@ -461,6 +461,8 @@ def create_deterministic_builddir(test: TestDef, use_tmpdir: bool) -> str: |
src_dir += test.name |
rel_dirname = 'b ' + hashlib.sha256(src_dir.encode(errors='ignore')).hexdigest()[0:10] |
abs_pathname = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir() if use_tmpdir else os.getcwd(), rel_dirname) |
if os.path.exists(abs_pathname): |
mesonlib.windows_proof_rmtree(abs_pathname) |
os.mkdir(abs_pathname) |
return abs_pathname |
@ -474,7 +476,7 @@ def format_parameter_file(file_basename: str, test: TestDef, test_build_dir: str |
return destination |
def detect_parameter_files(test: TestDef, test_build_dir: str) -> (Path, Path): |
def detect_parameter_files(test: TestDef, test_build_dir: str) -> T.Tuple[Path, Path]: |
nativefile = test.path / 'nativefile.ini' |
crossfile = test.path / 'crossfile.ini' |
@ -486,7 +488,9 @@ def detect_parameter_files(test: TestDef, test_build_dir: str) -> (Path, Path): |
return nativefile, crossfile |
def run_test(test: TestDef, extra_args, compiler, backend, flags, commands, should_fail, use_tmp: bool): |
def run_test(test: TestDef, extra_args: T.List[str], compiler: str, backend: Backend, |
flags: T.List[str], commands: T.Tuple[T.List[str], T.List[str], T.List[str], T.List[str]], |
should_fail: bool, use_tmp: bool) -> T.Optional[TestResult]: |
if test.skip: |
return None |
build_dir = create_deterministic_builddir(test, use_tmp) |
@ -501,7 +505,10 @@ def run_test(test: TestDef, extra_args, compiler, backend, flags, commands, shou |
finally: |
mesonlib.windows_proof_rmtree(build_dir) |
def _run_test(test: TestDef, test_build_dir: str, install_dir: str, extra_args, compiler, backend, flags, commands, should_fail): |
def _run_test(test: TestDef, test_build_dir: str, install_dir: str, |
extra_args: T.List[str], compiler: str, backend: Backend, |
flags: T.List[str], commands: T.Tuple[T.List[str], T.List[str], T.List[str], T.List[str]], |
should_fail: bool) -> TestResult: |
compile_commands, clean_commands, install_commands, uninstall_commands = commands |
gen_start = time.time() |
# Configure in-process |
@ -620,130 +627,140 @@ def _run_test(test: TestDef, test_build_dir: str, install_dir: str, extra_args, |
return testresult |
def gather_tests(testdir: Path, stdout_mandatory: bool) -> T.List[TestDef]: |
tests = [t.name for t in testdir.iterdir() if t.is_dir()] |
tests = [t for t in tests if not t.startswith('.')] # Filter non-tests files (dot files, etc) |
test_defs = [TestDef(testdir / t, None, []) for t in tests] |
all_tests = [] # type: T.List[TestDef] |
for t in test_defs: |
test_def = {} |
test_def_file = t.path / 'test.json' |
if test_def_file.is_file(): |
test_def = json.loads(test_def_file.read_text()) |
# Handle additional environment variables |
env = {} # type: T.Dict[str, str] |
if 'env' in test_def: |
assert isinstance(test_def['env'], dict) |
env = test_def['env'] |
for key, val in env.items(): |
val = val.replace('@ROOT@', t.path.resolve().as_posix()) |
val = val.replace('@PATH@', t.env.get('PATH', '')) |
env[key] = val |
# Handle installed files |
installed = [] # type: T.List[InstalledFile] |
if 'installed' in test_def: |
installed = [InstalledFile(x) for x in test_def['installed']] |
# Handle expected output |
stdout = test_def.get('stdout', []) |
if stdout_mandatory and not stdout: |
raise RuntimeError("{} must contain a non-empty stdout key".format(test_def_file)) |
# Handle the do_not_set_opts list |
do_not_set_opts = test_def.get('do_not_set_opts', []) # type: T.List[str] |
# Skip tests if the tool requirements are not met |
if 'tools' in test_def: |
assert isinstance(test_def['tools'], dict) |
for tool, vers_req in test_def['tools'].items(): |
if tool not in tool_vers_map: |
t.skip = True |
elif not mesonlib.version_compare(tool_vers_map[tool], vers_req): |
t.skip = True |
# Skip the matrix code and just update the existing test |
if 'matrix' not in test_def: |
t.env.update(env) |
t.installed_files = installed |
t.do_not_set_opts = do_not_set_opts |
t.stdout = stdout |
all_tests += [t] |
continue |
# 'matrix; entry is present, so build multiple tests from matrix definition |
opt_list = [] # type: T.List[T.List[T.Tuple[str, bool]]] |
matrix = test_def['matrix'] |
assert "options" in matrix |
for key, val in matrix["options"].items(): |
assert isinstance(val, list) |
tmp_opts = [] # type: T.List[T.Tuple[str, bool]] |
for i in val: |
assert isinstance(i, dict) |
assert "val" in i |
skip = False |
# Skip the matrix entry if environment variable is present |
if 'skip_on_env' in i: |
for skip_env_var in i['skip_on_env']: |
if skip_env_var in os.environ: |
skip = True |
# Only run the test if all compiler ID's match |
if 'compilers' in i: |
for lang, id_list in i['compilers'].items(): |
if lang not in compiler_id_map or compiler_id_map[lang] not in id_list: |
skip = True |
break |
# Add an empty matrix entry |
if i['val'] is None: |
tmp_opts += [(None, skip)] |
continue |
def load_test_json(t: TestDef, stdout_mandatory: bool) -> T.List[TestDef]: |
all_tests: T.List[TestDef] = [] |
test_def = {} |
test_def_file = t.path / 'test.json' |
if test_def_file.is_file(): |
test_def = json.loads(test_def_file.read_text()) |
# Handle additional environment variables |
env = {} # type: T.Dict[str, str] |
if 'env' in test_def: |
assert isinstance(test_def['env'], dict) |
env = test_def['env'] |
for key, val in env.items(): |
val = val.replace('@ROOT@', t.path.resolve().as_posix()) |
val = val.replace('@PATH@', t.env.get('PATH', '')) |
env[key] = val |
# Handle installed files |
installed = [] # type: T.List[InstalledFile] |
if 'installed' in test_def: |
installed = [InstalledFile(x) for x in test_def['installed']] |
# Handle expected output |
stdout = test_def.get('stdout', []) |
if stdout_mandatory and not stdout: |
raise RuntimeError("{} must contain a non-empty stdout key".format(test_def_file)) |
# Handle the do_not_set_opts list |
do_not_set_opts = test_def.get('do_not_set_opts', []) # type: T.List[str] |
# Skip tests if the tool requirements are not met |
if 'tools' in test_def: |
assert isinstance(test_def['tools'], dict) |
for tool, vers_req in test_def['tools'].items(): |
if tool not in tool_vers_map: |
t.skip = True |
elif not mesonlib.version_compare(tool_vers_map[tool], vers_req): |
t.skip = True |
# Skip the matrix code and just update the existing test |
if 'matrix' not in test_def: |
t.env.update(env) |
t.installed_files = installed |
t.do_not_set_opts = do_not_set_opts |
t.stdout = stdout |
return [t] |
new_opt_list: T.List[T.List[T.Tuple[str, bool]]] |
# 'matrix; entry is present, so build multiple tests from matrix definition |
opt_list = [] # type: T.List[T.List[T.Tuple[str, bool]]] |
matrix = test_def['matrix'] |
assert "options" in matrix |
for key, val in matrix["options"].items(): |
assert isinstance(val, list) |
tmp_opts = [] # type: T.List[T.Tuple[str, bool]] |
for i in val: |
assert isinstance(i, dict) |
assert "val" in i |
skip = False |
# Skip the matrix entry if environment variable is present |
if 'skip_on_env' in i: |
for skip_env_var in i['skip_on_env']: |
if skip_env_var in os.environ: |
skip = True |
# Only run the test if all compiler ID's match |
if 'compilers' in i: |
for lang, id_list in i['compilers'].items(): |
if lang not in compiler_id_map or compiler_id_map[lang] not in id_list: |
skip = True |
break |
tmp_opts += [('{}={}'.format(key, i['val']), skip)] |
# Add an empty matrix entry |
if i['val'] is None: |
tmp_opts += [(None, skip)] |
continue |
if opt_list: |
new_opt_list = [] # type: T.List[T.List[T.Tuple[str, bool]]] |
for i in opt_list: |
for j in tmp_opts: |
new_opt_list += [[*i, j]] |
opt_list = new_opt_list |
else: |
opt_list = [[x] for x in tmp_opts] |
tmp_opts += [('{}={}'.format(key, i['val']), skip)] |
# Exclude specific configurations |
if 'exclude' in matrix: |
assert isinstance(matrix['exclude'], list) |
new_opt_list = [] # type: T.List[T.List[T.Tuple[str, bool]]] |
if opt_list: |
new_opt_list = [] |
for i in opt_list: |
exclude = False |
opt_names = [x[0] for x in i] |
for j in matrix['exclude']: |
ex_list = ['{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in j.items()] |
if all([x in opt_names for x in ex_list]): |
exclude = True |
break |
if not exclude: |
new_opt_list += [i] |
for j in tmp_opts: |
new_opt_list += [[*i, j]] |
opt_list = new_opt_list |
else: |
opt_list = [[x] for x in tmp_opts] |
# Exclude specific configurations |
if 'exclude' in matrix: |
assert isinstance(matrix['exclude'], list) |
new_opt_list = [] |
for i in opt_list: |
name = ' '.join([x[0] for x in i if x[0] is not None]) |
opts = ['-D' + x[0] for x in i if x[0] is not None] |
skip = any([x[1] for x in i]) |
test = TestDef(t.path, name, opts, skip or t.skip) |
test.env.update(env) |
test.installed_files = installed |
test.do_not_set_opts = do_not_set_opts |
test.stdout = stdout |
all_tests += [test] |
exclude = False |
opt_names = [x[0] for x in i] |
for j in matrix['exclude']: |
ex_list = ['{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in j.items()] |
if all([x in opt_names for x in ex_list]): |
exclude = True |
break |
if not exclude: |
new_opt_list += [i] |
opt_list = new_opt_list |
for i in opt_list: |
name = ' '.join([x[0] for x in i if x[0] is not None]) |
opts = ['-D' + x[0] for x in i if x[0] is not None] |
skip = any([x[1] for x in i]) |
test = TestDef(t.path, name, opts, skip or t.skip) |
test.env.update(env) |
test.installed_files = installed |
test.do_not_set_opts = do_not_set_opts |
test.stdout = stdout |
all_tests.append(test) |
return all_tests |
def gather_tests(testdir: Path, stdout_mandatory: bool) -> T.List[TestDef]: |
tests = [t.name for t in testdir.iterdir() if t.is_dir()] |
tests = [t for t in tests if not t.startswith('.')] # Filter non-tests files (dot files, etc) |
test_defs = [TestDef(testdir / t, None, []) for t in tests] |
all_tests: T.List[TestDef] = [] |
for t in test_defs: |
all_tests.extend(load_test_json(t, stdout_mandatory)) |
return sorted(all_tests) |
def have_d_compiler(): |
if shutil.which("ldc2"): |
return True |