project('qt4 and 5 build test', 'cpp') qt5_modules = ['Widgets'] foreach qt : ['qt4', 'qt5'] qt_modules = ['Core', 'Gui'] if qt == 'qt5' qt_modules += qt5_modules endif # Test that invalid modules are indeed not found fakeqtdep = dependency(qt, modules : ['DefinitelyNotFound'], required : false) if fakeqtdep.found() error('Invalid qt dep incorrectly found!') endif # Test that partially-invalid modules are indeed not found fakeqtdep = dependency(qt, modules : ['Core', 'DefinitelyNotFound'], required : false) if fakeqtdep.found() error('Invalid qt dep incorrectly found!') endif # If qt4 modules are found, test that. qt5 is required. qtdep = dependency(qt, modules : qt_modules, required : qt == 'qt5') if qtdep.found() qtmodule = import(qt) # The following has two resource files because having two in one target # requires you to do it properly or you get linker symbol clashes. prep = qtmodule.preprocess( moc_headers : ['mainWindow.h'], # These need to be fed through the moc tool before use. ui_files : 'mainWindow.ui', # XML files that need to be compiled with the uic tol. qresources : ['stuff.qrc', 'stuff2.qrc'], # Resource file for rcc compiler. ) qexe = executable(qt + 'app', sources : ['main.cpp', 'mainWindow.cpp', # Sources that don't need preprocessing. prep], dependencies : qtdep) # We need a console test application because some test environments # do not have an X server. qtcore = dependency(qt, modules : 'Core') qtcoreapp = executable(qt + 'core', 'q5core.cpp', dependencies : qtcore) test(qt + 'test', qtcoreapp) # The build system needs to include the cpp files from # headers but the user must manually include moc # files from sources. manpreprocessed = qtmodule.preprocess( moc_sources : 'manualinclude.cpp', moc_headers : 'manualinclude.h') qtmaninclude = executable(qt + 'maninclude', sources : ['manualinclude.cpp', manpreprocessed], dependencies : qtcore) test(qt + 'maninclude', qtmaninclude) endif endforeach