# CMake module **Note**: the functionality of this module is governed by [Meson's rules on mixing build systems](Mixing-build-systems.md). This module provides helper tools for generating cmake package files. It also supports the usage of CMake based subprojects, similar to the normal [Meson subprojects](Subprojects.md). ## Usage To use this module, just do: **`cmake = import('cmake')`**. The following functions will then be available as methods on the object with the name `cmake`. You can, of course, replace the name `cmake` with anything else. It is generally recommended to use the latest Meson version and CMake >=3.17 for best compatibility. CMake subprojects will usually also work with older CMake versions. However, this can lead to unexpected issues in rare cases. ## CMake subprojects Using CMake subprojects is similar to using the "normal" Meson subprojects. They also have to be located in the `subprojects` directory. Example: ```cmake add_library(cm_lib SHARED ${SOURCES}) ``` ```meson cmake = import('cmake') # Configure the CMake project sub_proj = cmake.subproject('libsimple_cmake') # Fetch the dependency object cm_lib = sub_proj.dependency('cm_lib') executable(exe1, ['sources'], dependencies: [cm_lib]) ``` The `subproject` method is almost identical to the normal Meson `subproject` function. The only difference is that a CMake project instead of a Meson project is configured. The returned `sub_proj` supports the same options as a "normal" subproject. Meson automatically detects CMake build targets, which can be accessed with the methods listed [below](#subproject-object). It is usually enough to just use the dependency object returned by the `dependency()` method in the build targets. This is almost identical to using `declare_dependency()` object from a normal Meson subproject. It is also possible to use executables defined in the CMake project as code generators with the `target()` method: ```cmake add_executable(cm_exe ${EXE_SRC}) ``` ```meson cmake = import('cmake') # Subproject with the "code generator" sub_pro = cmake.subproject('cmCodeGen') # Fetch the code generator exe sub_exe = sub_pro.target('cm_exe') # Use the code generator generated = custom_target( 'cmake-generated', input: [], output: ['test.cpp'], command: [sub_exe, '@OUTPUT@'] ) ``` It should be noted that not all projects are guaranteed to work. The safest approach would still be to create a `meson.build` for the subprojects in question. ### Configuration options *New in meson 0.55.0* Meson also supports passing configuration options to CMake and overriding certain build details extracted from the CMake subproject. ```meson cmake = import('cmake') opt_var = cmake.subproject_options() # Call CMake with `-DSOME_OTHER_VAR=ON` opt_var.add_cmake_defines({'SOME_OTHER_VAR': true}) # Globally override the C++ standard to c++11 opt_var.set_override_option('cpp_std', 'c++11') # Override the previous global C++ standard # with c++14 only for the CMake target someLib opt_var.set_override_option('cpp_std', 'c++14', target: 'someLib') sub_pro = cmake.subproject('someLibProject', options: opt_var) # Further changes to opt_var have no effect ``` See [the CMake options object](#cmake-options-object) for a complete reference of all supported functions. The CMake configuration options object is very similar to the [[@cfg_data]] object] object returned by [[configuration_data]]. It is generated by the `subproject_options` function All configuration options have to be set *before* the subproject is configured and must be passed to the `subproject` method via the `options` key. Altering the configuration object won't have any effect on previous `cmake.subproject` calls. In earlier Meson versions CMake command-line parameters could be set with the `cmake_options` kwarg. However, this feature is deprecated since 0.55.0 and only kept for compatibility. It will not work together with the `options` kwarg. ### `subproject` object This object is returned by the `subproject` function described above and supports the following methods: - `dependency(target)` returns a dependency object for any CMake target. The `include_type` kwarg *(new in 0.56.0)* controls the include type of the returned dependency object similar to the same kwarg in the [[dependency]] function. - `include_directories(target)` returns a Meson [[@inc]] object for the specified target. Using this function is not necessary if the dependency object is used. - `target(target)` returns the raw build target. - `target_type(target)` returns the type of the target as a string - `target_list()` returns a list of all target *names*. - `get_variable(name)` fetches the specified variable from inside the subproject. Usually `dependency()` or `target()` should be preferred to extract build targets. - `found` returns true if the subproject is available, otherwise false *new in Meson 0.53.2* ### `cmake options` object This object is returned by the `subproject_options()` function and consumed by the `options` kwarg of the `subproject` function. The following methods are supported: - `add_cmake_defines({'opt1': val1, ...})` add additional CMake commandline defines - `set_override_option(opt, val)` set specific [build options](Build-options.md) for targets. This will effectively add `opt=val` to the `override_options` array of the [[build_target]] - `set_install(bool)` override whether targets should be installed or not - `append_compile_args(lang, arg1, ...)` append compile flags for a specific language to the targets - `append_link_args(arg1, ...)` append linger args to the targets - `clear()` reset all data in the `cmake options` object The methods `set_override_option`, `set_install`, `append_compile_args` and `append_link_args` support the optional `target` kwarg. If specified, the set options affect the specific target. The effect of the option is global for the subproject otherwise. If, for instance, `opt_var.set_install(false)` is called, no target will be installed regardless of what is set by CMake. However, it is still possible to install specific targets (here `foo`) by setting the `target` kwarg: `opt_var.set_install(true, target: 'foo')` Options that are not set won't affect the generated subproject. So, if for instance, `set_install` was not called then the values extracted from CMake will be used. ### Cross compilation *New in 0.56.0* Meson will try to automatically guess most of the required CMake toolchain variables from existing entries in the cross and native files. These variables will be stored in an automatically generate CMake toolchain file in the build directory. The remaining variables that can't be guessed can be added by the user in the `[cmake]` cross/native file section (*new in 0.56.0*). Adding a manual CMake toolchain file is also supported with the `cmake_toolchain_file` setting in the `[properties]` section. Directly setting a CMake toolchain file with `-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/some/Toolchain.cmake` in the `meson.build` is **not** supported since the automatically generated toolchain file is also used by Meson to inject arbitrary code into CMake to enable the CMake subproject support. The closest configuration to only using a manual CMake toolchain file would be to set these options in the machine file: ```ini [properties] cmake_toolchain_file = '/path/to/some/Toolchain.cmake' cmake_defaults = false [cmake] # No entries in this section ``` This will result in a toolchain file with just the bare minimum to enable the CMake subproject support and `include()` the `cmake_toolchain_file` as the last instruction. For more information see the [cross and native file specification](Machine-files.md). ## CMake configuration files ### cmake.write_basic_package_version_file() This function is the equivalent of the corresponding [CMake function](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/CMakePackageConfigHelpers.html#command:write_basic_package_version_file), it generates a `name` package version file. * `name`: the name of the package. * `version`: the version of the generated package file. * `compatibility`: a string indicating the kind of compatibility, the accepted values are `AnyNewerVersion`, `SameMajorVersion`, `SameMinorVersion` or `ExactVersion`. It defaults to `AnyNewerVersion`. Depending on your cmake installation some kind of compatibility may not be available. * `arch_independent`: *new in 0.62.0*, if true the generated package file will skip architecture checks. Useful for header-only libraries. * `install_dir`: optional installation directory, it defaults to `$(libdir)/cmake/$(name)` Example: ```meson cmake = import('cmake') cmake.write_basic_package_version_file(name: 'myProject', version: '1.0.0') ``` ### cmake.configure_package_config_file() This function is the equivalent of the corresponding [CMake function](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.11/module/CMakePackageConfigHelpers.html#generating-a-package-configuration-file), it generates a `name` package configuration file from the `input` template file. Just like the cmake function in this file the `@PACKAGE_INIT@` statement will be replaced by the appropriate piece of cmake code. The equivalent `PATH_VARS` argument is given through the `configuration` parameter. * `name`: the name of the package. * `input`: the template file where that will be treated for variable substitutions contained in `configuration`. * `install_dir`: optional installation directory, it defaults to `$(libdir)/cmake/$(name)`. * `configuration`: a `configuration_data` object that will be used for variable substitution in the template file. Example: meson.build: ```meson cmake = import('cmake') conf = configuration_data() conf.set_quoted('VAR', 'variable value') cmake.configure_package_config_file( name: 'myProject', input: 'myProject.cmake.in', configuration: conf ) ``` myProject.cmake.in: ```text @PACKAGE_INIT@ set(MYVAR VAR) ```