@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import platform
import itertools
import ctypes
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import PurePath
from pathlib import Path , P urePath
from . . import mlog
from . . import mesonlib
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ from ..compilers import clib_langs
from . . environment import BinaryTable
from . . mesonlib import MachineChoice , MesonException , OrderedSet , PerMachine
from . . mesonlib import Popen_safe , version_compare_many , version_compare , listify
from . . mesonlib import Version
# These must be defined in this file to avoid cyclical references.
packages = { }
@ -1983,40 +1984,91 @@ class ExternalLibrary(ExternalDependency):
class ExtraFrameworkDependency ( ExternalDependency ) :
def __init__ ( self , name , required , path , env , lang , kwargs ) :
system_framework_paths = None
def __init__ ( self , name , required , paths , env , lang , kwargs ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( ' extraframeworks ' , env , lang , kwargs )
self . name = name
self . required = required
self . detect ( name , path )
if self . found ( ) :
self . compile_args = [ ' -I ' + os . path . join ( self . path , self . name , ' Headers ' ) ]
self . link_args = [ ' -F ' + self . path , ' -framework ' , self . name . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ] ]
def detect ( self , name , path ) :
# should use the compiler to look for frameworks, rather than peering at
# the filesystem, so we can also find them when cross-compiling
if self . want_cross :
# Full path to framework directory
self . framework_path = None
if not self . clib_compiler :
raise DependencyException ( ' No C-like compilers are available ' )
if self . system_framework_paths is None :
self . system_framework_paths = self . clib_compiler . find_framework_paths ( self . env )
self . detect ( name , paths )
def detect ( self , name , paths ) :
if not paths :
paths = self . system_framework_paths
for p in paths :
mlog . debug ( ' Looking for framework {} in {} ' . format ( name , p ) )
# We need to know the exact framework path because it's used by the
# Qt5 dependency class, and for setting the include path. We also
# want to avoid searching in an invalid framework path which wastes
# time and can cause a false positive.
framework_path = self . _get_framework_path ( p , name )
if framework_path is None :
# We want to prefer the specified paths (in order) over the system
# paths since these are "extra" frameworks.
# For example, Python2's framework is in /System/Library/Frameworks and
# Python3's framework is in /Library/Frameworks, but both are called
# Python.framework. We need to know for sure that the framework was
# found in the path we expect.
allow_system = p in self . system_framework_paths
args = self . clib_compiler . find_framework ( name , self . env , [ p ] , allow_system )
if args is None :
self . link_args = args
self . framework_path = framework_path . as_posix ( )
self . compile_args = [ ' -F ' + self . framework_path ]
# We need to also add -I includes to the framework because all
# cross-platform projects such as OpenGL, Python, Qt, GStreamer,
# etc do not use "framework includes":
# https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFrameworks/Tasks/IncludingFrameworks.html
incdir = self . _get_framework_include_path ( framework_path )
if incdir :
self . compile_args + = [ ' -I ' + incdir ]
self . is_found = True
def _get_framework_path ( self , path , name ) :
p = Path ( path )
lname = name . lower ( )
if path is None :
paths = [ ' /System/Library/Frameworks ' , ' /Library/Frameworks ' ]
else :
paths = [ path ]
for p in paths :
for d in os . listdir ( p ) :
fullpath = os . path . join ( p , d )
if lname != d . rsplit ( ' . ' , 1 ) [ 0 ] . lower ( ) :
if not stat . S_ISDIR ( os . stat ( fullpath ) . st_mode ) :
self . path = p
self . name = d
self . is_found = True
for d in p . glob ( ' *.framework/ ' ) :
if lname == d . name . rsplit ( ' . ' , 1 ) [ 0 ] . lower ( ) :
return d
return None
def _get_framework_latest_version ( self , path ) :
versions = [ ]
for each in path . glob ( ' Versions/* ' ) :
# macOS filesystems are usually case-insensitive
if each . name . lower ( ) == ' current ' :
versions . append ( Version ( each . name ) )
return ' Versions/ {} /Headers ' . format ( sorted ( versions ) [ - 1 ] . _s )
def _get_framework_include_path ( self , path ) :
# According to the spec, 'Headers' must always be a symlink to the
# Headers directory inside the currently-selected version of the
# framework, but sometimes frameworks are broken. Look in 'Versions'
# for the currently-selected version or pick the latest one.
trials = ( ' Headers ' , ' Versions/Current/Headers ' ,
self . _get_framework_latest_version ( path ) )
for each in trials :
trial = path / each
if trial . is_dir ( ) :
return trial . as_posix ( )
return None
def get_methods ( ) :
return [ DependencyMethods . EXTRAFRAMEWORK ]
def log_info ( self ) :
return os . path . join ( self . path , self . name )
return self . framework_path
def log_tried ( self ) :
return ' framework '
@ -2127,7 +2179,7 @@ def find_external_dependency(name, env, kwargs):
# if an exception occurred with the first detection method, re-raise it
# (on the grounds that it came from the preferred dependency detection
# method)
if pkg_exc [ 0 ] :
if pkg_exc and pkg_exc [ 0 ] :
raise pkg_exc [ 0 ]
# we have a list of failed ExternalDependency objects, so we can report
@ -2172,6 +2224,14 @@ def _build_external_dependency_list(name, env, kwargs):
candidates . append ( functools . partial ( CMakeDependency , name , env , kwargs ) )
return candidates
# If it's explicitly requested, use the Extraframework detection method (only)
if ' extraframework ' == kwargs . get ( ' method ' , ' ' ) :
# On OSX, also try framework dependency detector
if mesonlib . is_osx ( ) :
candidates . append ( functools . partial ( ExtraFrameworkDependency , name ,
False , None , env , None , kwargs ) )
return candidates
# Otherwise, just use the pkgconfig and cmake dependency detector
if ' auto ' == kwargs . get ( ' method ' , ' auto ' ) :
candidates . append ( functools . partial ( PkgConfigDependency , name , env , kwargs ) )