Add basic syntax and indentation files for ViM

The syntax file does syntax highlighting for numbers, string literals,
comments, etc. Also maintains a list of valid function names.

The plugin does auto-indentation for Meson with two spaces by default.

TODO: explicit errors for decimal numbers (right now, it's just
unhighlighted), check kwargs, default options, etc.
Nirbheek Chauhan 9 years ago committed by Jussi Pakkanen
parent a32716f9fe
commit ce09c5bb8c
  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 183
  4. 117

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
ftdetect sets the filetype
syntax does Meson syntax highlighting
plugin does Meson indentation

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
au BufNewFile,BufRead set filetype=meson
au BufNewFile,BufRead meson_options.txt set filetype=meson

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
" Vim indent file
" Language: Meson
" Maintainer: Nirbheek Chauhan <>
" Original Authors: David Bustos <>
" Bram Moolenaar <>
" Last Change: 2015 Feb 23
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
" Some preliminary settings
setlocal nolisp " Make sure lisp indenting doesn't supersede us
setlocal autoindent " indentexpr isn't much help otherwise
setlocal indentexpr=GetMesonIndent(v:lnum)
setlocal indentkeys+==elif,=else,=endforeach,=endif,0)
" Only define the function once.
if exists("*GetMesonIndent")
let s:keepcpo= &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Come here when loading the script the first time.
let s:maxoff = 50 " maximum number of lines to look backwards for ()
" Force sw=2 sts=2 because that's required by convention
set shiftwidth=2
set softtabstop=2
function GetMesonIndent(lnum)
echom getline(line("."))
" If this line is explicitly joined: If the previous line was also joined,
" line it up with that one, otherwise add two 'shiftwidth'
if getline(a:lnum - 1) =~ '\\$'
if a:lnum > 1 && getline(a:lnum - 2) =~ '\\$'
return indent(a:lnum - 1)
return indent(a:lnum - 1) + (exists("g:mesonindent_continue") ? eval(g:mesonindent_continue) : (shiftwidth() * 2))
" If the start of the line is in a string don't change the indent.
if has('syntax_items')
\ && synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, 1, 1), "name") =~ "String$"
return -1
" Search backwards for the previous non-empty line.
let plnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
if plnum == 0
" This is the first non-empty line, use zero indent.
return 0
" If the previous line is inside parenthesis, use the indent of the starting
" line.
" Trick: use the non-existing "dummy" variable to break out of the loop when
" going too far back.
call cursor(plnum, 1)
let parlnum = searchpair('(\|{\|\[', '', ')\|}\|\]', 'nbW',
\ "line('.') < " . (plnum - s:maxoff) . " ? dummy :"
\ . " synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name')"
\ . " =~ '\\(Comment\\|Todo\\|String\\)$'")
if parlnum > 0
let plindent = indent(parlnum)
let plnumstart = parlnum
let plindent = indent(plnum)
let plnumstart = plnum
" When inside parenthesis: If at the first line below the parenthesis add
" two 'shiftwidth', otherwise same as previous line.
" i = (a
" + b
" + c)
call cursor(a:lnum, 1)
let p = searchpair('(\|{\|\[', '', ')\|}\|\]', 'bW',
\ "line('.') < " . (a:lnum - s:maxoff) . " ? dummy :"
\ . " synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name')"
\ . " =~ '\\(Comment\\|Todo\\|String\\)$'")
if p > 0
if p == plnum
" When the start is inside parenthesis, only indent one 'shiftwidth'.
let pp = searchpair('(\|{\|\[', '', ')\|}\|\]', 'bW',
\ "line('.') < " . (a:lnum - s:maxoff) . " ? dummy :"
\ . " synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name')"
\ . " =~ '\\(Comment\\|Todo\\|String\\)$'")
if pp > 0
return indent(plnum) + (exists("g:pyindent_nested_paren") ? eval(g:pyindent_nested_paren) : shiftwidth())
return indent(plnum) + (exists("g:pyindent_open_paren") ? eval(g:pyindent_open_paren) : (shiftwidth() * 2))
if plnumstart == p
return indent(plnum)
return plindent
" Get the line and remove a trailing comment.
" Use syntax highlighting attributes when possible.
let pline = getline(plnum)
let pline_len = strlen(pline)
if has('syntax_items')
" If the last character in the line is a comment, do a binary search for
" the start of the comment. synID() is slow, a linear search would take
" too long on a long line.
if synIDattr(synID(plnum, pline_len, 1), "name") =~ "\\(Comment\\|Todo\\)$"
let min = 1
let max = pline_len
while min < max
let col = (min + max) / 2
if synIDattr(synID(plnum, col, 1), "name") =~ "\\(Comment\\|Todo\\)$"
let max = col
let min = col + 1
let pline = strpart(pline, 0, min - 1)
let col = 0
while col < pline_len
if pline[col] == '#'
let pline = strpart(pline, 0, col)
let col = col + 1
" If the previous line ended the conditional/loop
if getline(plnum) =~ '^\s*\(endif\|endforeach\)\>\s*'
" Maintain indent
return -1
" If the previous line ended with a builtin, indent this line
if pline =~ '^\s*\(foreach\|if\|else\|elif\)\>\s*'
return plindent + shiftwidth()
" If the current line begins with a header keyword, deindent
if getline(a:lnum) =~ '^\s*\(else\|elif\|endif\|endforeach\)'
" Unless the previous line was a one-liner
if getline(plnumstart) =~ '^\s*\(foreach\|if\)\>\s*'
return plindent
" Or the user has already dedented
if indent(a:lnum) <= plindent - shiftwidth()
return -1
return plindent - shiftwidth()
" When after a () construct we probably want to go back to the start line.
" a = (b
" + c)
" here
if parlnum > 0
return plindent
return -1
let &cpo = s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo
" vim:sw=2

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Meson
" Maintainer: Nirbheek Chauhan <>
" Last Change: 2015 Feb 23
" Credits: Zvezdan Petkovic <>
" Neil Schemenauer <>
" Dmitry Vasiliev
" This version is copied and edited from python.vim
" It's very basic, and doesn't do many things I'd like it to
" For instance, it should show errors for syntax that is valid in
" Python but not in Meson.
" Optional highlighting can be controlled using these variables.
" let meson_space_error_highlight = 1
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items.
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded.
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" We need nocompatible mode in order to continue lines with backslashes.
" Original setting will be restored.
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
syn keyword mesonConditional elif else if endif
syn keyword mesonRepeat foreach endforeach
syn keyword mesonOperator and not or
syn match mesonComment "#.*$" contains=mesonTodo,@Spell
syn keyword mesonTodo FIXME NOTE NOTES TODO XXX contained
" Strings can either be single quoted or triple counted across multiple lines,
" but always with a '
syn region mesonString
\ start="\z('\)" end="\z1" skip="\\\\\|\\\z1"
\ contains=mesonEscape,@Spell
syn region mesonString
\ start="\z('''\)" end="\z1" keepend
\ contains=mesonEscape,mesonSpaceError,@Spell
syn match mesonEscape "\\[abfnrtv'\\]" contained
syn match mesonEscape "\\\o\{1,3}" contained
syn match mesonEscape "\\x\x\{2}" contained
syn match mesonEscape "\%(\\u\x\{4}\|\\U\x\{8}\)" contained
" Meson allows case-insensitive Unicode IDs:
syn match mesonEscape "\\N{\a\+\%(\s\a\+\)*}" contained
syn match mesonEscape "\\$"
" Meson only supports integer numbers
syn match mesonNumber "\<\d\+\>"
" booleans
syn keyword mesonConstant false true
" Built-in functions
syn keyword mesonBuiltin add_global_arguments add_languages benchmark
syn keyword mesonBuiltin build_target configuration_data configure_file
syn keyword mesonBuiltin custom_target declare_dependency dependency
syn keyword mesonBuiltin error executable find_program find_library
syn keyword mesonBuiltin files generator get_option get_variable
syn keyword mesonBuiltin gettext import include_directories install_data
syn keyword mesonBuiltin install_headers install_man install_subdir
syn keyword mesonBuiltin is_subproject is_variable jar library message
syn keyword mesonBuiltin project run_command run_target set_variable
syn keyword mesonBuiltin shared_library static_library subdir subproject
syn keyword mesonBuiltin test vcs_tag
if exists("meson_space_error_highlight")
" trailing whitespace
syn match mesonSpaceError display excludenl "\s\+$"
" mixed tabs and spaces
syn match mesonSpaceError display " \+\t"
syn match mesonSpaceError display "\t\+ "
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_meson_syn_inits")
if version <= 508
let did_meson_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
" The default highlight links. Can be overridden later.
HiLink mesonStatement Statement
HiLink mesonConditional Conditional
HiLink mesonRepeat Repeat
HiLink mesonOperator Operator
HiLink mesonComment Comment
HiLink mesonTodo Todo
HiLink mesonString String
HiLink mesonEscape Special
HiLink mesonNumber Number
HiLink mesonBuiltin Function
HiLink mesonConstant Number
if exists("meson_space_error_highlight")
HiLink mesonSpaceError Error
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "meson"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim:set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 noet: