliases set. nover = os.path.join(libpath, 'libnover.so') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(nover)) self.assertFalse(os.path.islink(nover)) self.assertEqual(self.get_soname(nover), 'libnover.so') self.assertEqual(len(glob(nover[:-3] + '*')), 1) # File with version set verset = os.path.join(libpath, 'libverset.so') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(verset + '.4.5.6')) self.assertEqual(os.readlink(verset), 'libverset.so.4') self.assertEqual(self.get_soname(verset), 'libverset.so.4') self.assertEqual(len(glob(verset[:-3] + '*')), 3) # File with soversion set soverset = os.path.join(libpath, 'libsoverset.so') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(soverset + '.1.2.3')) self.assertEqual(os.readlink(soverset), 'libsoverset.so.1.2.3') self.assertEqual(self.get_soname(soverset), 'libsoverset.so.1.2.3') self.assertEqual(len(glob(soverset[:-3] + '*')), 2) # File with version and soversion set to same values settosame = os.path.join(libpath, 'libsettosame.so') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(settosame + '.7.8.9')) self.assertEqual(os.readlink(settosame), 'libsettosame.so.7.8.9') self.assertEqual(self.get_soname(settosame), 'libsettosame.so.7.8.9') self.assertEqual(len(glob(settosame[:-3] + '*')), 2) # File with version and soversion set to different values bothset = os.path.join(libpath, 'libbothset.so') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(bothset + '.1.2.3')) self.assertEqual(os.readlink(bothset), 'libbothset.so.1.2.3') self.assertEqual(os.readlink(bothset + '.1.2.3'), 'libbothset.so.4.5.6') self.assertEqual(self.get_soname(bothset), 'libbothset.so.1.2.3') self.assertEqual(len(glob(bothset[:-3] + '*')), 3) def test_soname(self): self._test_soname_impl(self.builddir, False) def test_installed_soname(self): self._test_soname_impl(self.installdir + self.libdir, True) def test_compiler_check_flags_order(self): ''' Test that compiler check flags override all other flags. This can't be an ordinary test case because it needs the environment to be set. ''' Oflag = '-O3' os.environ['CFLAGS'] = os.environ['CXXFLAGS'] = Oflag testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '43 has function') self.init(testdir) cmds = self.get_meson_log_compiler_checks() for cmd in cmds: if cmd[0] == 'ccache': cmd = cmd[1:] # Verify that -I flags from the `args` kwarg are first # This is set in the '43 has function' test case self.assertEqual(cmd[1], '-I/tmp') # Verify that -O3 set via the environment is overriden by -O0 Oargs = [arg for arg in cmd if arg.startswith('-O')] self.assertEqual(Oargs, [Oflag, '-O0']) def test_custom_target_exe_data_deterministic(self): testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '117 custom target capture') self.init(testdir) meson_exe_dat1 = glob(os.path.join(self.privatedir, 'meson_exe*.dat')) self.wipe() self.init(testdir) meson_exe_dat2 = glob(os.path.join(self.privatedir, 'meson_exe*.dat')) self.assertListEqual(meson_exe_dat1, meson_exe_dat2) def _test_stds_impl(self, testdir, compiler, p): lang_std = p + '_std' # Check that all the listed -std=xxx options for this compiler work # just fine when used for v in compiler.get_options()[lang_std].choices: std_opt = '{}={}'.format(lang_std, v) self.init(testdir, ['-D' + std_opt]) cmd = self.get_compdb()[0]['command'] if v != 'none': cmd_std = "'-std={}'".format(v) self.assertIn(cmd_std, cmd) try: self.build() except: print('{} was {!r}'.format(lang_std, v)) raise self.wipe() # Check that an invalid std option in CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS fails # Needed because by default ICC ignores invalid options cmd_std = '-std=FAIL' env_flags = p.upper() + 'FLAGS' os.environ[env_flags] = cmd_std self.init(testdir) cmd = self.get_compdb()[0]['command'] qcmd_std = "'{}'".format(cmd_std) self.assertIn(qcmd_std, cmd) with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError, msg='{} should have failed'.format(qcmd_std)): self.build() def test_compiler_c_stds(self): ''' Test that C stds specified for this compiler can all be used. Can't be an ordinary test because it requires passing options to meson. ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '1 trivial') env = Environment(testdir, self.builddir, self.meson_command, get_fake_options(self.prefix), []) cc = env.detect_c_compiler(False) self._test_stds_impl(testdir, cc, 'c') def test_compiler_cpp_stds(self): ''' Test that C++ stds specified for this compiler can all be used. Can't be an ordinary test because it requires passing options to meson. ''' testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '2 cpp') env = Environment(testdir, self.builddir, self.meson_command, get_fake_options(self.prefix), []) cpp = env.detect_cpp_compiler(False) self._test_stds_impl(testdir, cpp, 'cpp') def test_installed_modes(self): ''' Test that files installed by these tests have the correct permissions. Can't be an ordinary test because our installed_files.txt is very basic. ''' # Test file modes testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '12 data') self.init(testdir) self.install() f = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'etc', 'etcfile.dat') found_mode = stat.filemode(os.stat(f).st_mode) want_mode = 'rw------T' self.assertEqual(want_mode, found_mode[1:]) f = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'usr', 'bin', 'runscript.sh') statf = os.stat(f) found_mode = stat.filemode(statf.st_mode) want_mode = 'rwxr-sr-x' self.assertEqual(want_mode, found_mode[1:]) if os.getuid() == 0: # The chown failed nonfatally if we're not root self.assertEqual(0, statf.st_uid) self.assertEqual(0, statf.st_gid) f = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'usr', 'share', 'progname', 'fileobject_datafile.dat') orig = os.path.join(testdir, 'fileobject_datafile.dat') statf = os.stat(f) statorig = os.stat(orig) found_mode = stat.filemode(statf.st_mode) orig_mode = stat.filemode(statorig.st_mode) self.assertEqual(orig_mode[1:], found_mode[1:]) self.assertEqual(os.getuid(), statf.st_uid) if os.getuid() == 0: # The chown failed nonfatally if we're not root self.assertEqual(0, statf.st_gid) self.wipe() # Test directory modes testdir = os.path.join(self.common_test_dir, '66 install subdir') self.init(testdir) self.install() f = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'usr', 'share', 'sub1') statf = os.stat(f) found_mode = stat.filemode(statf.st_mode) want_mode = 'rwxr-x--t' self.assertEqual(want_mode, found_mode[1:]) if os.getuid() == 0: # The chown failed nonfatally if we're not root self.assertEqual(0, statf.st_uid) def test_cpp_std_override(self): testdir = os.path.join(self.unit_test_dir, '6 std override') self.init(testdir) compdb = self.get_compdb() for i in compdb: if 'prog03' in i['file']: c03_comp = i['command'] if 'prog11' in i['file']: c11_comp = i['command'] if 'progp' in i['file']: plain_comp = i['command'] self.assertNotEqual(len(plain_comp), 0) self.assertIn('-std=c++03', c03_comp) self.assertNotIn('-std=c++11', c03_comp) self.assertIn('-std=c++11', c11_comp) self.assertNotIn('-std=c++03', c11_comp) self.assertNotIn('-std=c++03', plain_comp) self.assertNotIn('-std=c++11', plain_comp) # Now werror self.assertIn('-Werror', plain_comp) self.assertNotIn('-Werror', c03_comp) class RewriterTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() src_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.testroot = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp()) self.rewrite_command = [sys.executable, os.path.join(src_root, 'mesonrewriter.py')] self.tmpdir = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp()) self.workdir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'foo') self.test_dir = os.path.join(src_root, 'test cases/rewrite') def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) def read_contents(self, fname): with open(os.path.join(self.workdir, fname)) as f: return f.read() def check_effectively_same(self, mainfile, truth): mf = self.read_contents(mainfile) t = self.read_contents(truth) # Rewriting is not guaranteed to do a perfect job of # maintaining whitespace. self.assertEqual(mf.replace(' ', ''), t.replace(' ', '')) def prime(self, dirname): shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self.test_dir, dirname), self.workdir) def test_basic(self): self.prime('1 basic') subprocess.check_call(self.rewrite_command + ['remove', '--target=trivialprog', '--filename=notthere.c', '--sourcedir', self.workdir], universal_newlines=True) self.check_effectively_same('meson.build', 'removed.txt') subprocess.check_call(self.rewrite_command + ['add', '--target=trivialprog', '--filename=notthere.c', '--sourcedir', self.workdir], universal_newlines=True) self.check_effectively_same('meson.build', 'added.txt') subprocess.check_call(self.rewrite_command + ['remove', '--target=trivialprog', '--filename=notthere.c', '--sourcedir', self.workdir], universal_newlines=True) self.check_effectively_same('meson.build', 'removed.txt') def test_subdir(self): self.prime('2 subdirs') top = self.read_contents('meson.build') s2 = self.read_contents('sub2/meson.build') subprocess.check_call(self.rewrite_command + ['remove', '--target=something', '--filename=second.c', '--sourcedir', self.workdir], universal_newlines=True) self.check_effectively_same('sub1/meson.build', 'sub1/after.txt') self.assertEqual(top, self.read_contents('meson.build')) self.assertEqual(s2, self.read_contents('sub2/meson.build')) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(buffer=True)