project('array methods', 'c') empty = [] one = ['abc'] two = ['def', 'ghi'] combined = [empty, one, two] file_list = files('a.txt', 'b.txt') file_a = files('a.txt') file_c = files('c.txt') if file_a[0] != file_list[0] error('Files are not equal') endif if not file_list.contains(file_a[0]) error('Contains with ObjectHolder lists does not work') endif if file_list.contains(file_c[0]) error('Contains with ObjectHolder lists found non existant object') endif if empty.contains('abc') error('Empty is not empty.') endif if one.contains('a') error('One claims to contain a') endif if not one.contains('abc') error('One claims to not contain abc.') endif if one.contains('abcd') error('One claims to contain abcd.') endif if two.contains('abc') error('Two claims to contain abc.') endif if not two.contains('def') error('Two claims not to contain def.') endif if not two.contains('ghi') error('Two claims not to contain ghi.') endif if two.contains('defg') error('Two claims to contain defg.') endif if not combined.contains('abc') error('Combined claims not to contain abc.') endif if not combined.contains(one) error('Combined claims not to contain [abc].') endif if not combined.contains(two) error('Combined claims not to contain [def, ghi].') endif if not combined.contains('ghi') error('Combined claims not to contain ghi.') endif