According to Python documentation[1] dirname and basename
are defined as follows:
os.path.dirname() = os.path.split()[0]
os.path.basename() = os.path.split()[1]
For the purpose of better readability split() is replaced
by appropriate function if only one part of returned tuple
is used.
This avoids hundres of warnings like:
Warning no default label for /var/tmp/instroot.hUbtYJ/path/to/some/binary
$DESTDIR is usually set to a temporary path, in which case the path is
unknown to selinux. For that case we could just skip the restorecon
calls. But sometimes it is used with a path to container. In that
case, most of the time, selinux has no context for that path. But we
can't rule that out somebody added custom context rules for the
container. So let's still call restorecon, but silence the warning.
Introduce a DirMaker class that disassembles the path up to '/' and stores all
directories in a list. That list is in creation order and pre-existing
directories are ignored, i.e. creating the two paths
'/usr/share/foo/bar/baz' and '/usr/share/foo/bar/boo' is stored as
[ '/usr/share/foo',
'/usr/share/foo/bar/boo' ]
This is on the assumption that /usr/share already existed.
After all files have been installed, the list of created directories is
appended in reverse order to the install log. The uninstall script then
triggers rmdir on all directories.
If a custom install script drops files into the directories, removing those
will fail. This matches the current expectation, see the existing warning
"Remember that files created by custom scripts have not been removed."
Unfortunately, this makes the behavior on uninstall inconsistent. Assuming a
non-existing prefix,
ninja install && ninja uninstall
removes all traces of the install.
ninja install && ninja install && ninja uninstall
removes the files only, not the directories as they already existed.
This could be fixed by just unconditionally removing any (emtpy) directories
that we drop files into, at the risk of removing system directories if empty.
For example, one could imagine /etc/foo.conf.d/ to be removed in that case if
it is empty.
Try to restore the context for SELinux. If we fail on running
'selinuxenabled', quietly ignore the error and continue. If we fail on the
actual restorecon call, we print a message but disable SELinux - chances are
high that if one restorecon fails, others will too and that's likely a system
setup issue.
Grammatically, this full stop isn't needed and with file names it has a
potential to be confusing:
Installing /foo/bar/filename.1 to /foo/bar/dirname.
The full stop caused me to do a double-take more than once, so let's drop it.
'test cases/common/12 data' and 'test cases/common/66 install subdir' both
try to install something as 'root'. This user doesn't exist on Cygwin.
Perhaps we should automatically convert this to some other user, but it's
not clear which. For real projects, it's possibly better for the
to explicitly handle this...
'test cases/common/12 data' also tries to install something with GID 0.
There's no guarantee this group exists.
Points to the `` script corresponding to the
currently-running version of Meson.
Includes a test for all three methods of running scripts/commands.
With the 'install_mode' kwarg, you can now specify the file and
directory permissions and the owner and the group to be used while
installing. You can pass either:
* A single string specifying just the permissions
* A list of strings with:
- The first argument a string of permissions
- The second argument a string specifying the owner or
an int specifying the uid
- The third argument a string specifying the group or
an int specifying the gid
Specifying `false` as any of the arguments skips setting that one.
The format of the permissions kwarg is the same as the symbolic
notation used by ls -l with the first character that specifies 'd',
'-', 'c', etc for the file type omitted since that is always obvious
from the context.
Includes unit tests for the same. Sadly these only run on Linux right
now, but we want them to run on all platforms. We do set the mode in the
integration tests for all platforms but we don't check if they were
actually set correctly.
Set the rules for the symlinking on the target itself, and then reuse
that information while generating aliases during the build, and then
pass it to the install script too.
This is useful in many cases where the list of files cannot be known in
advance and is just dumped inside a directory. For example when
generating documentation with doxygen and other tools that we don't have
built-in support for.
Includes a test for the same.
Instead of adding it everywhere manually, create a wrapper called
mesonlib.Popen_safe and use that everywhere that we call an executable
and extract its output.
This will also allow us to tweak it to do more/different things if
needed for some locales and/or systems.
Using 'mesonbuild' as the module can cause it to use the
system-installed module and can also break if we rename the directory,
so avoid that by always using relative imports.
Passing an absolute path to `install_dir` would previously always
attempt to install there, instead of obeying DESTDIR, since os.path.join
will 'reset' on absolute paths.