docs: Recommend to use SPDX license identifiers [skip ci]

Some license identifiers are ambiguous (e.g. "GPL3"). The SPDX license
identifiers avoid this by providing standardized and unique identifiers
(e.g. "GPL-3.0-only" or "GPL-3.0-or-later" for the previous example).

Because SPDX short-form identifiers are also both human- and
machine-readable we should recommend them in the documentation.

More information (advantages, details, etc.) can be found here:

Fix #7905.
Michael Weiss 4 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 7860a6aeab
commit cc033e5476
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 15
  2. 6
      test cases/common/166 get project license/

@ -1398,13 +1398,14 @@ Project supports the following keyword arguments.
specific options are used normally even in subprojects.
- `license`: takes a string or array of strings describing the
license(s) the code is under. Usually this would be something like
`license : 'GPL2+'`, but if the code has multiple licenses you can
specify them as an array like this: `license : ['proprietary',
'GPL3']`. Note that the text is informal and is only written to
the dependency manifest. Meson does not do any license validation,
you are responsible for verifying that you abide by all licensing
- `license`: takes a string or array of strings describing the license(s) the
code is under. To avoid ambiguity it is recommended to use a standardized
license identifier from the [SPDX license list](
Usually this would be something like `license : 'GPL-2.0-or-later'`, but if
the code has multiple licenses you can specify them as an array like this:
`license : ['proprietary', 'GPL-3.0-only']`. Note that the text is informal
and is only written to the dependency manifest. Meson does not do any license
validation, you are responsible for verifying that you abide by all licensing
terms. You can access the value in your Meson build files with

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
project('bar', 'c', license: 'Apache')
project('bar', 'c', license: 'Apache-2.0')
executable('bar', 'bar.c')
license = meson.project_license()[0]
if license != 'Apache'
error('The license should be Apache, but it is: ' + license)
if license != 'Apache-2.0'
error('The license should be Apache-2.0, but it is: ' + license)
