@ -49,21 +49,59 @@ except ImportError:
has_ssl = False
WHITELIST_SUBDOMAIN = ' wrapdb.mesonbuild.com '
WRAPDB_UPSTREAM_HOSTNAME = ' wrapdb.mesonbuild.com '
ALL_TYPES = [ ' file ' , ' git ' , ' hg ' , ' svn ' , ' redirect ' ]
PATCH = shutil . which ( ' patch ' )
def whitelist_wrapdb ( urlstr : str ) - > urllib . parse . ParseResult :
""" raises WrapException if not whitelisted subdomain """
@lru_cache ( maxsize = None )
def wrapdb_url ( ) - > str :
try :
with Path ( ' subprojects/wrapdb-sources.json ' ) . open ( ' r ' , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) as f :
config = json . load ( f )
version = config [ ' version ' ]
if version > 1 :
m = f ' WrapDB sources file (v { version } ) was created with a newer version of meson. '
raise WrapException ( m )
source = str ( config [ ' sources ' ] [ 0 ] )
url = urllib . parse . urlparse ( source )
if not url . scheme :
m = f ' WrapDB source address requires a protocol scheme, like ` { WRAPDB_UPSTREAM_ADDRESS } `. '
raise WrapException ( m )
return source
except FileNotFoundError :
def is_wrapdb_subdomain ( hostname : str ) - > bool :
trusted_subdomains = {
urllib . parse . urlparse ( wrapdb_url ( ) ) . hostname ,
for entry in trusted_subdomains :
if hostname . endswith ( entry ) :
return True
return False
def expand_wrapdburl ( urlstr : str , allow_insecure : bool = False ) - > urllib . parse . ParseResult :
url = urllib . parse . urlparse ( urlstr )
if url . scheme == ' wrapdb ' :
if url . netloc :
raise WrapException ( f ' { urlstr } with wrapdb: scheme should not have a netloc ' )
# append wrapdb path on top of the source address
rel_path = url . path . lstrip ( ' / ' )
url = urllib . parse . urlparse ( urllib . parse . urljoin ( wrapdb_url ( ) , rel_path ) )
if not url . hostname :
raise WrapException ( f ' { urlstr } is not a valid URL ' )
if not url . hostname . endswith ( WHITELIST_SUBDOMAIN ) :
raise WrapException ( f ' { urlstr } is not a whitelisted WrapDB URL ' )
if has_ssl and not url . scheme == ' https ' :
raise WrapException ( f ' WrapDB did not have expected SSL https url, instead got { urlstr } ' )
if url . scheme not in { ' file ' } :
raise WrapException ( f ' { urlstr } is not a valid URL ' )
else :
if not is_wrapdb_subdomain ( url . hostname ) :
raise WrapException ( f ' { urlstr } is not a whitelisted WrapDB URL ' )
if has_ssl and not allow_insecure and url . scheme not in { ' https ' , ' ftps ' } :
raise WrapException ( f ' WrapDB did not have expected SSL url, instead got { urllib . parse . urlunparse ( url ) } ' )
return url
def open_wrapdburl ( urlstring : str , allow_insecure : bool = False , have_opt : bool = False ) - > ' http.client.HTTPResponse ' :
@ -72,12 +110,13 @@ def open_wrapdburl(urlstring: str, allow_insecure: bool = False, have_opt: bool
else :
insecure_msg = ' '
url = whitelist_wrapdb ( urlstring )
url = expand_wrapdburl ( urlstring , allow_insecure )
if has_ssl :
urlstring_ = urllib . parse . urlunparse ( url )
try :
return T . cast ( ' http.client.HTTPResponse ' , urllib . request . urlopen ( urllib . parse . urlunparse ( url ) , timeout = REQ_TIMEOUT ) )
return T . cast ( ' http.client.HTTPResponse ' , urllib . request . urlopen ( urlstring_ , timeout = REQ_TIMEOUT ) )
except OSError as excp :
msg = f ' WrapDB connection failed to { urlstring } with error { excp } . '
msg = f ' WrapDB connection failed to { urlstring_ } with error { excp } . '
if isinstance ( excp , urllib . error . URLError ) and isinstance ( excp . reason , ssl . SSLCertVerificationError ) :
if allow_insecure :
mlog . warning ( f ' { msg } \n \n Proceeding without authentication. ' )
@ -92,15 +131,21 @@ def open_wrapdburl(urlstring: str, allow_insecure: bool = False, have_opt: bool
mlog . warning ( f ' SSL module not available in { sys . executable } : WrapDB traffic not authenticated. ' , once = True )
# If we got this far, allow_insecure was manually passed
nossl_url = url . _replace ( scheme = ' http ' )
if has_ssl :
ctx = ssl . create_default_context ( )
ctx . check_hostname = False
ctx . verify_mode = ssl . CERT_NONE
else :
msg = f ' Fix python installation or change WrapDB source address to an insecure alternative, e.g. `meson wrap set-sources http:// { WRAPDB_UPSTREAM_HOSTNAME } ` '
raise WrapException ( f ' SSL protocol requested: { msg } ' )
try :
return T . cast ( ' http.client.HTTPResponse ' , urllib . request . urlopen ( urllib . parse . urlunparse ( nossl_url ) , timeout = REQ_TIMEOUT ) )
return T . cast ( ' http.client.HTTPResponse ' , urllib . request . urlopen ( urlstring_ , timeout = REQ_TIMEOUT , context = ctx ) )
except OSError as excp :
raise WrapException ( f ' WrapDB connection failed to { urlstring } with error { excp } ' )
raise WrapException ( f ' WrapDB connection failed to { urlstring_ } with error { excp } ' )
def get_releases_data ( allow_insecure : bool ) - > bytes :
url = open_wrapdburl ( ' https://wrapdb.mesonbuild.com /v2/releases.json' , allow_insecure , True )
return url . read ( )
resp = open_wrapdburl ( ' wrapdb:// /v2/releases.json' , allow_insecure , True )
return resp . read ( )
@lru_cache ( maxsize = None )
def get_releases ( allow_insecure : bool ) - > T . Dict [ str , T . Any ] :
@ -108,14 +153,14 @@ def get_releases(allow_insecure: bool) -> T.Dict[str, T.Any]:
return T . cast ( ' T.Dict[str, T.Any] ' , json . loads ( data . decode ( ) ) )
def update_wrap_file ( wrapfile : str , name : str , new_version : str , new_revision : str , allow_insecure : bool ) - > None :
url = open_wrapdburl ( f ' https://wrapdb.mesonbuild.com /v2/{ name } _ { new_version } - { new_revision } / { name } .wrap ' ,
allow_insecure , True )
resp = open_wrapdburl ( f ' wrapdb:// /v2/{ name } _ { new_version } - { new_revision } / { name } .wrap ' ,
allow_insecure , True )
with open ( wrapfile , ' wb ' ) as f :
f . write ( url . read ( ) )
f . write ( resp . read ( ) )
def parse_patch_url ( patch_url : str ) - > T . Tuple [ str , str ] :
u = urllib . parse . urlparse ( patch_url )
if u . netloc != ' wrapdb.mesonbuild.com ' :
if not is_wrapdb_subdomain ( u . hostname ) :
raise WrapException ( f ' URL { patch_url } does not seems to be a wrapdb patch ' )
arr = u . path . strip ( ' / ' ) . split ( ' / ' )
if arr [ 0 ] == ' v1 ' :
@ -384,10 +429,10 @@ class Resolver:
self . check_can_download ( )
latest_version = info [ ' versions ' ] [ 0 ]
version , revision = latest_version . rsplit ( ' - ' , 1 )
url = urllib . request . urlopen ( f ' https://wrapdb.mesonbuild.com /v2/{ subp_name } _ { version } - { revision } / { subp_name } .wrap ' )
resp = open_wrapdburl ( f ' wrapdb:// /v2/{ subp_name } _ { version } - { revision } / { subp_name } .wrap ' )
fname = Path ( self . subdir_root , f ' { subp_name } .wrap ' )
with fname . open ( ' wb ' ) as f :
f . write ( url . read ( ) )
f . write ( resp . read ( ) )
mlog . log ( f ' Installed { subp_name } version { version } revision { revision } ' )
wrap = PackageDefinition . from_wrap_file ( str ( fname ) )
self . wraps [ wrap . name ] = wrap
@ -687,9 +732,9 @@ class Resolver:
h = hashlib . sha256 ( )
tmpfile = tempfile . NamedTemporaryFile ( mode = ' wb ' , dir = self . cachedir , delete = False )
url = urllib . parse . urlparse ( urlstring )
if url . hostname and url . hostname . endswith ( WHITELIST_SUBDOMAIN ) :
if url . hostname and is_wrapdb_subdomain ( url . hostname ) :
resp = open_wrapdburl ( urlstring , allow_insecure = self . allow_insecure , have_opt = self . wrap_frontend )
elif WHITELIST_SUBDOMAIN in urlstring :
elif WRAPDB_UPSTREAM_HOSTNAME in urlstring :
raise WrapException ( f ' { urlstring } may be a WrapDB-impersonating URL ' )
else :
headers = {