D lang compilers have an option -release (or similar) which turns off
asserts, contracts, and other runtime type checking. This patch wires
that up to the b_ndebug flag.
Avoid platform eol normalization as check_format() in project_tests checks
for unix-style line endings.
Indicate .png files are binary so we don't try to normalize them on
Add an azure-pipelines.yml
Don't check source line endings if autocrlf is on
Handle origin-only refs in skip_ci
Add .py to PATHEXT for the benefit of test_find_program()
Publish logs as build artifacts and publish test results
Use .gitattributes to override autocrlf
Move tmpdir, so it's not a subdir of source directory, otherwise it gets
included in line-ending checks.
Use serial build numbers, rather than date.dailybuildnumber
Workaround for #3239
An error occurred
is no longer needed now a fix has been commited
Tweak test results and artefact naming
Wait for MS-MPI installers to complete
Publish test results even if tests had an error