project('c++ and assembly test') add_languages('cpp') cpp = meson.get_compiler('cpp') cpu = host_machine.cpu_family() supported_cpus = ['arm', 'x86', 'x86_64'] if not supported_cpus.contains(cpu) error('MESON_SKIP_TEST unsupported cpu:' + cpu) endif if cpp.symbols_have_underscore_prefix() add_project_arguments('-DMESON_TEST__UNDERSCORE_SYMBOL', language : 'cpp') endif sources = [''] # If the compiler cannot compile assembly, don't use it if not ['msvc', 'clang-cl', 'intel-cl'].contains(meson.get_compiler('cpp').get_id()) sources += ['retval-' + cpu + '.S'] cpp_args = ['-DUSE_ASM'] message('Using ASM') else cpp_args = ['-DNO_USE_ASM'] endif exe = executable('trivialprog', sources, cpp_args : cpp_args) test('runtest', exe)