@ -331,3 +331,37 @@ that could fullfill these requirements: |
Out of these we have chosen Python because it is the best fit for our |
needs. |
## I have proprietary compiler toolchain X that does not work with Meson, how can I make it work? |
Meson needs to know several details about each compiler in order to |
compile code with it. These include things such as which compiler |
flags to use for each option and how to detect the compiler from its |
output. This information can not be input via a configuration file, |
instead it requires changes to Meson's source code that need to be |
submitted to Meson master repository. In theory you can run your own |
forked version with custom patches, but that's not good use of your |
time. Please submit the code upstream so everyone can use the |
toolchain. |
The steps for adding a new compiler for an existing language are |
roughly the following. For simplicity we're going to assume a C |
compiler. |
- Create a new class with a proper name in |
`mesonbuild/compilers/c.py`. Look at the methods that other |
compilers for the same language have and duplicate what they do. |
- If the compiler can only be used for cross compilation, make sure to |
flag it as such (see existing compiler classes for examples). |
- Add detection logic to `mesonbuild/environment.py`, look for a |
method called `detect_c_compiler`. |
- Run the test suite and fix issues until the tests pass. |
- Submit a pull request, add the result of the test suite to your MR |
(linking an existing page is fine). |
- If the compiler is freely available, consider adding it to the CI |
system. |