# Copyright 2016 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This class contains the basic functionality needed to run any interpreter # or an interpreter-based tool. from .visitor import AstVisitor from .. import interpreterbase, mparser, mesonlib from .. import environment from ..interpreterbase import InvalidArguments, BreakRequest, ContinueRequest from ..mparser import ( ArgumentNode, ArithmeticNode, ArrayNode, AssignmentNode, BaseNode, ElementaryNode, EmptyNode, IdNode, MethodNode, PlusAssignmentNode, TernaryNode, ) import os, sys import typing as T class DontCareObject(interpreterbase.InterpreterObject): pass class MockExecutable(interpreterbase.InterpreterObject): pass class MockStaticLibrary(interpreterbase.InterpreterObject): pass class MockSharedLibrary(interpreterbase.InterpreterObject): pass class MockCustomTarget(interpreterbase.InterpreterObject): pass class MockRunTarget(interpreterbase.InterpreterObject): pass ADD_SOURCE = 0 REMOVE_SOURCE = 1 class AstInterpreter(interpreterbase.InterpreterBase): def __init__(self, source_root: str, subdir: str, visitors: T.Optional[T.List[AstVisitor]] = None): super().__init__(source_root, subdir) self.visitors = visitors if visitors is not None else [] self.visited_subdirs = {} self.assignments = {} self.assign_vals = {} self.reverse_assignment = {} self.funcs.update({'project': self.func_do_nothing, 'test': self.func_do_nothing, 'benchmark': self.func_do_nothing, 'install_headers': self.func_do_nothing, 'install_man': self.func_do_nothing, 'install_data': self.func_do_nothing, 'install_subdir': self.func_do_nothing, 'configuration_data': self.func_do_nothing, 'configure_file': self.func_do_nothing, 'find_program': self.func_do_nothing, 'include_directories': self.func_do_nothing, 'add_global_arguments': self.func_do_nothing, 'add_global_link_arguments': self.func_do_nothing, 'add_project_arguments': self.func_do_nothing, 'add_project_link_arguments': self.func_do_nothing, 'message': self.func_do_nothing, 'generator': self.func_do_nothing, 'error': self.func_do_nothing, 'run_command': self.func_do_nothing, 'assert': self.func_do_nothing, 'subproject': self.func_do_nothing, 'dependency': self.func_do_nothing, 'get_option': self.func_do_nothing, 'join_paths': self.func_do_nothing, 'environment': self.func_do_nothing, 'import': self.func_do_nothing, 'vcs_tag': self.func_do_nothing, 'add_languages': self.func_do_nothing, 'declare_dependency': self.func_do_nothing, 'files': self.func_do_nothing, 'executable': self.func_do_nothing, 'static_library': self.func_do_nothing, 'shared_library': self.func_do_nothing, 'library': self.func_do_nothing, 'build_target': self.func_do_nothing, 'custom_target': self.func_do_nothing, 'run_target': self.func_do_nothing, 'subdir': self.func_subdir, 'set_variable': self.func_do_nothing, 'get_variable': self.func_do_nothing, 'is_disabler': self.func_do_nothing, 'is_variable': self.func_do_nothing, 'disabler': self.func_do_nothing, 'gettext': self.func_do_nothing, 'jar': self.func_do_nothing, 'warning': self.func_do_nothing, 'shared_module': self.func_do_nothing, 'option': self.func_do_nothing, 'both_libraries': self.func_do_nothing, 'add_test_setup': self.func_do_nothing, 'find_library': self.func_do_nothing, 'subdir_done': self.func_do_nothing, 'alias_target': self.func_do_nothing, 'summary': self.func_do_nothing, }) def func_do_nothing(self, node, args, kwargs): return True def load_root_meson_file(self): super().load_root_meson_file() for i in self.visitors: self.ast.accept(i) def func_subdir(self, node, args, kwargs): args = self.flatten_args(args) if len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], str): sys.stderr.write('Unable to evaluate subdir({}) in AstInterpreter --> Skipping\n'.format(args)) return prev_subdir = self.subdir subdir = os.path.join(prev_subdir, args[0]) absdir = os.path.join(self.source_root, subdir) buildfilename = os.path.join(subdir, environment.build_filename) absname = os.path.join(self.source_root, buildfilename) symlinkless_dir = os.path.realpath(absdir) if symlinkless_dir in self.visited_subdirs: sys.stderr.write('Trying to enter {} which has already been visited --> Skipping\n'.format(args[0])) return self.visited_subdirs[symlinkless_dir] = True if not os.path.isfile(absname): sys.stderr.write('Unable to find build file {} --> Skipping\n'.format(buildfilename)) return with open(absname, encoding='utf8') as f: code = f.read() assert(isinstance(code, str)) try: codeblock = mparser.Parser(code, absname).parse() except mesonlib.MesonException as me: me.file = absname raise me self.subdir = subdir for i in self.visitors: codeblock.accept(i) self.evaluate_codeblock(codeblock) self.subdir = prev_subdir def method_call(self, node): return True def evaluate_arithmeticstatement(self, cur): self.evaluate_statement(cur.left) self.evaluate_statement(cur.right) return 0 def evaluate_uminusstatement(self, cur): self.evaluate_statement(cur.value) return 0 def evaluate_ternary(self, node): assert(isinstance(node, TernaryNode)) self.evaluate_statement(node.condition) self.evaluate_statement(node.trueblock) self.evaluate_statement(node.falseblock) def evaluate_plusassign(self, node): assert(isinstance(node, PlusAssignmentNode)) if node.var_name not in self.assignments: self.assignments[node.var_name] = [] self.assign_vals[node.var_name] = [] self.assignments[node.var_name] += [node.value] # Save a reference to the value node if hasattr(node.value, 'ast_id'): self.reverse_assignment[node.value.ast_id] = node self.assign_vals[node.var_name] += [self.evaluate_statement(node.value)] def evaluate_indexing(self, node): return 0 def unknown_function_called(self, func_name): pass def reduce_arguments(self, args): if isinstance(args, ArgumentNode): if args.incorrect_order(): raise InvalidArguments('All keyword arguments must be after positional arguments.') return self.flatten_args(args.arguments), args.kwargs else: return self.flatten_args(args), {} def evaluate_comparison(self, node): self.evaluate_statement(node.left) self.evaluate_statement(node.right) return False def evaluate_andstatement(self, cur): self.evaluate_statement(cur.left) self.evaluate_statement(cur.right) return False def evaluate_orstatement(self, cur): self.evaluate_statement(cur.left) self.evaluate_statement(cur.right) return False def evaluate_foreach(self, node): try: self.evaluate_codeblock(node.block) except ContinueRequest: pass except BreakRequest: pass def evaluate_if(self, node): for i in node.ifs: self.evaluate_codeblock(i.block) if not isinstance(node.elseblock, EmptyNode): self.evaluate_codeblock(node.elseblock) def get_variable(self, varname): return 0 def assignment(self, node): assert(isinstance(node, AssignmentNode)) self.assignments[node.var_name] = [node.value] # Save a reference to the value node if hasattr(node.value, 'ast_id'): self.reverse_assignment[node.value.ast_id] = node self.assign_vals[node.var_name] = [self.evaluate_statement(node.value)] # Evaluate the value just in case def resolve_node(self, node: BaseNode, include_unknown_args: bool = False, id_loop_detect: T.Optional[T.List[str]] = None) -> T.Optional[T.Any]: def quick_resolve(n: BaseNode, loop_detect: T.Optional[T.List[str]] = None) -> T.Any: if loop_detect is None: loop_detect = [] if isinstance(n, IdNode): if n.value in loop_detect or n.value not in self.assignments: return [] return quick_resolve(self.assignments[n.value][0], loop_detect = loop_detect + [n.value]) elif isinstance(n, ElementaryNode): return n.value else: return n if id_loop_detect is None: id_loop_detect = [] result = None if not isinstance(node, BaseNode): return None assert(hasattr(node, 'ast_id')) if node.ast_id in id_loop_detect: return None # Loop detected id_loop_detect += [node.ast_id] # Try to evealuate the value of the node if isinstance(node, IdNode): result = quick_resolve(node) elif isinstance(node, ElementaryNode): result = node.value elif isinstance(node, ArrayNode): result = [x for x in node.args.arguments] elif isinstance(node, ArgumentNode): result = [x for x in node.arguments] elif isinstance(node, ArithmeticNode): if node.operation != 'add': return None # Only handle string and array concats l = quick_resolve(node.left) r = quick_resolve(node.right) if isinstance(l, str) and isinstance(r, str): result = l + r # String concatenation detected else: result = self.flatten_args(l, include_unknown_args, id_loop_detect) + self.flatten_args(r, include_unknown_args, id_loop_detect) elif isinstance(node, MethodNode): src = quick_resolve(node.source_object) margs = self.flatten_args(node.args, include_unknown_args, id_loop_detect) try: if isinstance(src, str): result = self.string_method_call(src, node.name, margs) elif isinstance(src, bool): result = self.bool_method_call(src, node.name, margs) elif isinstance(src, int): result = self.int_method_call(src, node.name, margs) elif isinstance(src, list): result = self.array_method_call(src, node.name, margs) elif isinstance(src, dict): result = self.dict_method_call(src, node.name, margs) except mesonlib.MesonException: return None # Ensure that the result is fully resolved (no more nodes) if isinstance(result, BaseNode): result = self.resolve_node(result, include_unknown_args, id_loop_detect) elif isinstance(result, list): new_res = [] for i in result: if isinstance(i, BaseNode): resolved = self.resolve_node(i, include_unknown_args, id_loop_detect) if resolved is not None: new_res += self.flatten_args(resolved, include_unknown_args, id_loop_detect) else: new_res += [i] result = new_res return result def flatten_args(self, args: T.Any, include_unknown_args: bool = False, id_loop_detect: T.Optional[T.List[str]] = None) -> T.List[T.Any]: # Make sure we are always dealing with lists if not isinstance(args, list): args = [args] flattend_args = [] # Resolve the contents of args for i in args: if isinstance(i, BaseNode): resolved = self.resolve_node(i, include_unknown_args, id_loop_detect) if resolved is not None: if not isinstance(resolved, list): resolved = [resolved] flattend_args += resolved elif isinstance(i, (str, bool, int, float)) or include_unknown_args: flattend_args += [i] return flattend_args def flatten_kwargs(self, kwargs: object, include_unknown_args: bool = False): flattend_kwargs = {} for key, val in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(val, BaseNode): resolved = self.resolve_node(val, include_unknown_args) if resolved is not None: flattend_kwargs[key] = resolved elif isinstance(val, (str, bool, int, float)) or include_unknown_args: flattend_kwargs[key] = val return flattend_kwargs