project('generated assembly', 'c') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') if ['msvc', 'clang-cl', 'intel-cl'].contains(cc.get_id()) error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: assembly files cannot be compiled directly by the compiler') endif cpu = host_machine.cpu_family() supported_cpus = ['arm', 'x86', 'x86_64'] if not supported_cpus.contains(cpu) error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: unsupported cpu family: ' + cpu) endif if cc.symbols_have_underscore_prefix() add_project_arguments('-DMESON_TEST__UNDERSCORE_SYMBOL', language : 'c') endif copy = find_program('') output = 'square-@0@.S'.format(cpu) input = output + '.in' copygen = generator(copy, arguments : ['@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'], output : '@BASENAME@') l = shared_library('square-gen', copygen.process(input)) test('square-gen-test', executable('square-gen-test', 'main.c', link_with : l)) copyct = custom_target('square', input : input, output : output, command : [copy, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']) l = shared_library('square-ct', copyct) test('square-ct-test', executable('square-ct-test', 'main.c', link_with : l))