Gtest can output junit results with a command line switch. We can parse
this to get more detailed results than the returncode, and put those in
our own Junit output. We basically just throw away the top level
'testsuites' object, then fixup the names of the tests, and shove that
into our junit.
* xenial doesn't ship many dependencies, so make them all optional
since we don't guarantee that everything will work
* cmake/{5,6}: needs stdlib.h for EXIT_SUCCESS on GCC 5
* common/222: needs C++11, and GCC 5 doesn't understand `auto`
correctly unless we explicitly enable it.
* frameworks/1 boost: xenial doesn't ship boost_python3, so make it
properly optional
* frameworks/6 gettext: gettext can be installed without xgettext,
which doesn't cause the project to fail, but the installed files
list is different which causes the test to fail.
* frameworks/7 gnome: gobject-introspection can't be enabled because
the sanitizer unit test detects leaks in glib and fails
Make the 'framework/4 qt' test more flexible about what version of Qt is
expected to be present in the CI environment. Currently, this is
hard-coded as Qt5. We add an option to specify it so we can run this
test under CI with just Qt4 present.
Didn't use CMake because Curses is a real corner-case for CMake that
would require Curses-specific enhancements to Meson's CMake interface.
cmake: get language from Meson project if not specified as depedency(..., langugage: ...)
deps: add threads method:cmake
dependency('threads', method: 'cmake') is useful for cmake unit tests
or those who just want to find threads using cmake.
cmake: project(... Fortran) generally also requires C language
Normally MPI programs would be run with MPI exec, but Travis-CI
has errors wanting --allow-run-as-root. To simplify, we don't use
mpiexec in this test, since it's a library check, not an MPI stack check.
Scalapack uses a library stack that can be challenging to manage.
Not least of all since many Scalapacks ship with broken / incomplete
pkg-config files and CMake FindScalapack.cmake
This resolves those issues for typical Scalapack setups including:
* Linux: Intel MKL or OpenMPI + Netlib
* MacOS: Intel MKL or OpenMPI + Netlib
* Windows: Intel MKL (OpenMPI not available on Windows)
This addresses various real-world problems with HDF5 pkg-config, including
* hdf*.pc with package versions as part of the filename
* malformed hdf*.pc missing the commonly-used HDF5 HL module
Additionally, this refactors more complicated dependencies such as
HDF5 and OpenMPI. This may help us deduplicate internal dependency
code in the future.
HDF5 selftest: improve platform-agnostic test
ci: init demo github action for HDF5 framework
ci Actions: hold off on MSYS2 for now [skip ci]
hdf5: ensure C libraries always included
ci: mac hdf5--use clang+gfortran
* gtkdoc: Add 'check' kwarg
This runs gtkdoc-check in meson tests.
Also reorganize the gtkdoc test because we cannot reliably build
multiple doc into the same directory. Not all files generated by gtk-doc
are prefixed with the target name.
determine_rpath_dirs() can return paths to external dependencies not
in the build dir and passing them first as a link path leads to
g-ir-scanner for example linking against the already installed library
instead of the just built one.
This was reported in g-i:
and comes up quite often when a library adds some new symbols which aren't present in the
system library, which then makes linking fail.
The first place where the order is changed is _scan_gir_targets(), which looks like an unintentional
change in the refactoring in 8377ea45aa
The second place in _get_link_args() has always been that way and only the rpath order is changed,
but it looks to me as if the same rules should apply here too.
It turns out there's a bug in creating a sub dependency out of threads
in that we pass all of the kwargs from the parent to the
ThreadDependency instance. This demonstrates the bug.
If the detected gpgme version is recent enough to match the version in
which upstream pkg-config files were added, assert that the default
found dependency is of the pkgconfig type.