summary: Add list_sep keyword argument

This allows having lists on a single line instead of having each value
aligned on a new line.
Xavier Claessens 5 years ago
parent f66b04b099
commit c175e97a88
  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 21
  4. 3
  5. 1
      test cases/unit/72 summary/

@ -1239,9 +1239,10 @@ pair doesn't appear twice. All sections will be collected and printed at
the end of the configuration in the same order as they have been called.
Keyword arguments:
- `section` title to group a set of key/value pairs.
- `bool_yn` if set to true, all boolean values will be replaced by green YES
or red NO.
- `section` title to group a set of key/value pairs.
- `list_sep` *Since 0.54.0* string used to separate list values (e.g. `', '`).

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
## Summary improvements
A new `list_sep` keyword argument has been added to `summary()` function.
If defined and the value is a list, elements will be separated by the provided
string instead of being aligned on a new line.

@ -1791,6 +1791,9 @@ class Summary:
bool_yn = kwargs.get('bool_yn', False)
if not isinstance(bool_yn, bool):
raise InterpreterException('bool_yn keyword argument must be boolean')
list_sep = kwargs.get('list_sep')
if list_sep is not None and not isinstance(list_sep, str):
raise InterpreterException('list_sep keyword argument must be string')
for k, v in values.items():
if k in self.sections[section]:
raise InterpreterException('Summary section {!r} already have key {!r}'.format(section, k))
@ -1803,9 +1806,7 @@ class Summary:
formatted_values.append('YES') if i else'NO'))
if not formatted_values:
formatted_values = ['']
self.sections[section][k] = formatted_values
self.sections[section][k] = (formatted_values, list_sep)
self.max_key_len = max(self.max_key_len, len(k))
def dump(self):
@ -1815,11 +1816,14 @@ class Summary:
if section:
mlog.log(' ', mlog.bold(section))
for k, v in values.items():
v, list_sep = v
indent = self.max_key_len - len(k) + 3
mlog.log(' ' * indent, k + ':', v[0])
indent = self.max_key_len + 5
for i in v[1:]:
mlog.log(' ' * indent, i)
end = ' ' if v else ''
mlog.log(' ' * indent, k + ':', end=end)
if list_sep is None:
indent = self.max_key_len + 6
list_sep = '\n' + ' ' * indent
mlog.log(*v, sep=list_sep)
mlog.log('') # newline
@ -2949,7 +2953,8 @@ external dependencies (including libraries) must go to "dependencies".''')
mlog.log(mlog.bold('Message:'), *args)
@permittedKwargs({'section', 'bool_yn'})
@FeatureNewKwargs('summary', '0.54.0', ['list_sep'])
@permittedKwargs({'section', 'bool_yn', 'list_sep'})
@FeatureNew('summary', '0.53.0')
def func_summary(self, node, args, kwargs):
if len(args) == 1:

@ -4347,10 +4347,11 @@ recommended as it is not supported on some platforms''')
A list: string
empty list:
empty list:
A number: 1
yes: YES
no: NO
coma list: a, b, c
sub: YES

@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ summary({'Some boolean': false,
summary('A number', 1, section: 'Configuration')
summary('yes', true, bool_yn : true, section: 'Configuration')
summary('no', false, bool_yn : true, section: 'Configuration')
summary('coma list', ['a', 'b', 'c'], list_sep: ', ', section: 'Configuration')
