# Copyright 2013-2019 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This file contains the detection logic for miscellaneous external dependencies. from pathlib import Path import functools import os import re import sysconfig from .. import mlog from .. import mesonlib from ..mesonlib import split_args from ..environment import detect_cpu_family from .base import ( DependencyException, DependencyMethods, ExternalDependency, ExternalProgram, ExtraFrameworkDependency, PkgConfigDependency, CMakeDependency, ConfigToolDependency, ) class HDF5Dependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): language = kwargs.get('language', 'c') super().__init__('hdf5', environment, language, kwargs) kwargs['required'] = False kwargs['silent'] = True self.is_found = False pkgconfig_files = ['hdf5'] if language not in ('c', 'cpp', 'fortran'): raise DependencyException('Language {} is not supported with HDF5.'.format(language)) for pkg in pkgconfig_files: try: pkgdep = PkgConfigDependency(pkg, environment, kwargs, language=self.language) if pkgdep.found(): self.compile_args = pkgdep.get_compile_args() # derive needed libraries by language pd_link_args = pkgdep.get_link_args() link_args = [] for larg in pd_link_args: lpath = Path(larg) if lpath.is_file(): if language == 'cpp': link_args.append(str(lpath.parent / (lpath.stem + '_hl_cpp' + lpath.suffix))) link_args.append(str(lpath.parent / (lpath.stem + '_cpp' + lpath.suffix))) elif language == 'fortran': link_args.append(str(lpath.parent / (lpath.stem + 'hl_fortran' + lpath.suffix))) link_args.append(str(lpath.parent / (lpath.stem + '_fortran' + lpath.suffix))) # HDF5 C libs are required by other HDF5 languages link_args.append(str(lpath.parent / (lpath.stem + '_hl' + lpath.suffix))) link_args.append(larg) else: link_args.append(larg) self.link_args = link_args self.version = pkgdep.get_version() self.is_found = True self.pcdep = pkgdep break except Exception: pass class NetCDFDependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): language = kwargs.get('language', 'c') super().__init__('netcdf', environment, language, kwargs) kwargs['required'] = False kwargs['silent'] = True self.is_found = False pkgconfig_files = ['netcdf'] if language not in ('c', 'cpp', 'fortran'): raise DependencyException('Language {} is not supported with NetCDF.'.format(language)) if language == 'fortran': pkgconfig_files.append('netcdf-fortran') self.compile_args = [] self.link_args = [] self.pcdep = [] for pkg in pkgconfig_files: pkgdep = PkgConfigDependency(pkg, environment, kwargs, language=self.language) if pkgdep.found(): self.compile_args.extend(pkgdep.get_compile_args()) self.link_args.extend(pkgdep.get_link_args()) self.version = pkgdep.get_version() self.is_found = True self.pcdep.append(pkgdep) class MPIDependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): language = kwargs.get('language', 'c') super().__init__('mpi', environment, language, kwargs) kwargs['required'] = False kwargs['silent'] = True self.is_found = False # NOTE: Only OpenMPI supplies a pkg-config file at the moment. if language == 'c': env_vars = ['MPICC'] pkgconfig_files = ['ompi-c'] default_wrappers = ['mpicc'] elif language == 'cpp': env_vars = ['MPICXX'] pkgconfig_files = ['ompi-cxx'] default_wrappers = ['mpic++', 'mpicxx', 'mpiCC'] elif language == 'fortran': env_vars = ['MPIFC', 'MPIF90', 'MPIF77'] pkgconfig_files = ['ompi-fort'] default_wrappers = ['mpifort', 'mpif90', 'mpif77'] else: raise DependencyException('Language {} is not supported with MPI.'.format(language)) for pkg in pkgconfig_files: try: pkgdep = PkgConfigDependency(pkg, environment, kwargs, language=self.language) if pkgdep.found(): self.compile_args = pkgdep.get_compile_args() self.link_args = pkgdep.get_link_args() self.version = pkgdep.get_version() self.is_found = True self.pcdep = pkgdep break except Exception: pass if not self.is_found: # Prefer environment. for var in env_vars: if var in os.environ: wrappers = [os.environ[var]] break else: # Or search for default wrappers. wrappers = default_wrappers for prog in wrappers: result = self._try_openmpi_wrapper(prog) if result is not None: self.is_found = True self.version = result[0] self.compile_args = self._filter_compile_args(result[1]) self.link_args = self._filter_link_args(result[2]) break result = self._try_other_wrapper(prog) if result is not None: self.is_found = True self.version = result[0] self.compile_args = self._filter_compile_args(result[1]) self.link_args = self._filter_link_args(result[2]) break if not self.is_found and mesonlib.is_windows(): # only Intel Fortran compiler is compatible with Microsoft MPI at this time. if language == 'fortran' and environment.detect_fortran_compiler(self.for_machine).name_string() != 'intel-cl': return result = self._try_msmpi() if result is not None: self.is_found = True self.version, self.compile_args, self.link_args = result def _filter_compile_args(self, args): """ MPI wrappers return a bunch of garbage args. Drop -O2 and everything that is not needed. """ result = [] multi_args = ('-I', ) if self.language == 'fortran': fc = self.env.coredata.compilers[self.for_machine]['fortran'] multi_args += fc.get_module_incdir_args() include_next = False for f in args: if f.startswith(('-D', '-f') + multi_args) or f == '-pthread' \ or (f.startswith('-W') and f != '-Wall' and not f.startswith('-Werror')): result.append(f) if f in multi_args: # Path is a separate argument. include_next = True elif include_next: include_next = False result.append(f) return result def _filter_link_args(self, args): """ MPI wrappers return a bunch of garbage args. Drop -O2 and everything that is not needed. """ result = [] include_next = False for f in args: if f.startswith(('-L', '-l', '-Xlinker')) or f == '-pthread' \ or (f.startswith('-W') and f != '-Wall' and not f.startswith('-Werror')): result.append(f) if f in ('-L', '-Xlinker'): include_next = True elif include_next: include_next = False result.append(f) return result def _try_openmpi_wrapper(self, prog): prog = ExternalProgram(prog, silent=True) if prog.found(): cmd = prog.get_command() + ['--showme:compile'] p, o, e = mesonlib.Popen_safe(cmd) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: mlog.debug('Command', mlog.bold(cmd), 'failed to run:') mlog.debug(mlog.bold('Standard output\n'), o) mlog.debug(mlog.bold('Standard error\n'), e) return cargs = split_args(o) cmd = prog.get_command() + ['--showme:link'] p, o, e = mesonlib.Popen_safe(cmd) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: mlog.debug('Command', mlog.bold(cmd), 'failed to run:') mlog.debug(mlog.bold('Standard output\n'), o) mlog.debug(mlog.bold('Standard error\n'), e) return libs = split_args(o) cmd = prog.get_command() + ['--showme:version'] p, o, e = mesonlib.Popen_safe(cmd) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: mlog.debug('Command', mlog.bold(cmd), 'failed to run:') mlog.debug(mlog.bold('Standard output\n'), o) mlog.debug(mlog.bold('Standard error\n'), e) return version = re.search(r'\d+.\d+.\d+', o) if version: version = version.group(0) else: version = None return version, cargs, libs def _try_other_wrapper(self, prog): prog = ExternalProgram(prog, silent=True) if prog.found(): cmd = prog.get_command() + ['-show'] p, o, e = mesonlib.Popen_safe(cmd) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: mlog.debug('Command', mlog.bold(cmd), 'failed to run:') mlog.debug(mlog.bold('Standard output\n'), o) mlog.debug(mlog.bold('Standard error\n'), e) return args = split_args(o) version = None return version, args, args def _try_msmpi(self): if self.language == 'cpp': # MS-MPI does not support the C++ version of MPI, only the standard C API. return if 'MSMPI_INC' not in os.environ: return incdir = os.environ['MSMPI_INC'] arch = detect_cpu_family(self.env.coredata.compilers.host) if arch == 'x86': if 'MSMPI_LIB32' not in os.environ: return libdir = os.environ['MSMPI_LIB32'] post = 'x86' elif arch == 'x86_64': if 'MSMPI_LIB64' not in os.environ: return libdir = os.environ['MSMPI_LIB64'] post = 'x64' else: return if self.language == 'fortran': return (None, ['-I' + incdir, '-I' + os.path.join(incdir, post)], [os.path.join(libdir, 'msmpi.lib'), os.path.join(libdir, 'msmpifec.lib')]) else: return (None, ['-I' + incdir, '-I' + os.path.join(incdir, post)], [os.path.join(libdir, 'msmpi.lib')]) class OpenMPDependency(ExternalDependency): # Map date of specification release (which is the macro value) to a version. VERSIONS = { '201811': '5.0', '201611': '5.0-revision1', # This is supported by ICC 19.x '201511': '4.5', '201307': '4.0', '201107': '3.1', '200805': '3.0', '200505': '2.5', '200203': '2.0', '199810': '1.0', } def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): language = kwargs.get('language') super().__init__('openmp', environment, language, kwargs) self.is_found = False if self.clib_compiler.get_id() == 'pgi': # through at least PGI 19.4, there is no macro defined for OpenMP, but OpenMP 3.1 is supported. self.version = '3.1' self.is_found = True self.compile_args = self.link_args = self.clib_compiler.openmp_flags() return try: openmp_date = self.clib_compiler.get_define( '_OPENMP', '', self.env, self.clib_compiler.openmp_flags(), [self], disable_cache=True)[0] except mesonlib.EnvironmentException as e: mlog.debug('OpenMP support not available in the compiler') mlog.debug(e) openmp_date = None if openmp_date: self.version = self.VERSIONS[openmp_date] # Flang has omp_lib.h header_names = ('omp.h', 'omp_lib.h') for name in header_names: if self.clib_compiler.has_header(name, '', self.env, dependencies=[self], disable_cache=True)[0]: self.is_found = True self.compile_args = self.link_args = self.clib_compiler.openmp_flags() break if not self.is_found: mlog.log(mlog.yellow('WARNING:'), 'OpenMP found but omp.h missing.') class ThreadDependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): super().__init__('threads', environment, None, kwargs) self.name = 'threads' self.is_found = True # Happens if you are using a language with threads # concept without C, such as plain Cuda. if self.clib_compiler is None: self.compile_args = [] self.link_args = [] else: self.compile_args = self.clib_compiler.thread_flags(environment) self.link_args = self.clib_compiler.thread_link_flags(environment) class BlocksDependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): super().__init__('blocks', environment, None, kwargs) self.name = 'blocks' self.is_found = False if self.env.machines[self.for_machine].is_darwin(): self.compile_args = [] self.link_args = [] else: self.compile_args = ['-fblocks'] self.link_args = ['-lBlocksRuntime'] if not self.clib_compiler.has_header('Block.h', '', environment, disable_cache=True) or \ not self.clib_compiler.find_library('BlocksRuntime', environment, []): mlog.log(mlog.red('ERROR:'), 'BlocksRuntime not found.') return source = ''' int main(int argc, char **argv) { int (^callback)(void) = ^ int (void) { return 0; }; return callback(); }''' with self.clib_compiler.compile(source, extra_args=self.compile_args + self.link_args) as p: if p.returncode != 0: mlog.log(mlog.red('ERROR:'), 'Compiler does not support blocks extension.') return self.is_found = True class Python3Dependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): super().__init__('python3', environment, None, kwargs) if not environment.machines.matches_build_machine(self.for_machine): return self.name = 'python3' self.static = kwargs.get('static', False) # We can only be sure that it is Python 3 at this point self.version = '3' self._find_libpy3_windows(environment) @classmethod def _factory(cls, environment, kwargs): methods = cls._process_method_kw(kwargs) candidates = [] if DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(PkgConfigDependency, 'python3', environment, kwargs)) if DependencyMethods.SYSCONFIG in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(Python3Dependency, environment, kwargs)) if DependencyMethods.EXTRAFRAMEWORK in methods: # In OSX the Python 3 framework does not have a version # number in its name. # There is a python in /System/Library/Frameworks, but that's # python 2, Python 3 will always be in /Library candidates.append(functools.partial( ExtraFrameworkDependency, 'Python', False, ['/Library/Frameworks'], environment, kwargs.get('language', None), kwargs)) return candidates @staticmethod def get_windows_python_arch(): pyplat = sysconfig.get_platform() if pyplat == 'mingw': pycc = sysconfig.get_config_var('CC') if pycc.startswith('x86_64'): return '64' elif pycc.startswith(('i686', 'i386')): return '32' else: mlog.log('MinGW Python built with unknown CC {!r}, please file' 'a bug'.format(pycc)) return None elif pyplat == 'win32': return '32' elif pyplat in ('win64', 'win-amd64'): return '64' mlog.log('Unknown Windows Python platform {!r}'.format(pyplat)) return None def get_windows_link_args(self): pyplat = sysconfig.get_platform() if pyplat.startswith('win'): vernum = sysconfig.get_config_var('py_version_nodot') if self.static: libpath = Path('libs') / 'libpython{}.a'.format(vernum) else: comp = self.get_compiler() if comp.id == "gcc": libpath = 'python{}.dll'.format(vernum) else: libpath = Path('libs') / 'python{}.lib'.format(vernum) lib = Path(sysconfig.get_config_var('base')) / libpath elif pyplat == 'mingw': if self.static: libname = sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBRARY') else: libname = sysconfig.get_config_var('LDLIBRARY') lib = Path(sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR')) / libname if not lib.exists(): mlog.log('Could not find Python3 library {!r}'.format(str(lib))) return None return [str(lib)] def _find_libpy3_windows(self, env): ''' Find python3 libraries on Windows and also verify that the arch matches what we are building for. ''' pyarch = self.get_windows_python_arch() if pyarch is None: self.is_found = False return arch = detect_cpu_family(env.coredata.compilers.host) if arch == 'x86': arch = '32' elif arch == 'x86_64': arch = '64' else: # We can't cross-compile Python 3 dependencies on Windows yet mlog.log('Unknown architecture {!r} for'.format(arch), mlog.bold(self.name)) self.is_found = False return # Pyarch ends in '32' or '64' if arch != pyarch: mlog.log('Need', mlog.bold(self.name), 'for {}-bit, but ' 'found {}-bit'.format(arch, pyarch)) self.is_found = False return # This can fail if the library is not found largs = self.get_windows_link_args() if largs is None: self.is_found = False return self.link_args = largs # Compile args inc = sysconfig.get_path('include') platinc = sysconfig.get_path('platinclude') self.compile_args = ['-I' + inc] if inc != platinc: self.compile_args.append('-I' + platinc) self.version = sysconfig.get_config_var('py_version') self.is_found = True @staticmethod def get_methods(): if mesonlib.is_windows(): return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.SYSCONFIG] elif mesonlib.is_osx(): return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.EXTRAFRAMEWORK] else: return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG] def log_tried(self): return 'sysconfig' class PcapDependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): super().__init__('pcap', environment, None, kwargs) @classmethod def _factory(cls, environment, kwargs): methods = cls._process_method_kw(kwargs) candidates = [] if DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(PkgConfigDependency, 'pcap', environment, kwargs)) if DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(ConfigToolDependency.factory, 'pcap', environment, None, kwargs, ['pcap-config'], 'pcap-config', PcapDependency.tool_finish_init)) return candidates @staticmethod def tool_finish_init(ctdep): ctdep.compile_args = ctdep.get_config_value(['--cflags'], 'compile_args') ctdep.link_args = ctdep.get_config_value(['--libs'], 'link_args') ctdep.version = PcapDependency.get_pcap_lib_version(ctdep) @staticmethod def get_methods(): return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL] @staticmethod def get_pcap_lib_version(ctdep): # Since we seem to need to run a program to discover the pcap version, # we can't do that when cross-compiling if not ctdep.env.machines.matches_build_machine(ctdep.for_machine): return None v = ctdep.clib_compiler.get_return_value('pcap_lib_version', 'string', '#include ', ctdep.env, [], [ctdep]) v = re.sub(r'libpcap version ', '', v) v = re.sub(r' -- Apple version.*$', '', v) return v class CupsDependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): super().__init__('cups', environment, None, kwargs) @classmethod def _factory(cls, environment, kwargs): methods = cls._process_method_kw(kwargs) candidates = [] if DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(PkgConfigDependency, 'cups', environment, kwargs)) if DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(ConfigToolDependency.factory, 'cups', environment, None, kwargs, ['cups-config'], 'cups-config', CupsDependency.tool_finish_init)) if DependencyMethods.EXTRAFRAMEWORK in methods: if mesonlib.is_osx(): candidates.append(functools.partial( ExtraFrameworkDependency, 'cups', False, None, environment, kwargs.get('language', None), kwargs)) if DependencyMethods.CMAKE in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(CMakeDependency, 'Cups', environment, kwargs)) return candidates @staticmethod def tool_finish_init(ctdep): ctdep.compile_args = ctdep.get_config_value(['--cflags'], 'compile_args') ctdep.link_args = ctdep.get_config_value(['--ldflags', '--libs'], 'link_args') @staticmethod def get_methods(): if mesonlib.is_osx(): return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL, DependencyMethods.EXTRAFRAMEWORK, DependencyMethods.CMAKE] else: return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL, DependencyMethods.CMAKE] class LibWmfDependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): super().__init__('libwmf', environment, None, kwargs) @classmethod def _factory(cls, environment, kwargs): methods = cls._process_method_kw(kwargs) candidates = [] if DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(PkgConfigDependency, 'libwmf', environment, kwargs)) if DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(ConfigToolDependency.factory, 'libwmf', environment, None, kwargs, ['libwmf-config'], 'libwmf-config', LibWmfDependency.tool_finish_init)) return candidates @staticmethod def tool_finish_init(ctdep): ctdep.compile_args = ctdep.get_config_value(['--cflags'], 'compile_args') ctdep.link_args = ctdep.get_config_value(['--libs'], 'link_args') @staticmethod def get_methods(): return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL] class LibGCryptDependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): super().__init__('libgcrypt', environment, None, kwargs) @classmethod def _factory(cls, environment, kwargs): methods = cls._process_method_kw(kwargs) candidates = [] if DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(PkgConfigDependency, 'libgcrypt', environment, kwargs)) if DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(ConfigToolDependency.factory, 'libgcrypt', environment, None, kwargs, ['libgcrypt-config'], 'libgcrypt-config', LibGCryptDependency.tool_finish_init)) return candidates @staticmethod def tool_finish_init(ctdep): ctdep.compile_args = ctdep.get_config_value(['--cflags'], 'compile_args') ctdep.link_args = ctdep.get_config_value(['--libs'], 'link_args') ctdep.version = ctdep.get_config_value(['--version'], 'version')[0] @staticmethod def get_methods(): return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL] class GpgmeDependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): super().__init__('gpgme', environment, None, kwargs) @classmethod def _factory(cls, environment, kwargs): methods = cls._process_method_kw(kwargs) candidates = [] if DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(PkgConfigDependency, 'gpgme', environment, kwargs)) if DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(ConfigToolDependency.factory, 'gpgme', environment, None, kwargs, ['gpgme-config'], 'gpgme-config', GpgmeDependency.tool_finish_init)) return candidates @staticmethod def tool_finish_init(ctdep): ctdep.compile_args = ctdep.get_config_value(['--cflags'], 'compile_args') ctdep.link_args = ctdep.get_config_value(['--libs'], 'link_args') ctdep.version = ctdep.get_config_value(['--version'], 'version')[0] @staticmethod def get_methods(): return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL] class ShadercDependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, environment, kwargs): super().__init__('shaderc', environment, None, kwargs) static_lib = 'shaderc_combined' shared_lib = 'shaderc_shared' libs = [shared_lib, static_lib] if self.static: libs.reverse() cc = self.get_compiler() for lib in libs: self.link_args = cc.find_library(lib, environment, []) if self.link_args is not None: self.is_found = True if self.static and lib != static_lib: mlog.warning('Static library {!r} not found for dependency {!r}, may ' 'not be statically linked'.format(static_lib, self.name)) break def log_tried(self): return 'system' @classmethod def _factory(cls, environment, kwargs): methods = cls._process_method_kw(kwargs) candidates = [] if DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG in methods: # ShaderC packages their shared and static libs together # and provides different pkg-config files for each one. We # smooth over this difference by handling the static # keyword before handing off to the pkg-config handler. shared_libs = ['shaderc'] static_libs = ['shaderc_combined', 'shaderc_static'] if kwargs.get('static', False): c = [functools.partial(PkgConfigDependency, name, environment, kwargs) for name in static_libs + shared_libs] else: c = [functools.partial(PkgConfigDependency, name, environment, kwargs) for name in shared_libs + static_libs] candidates.extend(c) if DependencyMethods.SYSTEM in methods: candidates.append(functools.partial(ShadercDependency, environment, kwargs)) return candidates @staticmethod def get_methods(): return [DependencyMethods.SYSTEM, DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG]