A sub-subproject can be configured directly from
`subprojects/foo/subprojects/bar/` in the case `bar` is in the same git
repository as `foo` and not downloaded separately into the main
project's `subprojects/`. In that case the nested subproject violation
code was wrong because it is allowed to have more than one "subprojects"
in path (was not possible before Meson 0.56.0).
- self.environment.source_dir = '/home/user/myproject'
- self.root_subdir = 'subprojects/foo/subprojects/bar'
- project_root = '/home/user/myproject/subprojects/foo/subprojects/bar'
- norm = '/home/user/myproject/subprojects/foo/subprojects/bar/file.c'
We want `norm` path to have `project_root` in its parents and not have
`project_root / 'subprojects'` in its parents. In that case we are sure
`file.c` is within `bar` subproject.
Xavier Claessens4 years agocommitted byJussi Pakkanen
"line":"test cases/failing/62 subproj filegrab/subprojects/a/meson.build:3:0: ERROR: Sandbox violation: Tried to grab file prog.c from a different subproject."
"line":"test cases/failing/62 subproj filegrab/subprojects/a/meson.build:3:0: ERROR: Sandbox violation: Tried to grab file prog.c outside current (sub)project."
"line":"test cases/failing/64 grab sibling/subprojects/a/meson.build:3:0: ERROR: Sandbox violation: Tried to grab file sneaky.c from a different subproject."
"line":"test cases/failing/64 grab sibling/subprojects/a/meson.build:3:0: ERROR: Sandbox violation: Tried to grab file sneaky.c outside current (sub)project."