Merge pull request #84 from ignatenkobrain/ci_skipped

tests: add skipped tests
jpakkane 10 years ago
commit d2a648bb93
  1. 73

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from meson import backendlist
passing_tests = 0
failing_tests = 0
skipped_tests = 0
print_debug = 'MESON_PRINT_TEST_OUTPUT' in os.environ
test_build_dir = 'work area'
@ -196,44 +197,20 @@ def gather_tests(testdir):
def detect_tests_to_run():
all_tests = []
all_tests.append(('common', gather_tests('test cases/common')))
all_tests.append(('failing', gather_tests('test cases/failing')))
all_tests.append(('prebuilt object', gather_tests('test cases/prebuilt object')))
all_tests.append(('common', gather_tests('test cases/common'), False))
all_tests.append(('failing', gather_tests('test cases/failing'), False))
all_tests.append(('prebuilt object', gather_tests('test cases/prebuilt object'), False))
if mesonlib.is_osx():
all_tests.append(('platform', gather_tests('test cases/osx')))
elif mesonlib.is_windows():
all_tests.append(('platform', gather_tests('test cases/windows')))
all_tests.append(('platform', gather_tests('test cases/linuxlike')))
if not mesonlib.is_osx() and not mesonlib.is_windows():
all_tests.append(('framework', gather_tests('test cases/frameworks')))
all_tests.append(('framework', []))
if not mesonlib.is_osx() and shutil.which('javac'):
all_tests.append(('java', gather_tests('test cases/java')))
all_tests.append(('java', []))
if shutil.which('mcs'):
all_tests.append(('C#', gather_tests('test cases/csharp')))
all_tests.append(('C#', []))
if shutil.which('valac'):
all_tests.append(('vala', gather_tests('test cases/vala')))
all_tests.append(('vala', []))
if shutil.which('rustc'):
all_tests.append(('rust', gather_tests('test cases/rust')))
all_tests.append(('rust', []))
if not mesonlib.is_windows():
all_tests.append(('objective c', gather_tests('test cases/objc')))
all_tests.append(('objective c', []))
if shutil.which('gfortran'):
all_tests.append(('fortran', gather_tests('test cases/fortran')))
all_tests.append(('fortran', []))
all_tests.append(('platform-osx', gather_tests('test cases/osx'), False if mesonlib.is_osx() else True))
all_tests.append(('platform-windows', gather_tests('test cases/windows'), False if mesonlib.is_windows() else True))
all_tests.append(('platform-linux', gather_tests('test cases/linuxlike'), False if not (mesonlib.is_osx() or mesonlib.is_windows()) else True))
all_tests.append(('framework', gather_tests('test cases/frameworks'), False if not mesonlib.is_osx() and not mesonlib.is_windows() else True))
all_tests.append(('java', gather_tests('test cases/java'), False if not mesonlib.is_osx() and shutil.which('javac') else True))
all_tests.append(('C#', gather_tests('test cases/csharp'), False if shutil.which('mcs') else True))
all_tests.append(('vala', gather_tests('test cases/vala'), False if shutil.which('valac') else True))
all_tests.append(('rust', gather_tests('test cases/rust'), False if shutil.which('rustc') else True))
all_tests.append(('objective c', gather_tests('test cases/objc'), False if not mesonlib.is_windows() else True))
all_tests.append(('fortran', gather_tests('test cases/fortran'), False if shutil.which('gfortran') else True))
return all_tests
def run_tests():
@ -249,21 +226,28 @@ def run_tests():
except OSError:
for name, test_cases in all_tests:
if len(test_cases) == 0:
for name, test_cases, skipped in all_tests:
current_suite = ET.SubElement(junit_root, 'testsuite', {'name' : name, 'tests' : str(len(test_cases))})
if skipped:
print('\nNot running %s tests.\n' % name)
current_suite = ET.SubElement(junit_root, 'testsuite', {'name' : name, 'tests' : str(len(test_cases))})
print('\nRunning %s tests.\n' % name)
for t in test_cases:
ts = time.time()
(msg, stdo, stde) = run_test(t, name != 'failing')
te = time.time()
log_text_file(logfile, t, msg, stdo, stde)
# Jenkins screws us over by automatically sorting test cases by name
# and getting it wrong by not doing logical number sorting.
(testnum, testbase) = os.path.split(t)[-1].split(' ', 1)
testname = '%.3d %s' % (int(testnum), testbase)
if skipped:
current_test = ET.SubElement(current_suite, 'testcase', {'name' : testname,
'classname' : name})
ET.SubElement(current_test, 'skipped', {})
global skipped_tests
skipped_tests += 1
ts = time.time()
(msg, stdo, stde) = run_test(t, name != 'failing')
te = time.time()
log_text_file(logfile, t, msg, stdo, stde)
current_test = ET.SubElement(current_suite, 'testcase', {'name' : testname,
'classname' : name,
'time' : '%.3f' % (te - ts)})
@ -327,5 +311,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print('\nTotal passed tests:', passing_tests)
print('Total failed tests:', failing_tests)
print('Total skipped tests:', skipped_tests)
