* Fix clang-tidy return value reporting
In case clang-tidy is invoked manually, i.e. if run-clang-tidy(.py) is
not found, Meson would not report the return value. This is caused by
ignoring the return value of manual_clangformat() in clangformat()
within mesonbuild/scripts/clangtidy.py.
Even though only more recent-versions of clang-tidy actually report an
non-zero exit code if errors are found, there is no reason Meson
shouldn't simply report any error codes it received from clang-tidy.
* Rename methods in clangtidy.py from clangformat to clangtidy
For some unknown reason, the method names in clangtidy.py are clangformat()
and manual_clangformat(). This is confusing, as clang-format is not
invoked by them, clang-tidy is. Hence rename those from
{manual_}clangformat() → {manual_}clangtidy()
`pathlib.Path.glob()` also returns directories that match source
filenames (i.e. a directory named `test.h/`), but `clang-format` and
`clang-tidy` fail when handed a directory. We manually skip calling
`clang-format` and `clang-tidy` on those directories.
D lang compilers have an option -release (or similar) which turns off
asserts, contracts, and other runtime type checking. This patch wires
that up to the b_ndebug flag.
This is similar to what we currently do for scan-build except there is
no environment variable to choose a specific clang-format to run. If an
environment variable is needed for better control, we can add it later.