1 changed files with 0 additions and 150 deletions
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
# Copyright 2012-2013 Jussi Pakkanen |
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
# You may obtain a copy of the License at |
# |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
# limitations under the License. |
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET |
import xml.dom.minidom |
def gen_vcxproj(ofname): |
buildtype = 'Debug' |
platform = "Win32" |
project_name = 'prog' |
target_name = 'prog' |
subsystem = 'console' |
project_file_version = '10.0.30319.1' |
guid = '{4A8C542D-A4C3-AC4A-A85A-E2A893CCB716}' |
root = ET.Element('Project', {'DefaultTargets' : "Build", |
'ToolsVersion' : '4.0', |
'xmlns' : ''}) |
confitems = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemGroup', {'Label' : 'ProjectConfigurations'}) |
prjconf = ET.SubElement(confitems, 'ProjectConfiguration', {'Include' : 'Debug|Win32'}) |
p = ET.SubElement(prjconf, 'Configuration') |
p.text= buildtype |
pl = ET.SubElement(prjconf, 'Platform') |
pl.text = platform |
globalgroup = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup', Label='Globals') |
guidelem = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'ProjectGUID') |
guidelem.text = guid |
kw = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'Keyword') |
kw.text = 'Win32Proj' |
ns = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'RootNamespace') |
ns.text = 'Sample' |
p = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'Platform') |
p.text= platform |
pname= ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'ProjectName') |
pname.text = project_name |
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props') |
type_config = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup', Label='Configuration') |
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'ConfigurationType').text = 'Application' |
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'CharacterSet').text = 'MultiByte' |
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'WholeProgramOptimization').text = 'false' |
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'UseDebugLibraries').text = 'false' |
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props') |
direlem = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup') |
fver = ET.SubElement(direlem, '_ProjectFileVersion') |
fver.text = project_file_version |
outdir = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'OutDir') |
outdir.text = '.\\' |
intdir = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'IntDir') |
intdir.text = 'obj\\' |
tname = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'TargetName') |
tname.text = target_name |
inclinc = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'LinkIncremental') |
inclinc.text = 'true' |
compiles = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemDefinitionGroup') |
clconf = ET.SubElement(compiles, 'ClCompile') |
opt = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'Optimization') |
opt.text = 'disabled' |
preproc = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'PreprocessorDefinitions') |
rebuild = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'MinimalRebuild') |
rebuild.text = 'true' |
rtlib = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'RuntimeLibrary') |
rtlib.text = 'MultiThreadedDebugDLL' |
funclink = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'FunctionLevelLinking') |
funclink.text = 'true' |
pch = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'PrecompiledHeader') |
warnings = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'WarningLevel') |
warnings.text = 'Level3' |
debinfo = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'DebugInformationFormat') |
debinfo.text = 'EditAndContinue' |
resourcecompile = ET.SubElement(compiles, 'ResourceCompile') |
respreproc = ET.SubElement(resourcecompile, 'PreprocessorDefinitions') |
link = ET.SubElement(compiles, 'Link') |
ofile = ET.SubElement(link, 'OutputFile') |
ofile.text = '$(OutDir)prog.exe' |
addlibdir = ET.SubElement(link, 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories') |
addlibdir.text = '%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)' |
subsys = ET.SubElement(link, 'SubSystem') |
subsys.text = subsystem |
gendeb = ET.SubElement(link, 'GenerateDebugInformation') |
gendeb.text = 'true' |
pdb = ET.SubElement(link, 'ProgramDataBaseFileName') |
pdb.text = '$(OutDir}prog.pdb' |
entrypoint = ET.SubElement(link, 'EntryPointSymbol') |
entrypoint.text = 'mainCRTStartup' |
targetmachine = ET.SubElement(link, 'TargetMachine') |
targetmachine.text = 'MachineX86' |
inc_files = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemGroup') |
ET.SubElement(inc_files, 'CLInclude', Include='prog.h') |
inc_src = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemGroup') |
ET.SubElement(inc_src, 'ClCompile', Include='prog.cpp') |
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets') |
tree = ET.ElementTree(root) |
tree.write(ofname, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True) |
# ElementTree can not do prettyprinting so do it manually |
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(ofname) |
open(ofname, 'w').write(doc.toprettyxml()) |
def gen_solution(ofname): |
solution_guid = '{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}' |
proj_guid = '{4A8C542D-A4C3-AC4A-A85A-E2A893CCB716}' |
target_name = 'Sample' |
target_vcxproj = 'sample.vcxproj' |
ofile = open(ofname, 'w') |
ofile.write('Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00\n') |
ofile.write('# Visual Studio 2010\n') |
prj_line = 'Project("%s") = "%s", "%s", "%s"\n' % (solution_guid, target_name, |
target_vcxproj, proj_guid) |
ofile.write(prj_line) |
ofile.write('EndProject') |
ofile.write('Global') |
indent = '\t' # I shudder |
ofile.write('%sGlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution\n' % indent) |
indent = '\t\t' |
ofile.write('%sDebug|Win32 = Debug|Win32\n' % indent) |
indent = '\t' |
ofile.write(indent + 'EndGlobalSection\n') |
ofile.write(indent + 'GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution\n') |
indent = '\t\t' |
ofile.write(indent + proj_guid + '.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n') |
ofile.write(indent + proj_guid + '.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n') |
indent = '\t' |
ofile.write(indent + 'EndGlobalSection\n') |
ofile.write(indent + 'GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution\n') |
indent = '\t\t' |
ofile.write(indent + 'HideSolutionNode = FALSE\n') |
indent = '\t' |
ofile.write(indent + 'EndGlobalSection') |
ofile.write('EndGlobal\n') |
def runtest(base): |
gen_vcxproj(base + '.vcxproj') |
gen_solution(base + '.sln') |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
runtest('sample') |
Reference in new issue