name: environment returns: env since: 0.35.0 description: Returns an empty [[@env]] object. arg_flattening: false optargs: env: type: str | list[str] | dict[str] | dict[list[str]] since: 0.52.0 description: | If provided, each key/value pair is added into the [[@env]] object as if [[env.set]] method was called for each of them. Since *0.62.0* list of strings is allowed in dictionary values. In that case values are joined using the separator. kwargs: separator: type: str since: 0.62.0 description: | The separator to use for the initial values defined in the first positional argument. If not explicitly specified, the default path separator for the host operating system will be used, i.e. ';' for Windows and ':' for UNIX/POSIX systems. method: type: str since: 0.62.0 description: | Must be one of 'set', 'prepend', or 'append' (defaults to 'set'). Controls if initial values defined in the first positional argument are prepended, appended or replace the current value of the environment variable.