# How do I do X in Meson? This page lists code snippets for common tasks. These are written mostly using the C compiler, but the same approach should work on almost all other compilers. ## Set compiler When first running Meson, set it in an environment variable. ```console $ CC=mycc meson <options> ``` Note that environment variables like `CC` _always_ refer to the native compiler. That is, the compiler used to compile programs that run on the current machine. The compiler used in cross compilation is set with the cross file. This behaviour is different from e.g. Autotools, where cross compilation is done by setting `CC` to point to the cross compiler (such as `/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc`). The reason for this is that Meson supports natively the case where you compile helper tools (such as code generators) and use the results during the build. Because of this Meson needs to know both the native and the cross compiler. The former is set via the environment variables or native-files and the latter via the cross file only. ## Set dynamic linker ```console $ CC=clang LD=lld meson <options> ``` or ```console $ CC=clang-cl LD=link meson <options> ``` Like the compiler, the linker is selected via the LD environment variable, or through the `ld` entry in a native or cross file. You must be aware of whehter you're using a compiler that invokes the linker itself (most compilers including GCC and Clang) or a linker that is invoked directly (when using MSVC or compilers that act like it, including Clang-Cl). With the former `ld` or `LD` should be the value to pass to the compiler's special argument (such as `-fuse-ld` with clang and gcc), with the latter it should be an exectuable, such as `lld-link.exe`. ## Set default C/C++ language version ```meson project('myproj', 'c', 'cpp', default_options : ['c_std=c11', 'cpp_std=c++11']) ``` The language version can also be set on a per-target basis. ```meson executable(..., override_options : ['c_std=c11']) ``` ## Enable threads Lots of people seem to do this manually with `find_library('pthread')` or something similar. Do not do that. It is not portable. Instead do this. ```meson thread_dep = dependency('threads') executable(..., dependencies : thread_dep) ``` ## Set extra compiler and linker flags from the outside (when e.g. building distro packages) The behavior is the same as with other build systems, with environment variables during first invocation. Do not use these when you need to rebuild the source ```console $ CFLAGS=-fsomething LDFLAGS=-Wl,--linker-flag meson <options> ``` ## Use an argument only with a specific compiler First check which arguments to use. ```meson if meson.get_compiler('c').get_id() == 'clang' extra_args = ['-fclang-flag'] else extra_args = [] endif ``` Then use it in a target. ```meson executable(..., c_args : extra_args) ``` If you want to use the arguments on all targets, then do this. ```meson if meson.get_compiler('c').get_id() == 'clang' add_global_arguments('-fclang-flag', language : 'c') endif ``` ## Set a command's output to configuration ```meson txt = run_command('script', 'argument').stdout().strip() cdata = configuration_data() cdata.set('SOMETHING', txt) configure_file(...) ``` ## Generate a runnable script with `configure_file` `configure_file` preserves metadata so if your template file has execute permissions, the generated file will have them too. ## Producing a coverage report First initialize the build directory with this command. ```console $ meson <other flags> -Db_coverage=true ``` Then issue the following commands. ```console $ ninja $ ninja test $ ninja coverage-html (or coverage-xml) ``` The coverage report can be found in the meson-logs subdirectory. Note: Currently, Meson does not support generating coverage reports with Clang. ## Add some optimization to debug builds By default the debug build does not use any optimizations. This is the desired approach most of the time. However some projects benefit from having some minor optimizations enabled. GCC even has a specific compiler flag `-Og` for this. To enable its use, just issue the following command. ```console $ meson configure -Dc_args=-Og ``` This causes all subsequent builds to use this command line argument. ## Use address sanitizer Clang comes with a selection of analysis tools such as the [address sanitizer](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html). Meson has native support for these with the `b_sanitize` option. ```console $ meson <other options> -Db_sanitize=address ``` After this you just compile your code and run the test suite. Address sanitizer will abort executables which have bugs so they show up as test failures. ## Use Clang static analyzer Install scan-build and configure your project. Then do this: ```console $ ninja scan-build ``` You can use the `SCANBUILD` environment variable to choose the scan-build executable. ```console $ SCANBUILD=<your exe> ninja scan-build ``` ## Use profile guided optimization Using profile guided optimization with GCC is a two phase operation. First we set up the project with profile measurements enabled and compile it. ```console $ meson <Meson options, such as --buildtype=debugoptimized> -Db_pgo=generate $ ninja -C builddir ``` Then we need to run the program with some representative input. This step depends on your project. Once that is done we change the compiler flags to use the generated information and rebuild. ```console $ meson configure -Db_pgo=use $ ninja ``` After these steps the resulting binary is fully optimized. ## Add math library (`-lm`) portably Some platforms (e.g. Linux) have a standalone math library. Other platforms (pretty much everyone else) do not. How to specify that `m` is used only when needed? ```meson cc = meson.get_compiler('c') m_dep = cc.find_library('m', required : false) executable(..., dependencies : m_dep) ``` ## Install an executable to `libexecdir` ```meson executable(..., install : true, install_dir : get_option('libexecdir')) ``` ## Use existing `Find<name>.cmake` files Meson can use the CMake `find_package()` ecosystem if CMake is installed. To find a dependency with custom `Find<name>.cmake`, set the `cmake_module_path` property to the path in your project where the CMake scripts are stored. Example for a `FindCmakeOnlyDep.cmake` in a `cmake` subdirectory: ```meson cm_dep = dependency('CmakeOnlyDep', cmake_module_path : 'cmake') ``` The `cmake_module_path` property is only needed for custom CMake scripts. System wide CMake scripts are found automatically. More information can be found [here](Dependencies.md#cmake)