project('has link arg', 'c', 'cpp') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') cpp = meson.get_compiler('cpp') if cc.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc' is_arg = '/OPT:REF' useless = '/DEBUG' isnt_arg = '/iambroken' else is_arg = '-Wl,-L/tmp' useless = '-Wl,-L/usr' isnt_arg = '-Wl,-iambroken' endif assert(cc.has_link_argument(is_arg), 'Arg that should have worked does not work.') assert(cpp.has_link_argument(is_arg), 'Arg that should have worked does not work.') if cc.get_id() != 'pgi' assert(not cc.has_link_argument(isnt_arg), 'Arg that should be broken is not.') assert(not cpp.has_link_argument(isnt_arg), 'Arg that should be broken is not.') assert(cc.get_supported_link_arguments([is_arg, isnt_arg, useless]) == [is_arg, useless], 'Arg filtering returned different result.') assert(cpp.get_supported_link_arguments([is_arg, isnt_arg, useless]) == [is_arg, useless], 'Arg filtering returned different result.') # Have useless at the end to ensure that the search goes from front to back. l1 = cc.first_supported_link_argument([isnt_arg, is_arg, isnt_arg, useless]) l2 = cc.first_supported_link_argument(isnt_arg, isnt_arg, isnt_arg) assert(l1.length() == 1, 'First supported returned wrong result.') assert(l1.get(0) == is_arg, 'First supported returned wrong argument.') assert(l2.length() == 0, 'First supported did not return empty array.') l1 = cpp.first_supported_link_argument([isnt_arg, is_arg, isnt_arg, useless]) l2 = cpp.first_supported_link_argument(isnt_arg, isnt_arg, isnt_arg) assert(l1.length() == 1, 'First supported returned wrong result.') assert(l1.get(0) == is_arg, 'First supported returned wrong argument.') assert(l2.length() == 0, 'First supported did not return empty array.') assert(not cc.has_multi_link_arguments([isnt_arg, is_arg]), 'Arg that should be broken is not.') assert(not cc.has_link_argument('-Wl,-z,nodelete42'), 'Did not detect wrong -z linker argument') endif assert(cc.has_multi_link_arguments(is_arg), 'Arg that should have worked does not work.') assert(cc.has_multi_link_arguments([useless, is_arg]), 'Arg that should have worked does not work.') # These are Visual Studio only flags # Testing has_argument_syntax is incorrect as it skips Microsoft Clang if cc.get_define('_MSC_FULL_VER') != '' if cc.get_linker_id() == 'link' is_only = '/OPT:REF' is_shared = '/GUARD:CF' else # ld-link is_only = '--color-diagnostics' is_shared = '-guard:cf' endif # requires -Wl,xxx as it goes through the compiler if cc.get_argument_syntax() != 'msvc' is_only = '-Wl,@0@'.format(is_only) is_shared = '-Wl,@0@'.format(is_shared) endif assert(cc.has_multi_link_arguments([is_only, is_shared]), 'Arg that should have worked does not work.') endif