Fix using object extracted from a unity build

- determine_ext_objs: What matters is if is a unity build,
  not if the target using those objects is a unity build.
- determine_ext_objs: Return one object file per compiler, taking into
  account generated sources.
- object_filename_from_source: No need to special-case unity build, it
  does the same thing in both code paths.
- check_unity_compatible: For each compiler we must extract either none
  or all its sources, taking into account generated sources.
Xavier Claessens 7 years ago
parent 628f910760
commit b0e4d4047b
  1. 49
  2. 2
  3. 2
  4. 49

@ -206,6 +206,8 @@ class Backend:
return os.path.join(self.get_target_private_dir(target), src)
def get_unity_source_file(self, target, suffix):
# There is a potential conflict here, but it is unlikely that
# anyone both enables unity builds and has a file called foo-unity.cpp.
osrc = + '-unity.' + suffix
return mesonlib.File.from_built_file(self.get_target_private_dir(target), osrc)
@ -248,7 +250,7 @@ class Backend:
elif isinstance(obj, mesonlib.File):
elif isinstance(obj, build.ExtractedObjects):
obj_list += self.determine_ext_objs(target, obj, proj_dir_to_build_root)
obj_list += self.determine_ext_objs(obj, proj_dir_to_build_root)
raise MesonException('Unknown data type in object list.')
return obj_list
@ -361,15 +363,11 @@ class Backend:
result += [rp]
return result
def object_filename_from_source(self, target, source, is_unity):
def object_filename_from_source(self, target, source):
assert isinstance(source, mesonlib.File)
build_dir = self.environment.get_build_dir()
rel_src = source.rel_to_builddir(self.build_to_src)
if (not self.environment.is_source(rel_src) or
self.environment.is_header(rel_src)) and not is_unity:
return None
# foo.vala files compile down to foo.c and then foo.c.o, not foo.vala.o
if rel_src.endswith(('.vala', '.gs')):
# See description in generate_vala_compile for this logic.
@ -379,8 +377,6 @@ class Backend:
rel_src = os.path.relpath(rel_src, self.get_target_private_dir(target))
rel_src = os.path.basename(rel_src)
if is_unity:
return 'meson-generated_' + rel_src[:-5] + '.c.' + self.environment.get_object_suffix()
# A meson- prefixed directory is reserved; hopefully no-one creates a file name with such a weird prefix.
source = 'meson-generated_' + rel_src[:-5] + '.c'
elif source.is_built:
@ -398,24 +394,10 @@ class Backend:
os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), target.get_subdir()))
return source.replace('/', '_').replace('\\', '_') + '.' + self.environment.get_object_suffix()
def determine_ext_objs(self, target, extobj, proj_dir_to_build_root):
def determine_ext_objs(self, extobj, proj_dir_to_build_root):
result = []
targetdir = self.get_target_private_dir(
# With unity builds, there's just one object that contains all the
# sources, and we only support extracting all the objects in this mode,
# so just return that.
if self.is_unity(target):
comp = get_compiler_for_source(,
# There is a potential conflict here, but it is unlikely that
# anyone both enables unity builds and has a file called foo-unity.cpp.
osrc = self.get_unity_source_file(,
objname = self.object_filename_from_source(, osrc, True)
objname = objname.replace('/', '_').replace('\\', '_')
objpath = os.path.join(proj_dir_to_build_root, targetdir, objname)
return [objpath]
# Merge sources and generated sources
sources = list(extobj.srclist)
for gensrc in extobj.genlist:
for s in gensrc.get_outputs():
@ -423,9 +405,24 @@ class Backend:
dirpart, fnamepart = os.path.split(path)
sources.append(File(True, dirpart, fnamepart))
# Filter out headers and all non-source files
sources = [s for s in sources if self.environment.is_source(s) and not self.environment.is_header(s)]
targetdir = self.get_target_private_dir(
# With unity builds, there's just one object that contains all the
# sources, and we only support extracting all the objects in this mode,
# so just return that.
if self.is_unity(
compsrcs = classify_unity_sources(, sources)
sources = []
for comp in compsrcs.keys():
osrc = self.get_unity_source_file(,
for osrc in sources:
objname = self.object_filename_from_source(, osrc, False)
if objname:
objname = self.object_filename_from_source(, osrc)
objpath = os.path.join(proj_dir_to_build_root, targetdir, objname)

@ -2203,7 +2203,7 @@ rule FORTRAN_DEP_HACK
raise AssertionError('BUG: broken generated source file handling for {!r}'.format(src))
raise InvalidArguments('Invalid source type: {!r}'.format(src))
obj_basename = self.object_filename_from_source(target, src, self.is_unity(target))
obj_basename = self.object_filename_from_source(target, src)
rel_obj = os.path.join(self.get_target_private_dir(target), obj_basename)
dep_file = compiler.depfile_for_object(rel_obj)

@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
self.add_additional_options(lang, inc_cl, file_args)
self.add_preprocessor_defines(lang, inc_cl, file_defines)
self.add_include_dirs(lang, inc_cl, file_inc_dirs)
ET.SubElement(inc_cl, 'ObjectFileName').text = "$(IntDir)" + self.object_filename_from_source(target, s, False)
ET.SubElement(inc_cl, 'ObjectFileName').text = "$(IntDir)" + self.object_filename_from_source(target, s)
for s in gen_src:
inc_cl = ET.SubElement(inc_src, 'CLCompile', Include=s)
lang = Vs2010Backend.lang_from_source_file(s)

@ -213,40 +213,47 @@ class ExtractedObjects:
Holds a list of sources for which the objects must be extracted
def __init__(self, target, srclist, genlist, is_unity):
def __init__(self, target, srclist, genlist): = target
self.srclist = srclist
self.genlist = genlist
if is_unity:
def __repr__(self):
r = '<{0} {1!r}: {2}>'
return r.format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.srclist)
def classify_all_sources(self, sources, generated_sources):
# Merge sources and generated sources
sources = list(sources)
for gensrc in generated_sources:
for s in gensrc.get_outputs():
# We cannot know the path where this source will be generated,
# but all we need here is the file extension to determine the
# compiler.
# Filter out headers and all non-source files
sources = [s for s in sources if environment.is_source(s) and not environment.is_header(s)]
return classify_unity_sources(, sources)
def check_unity_compatible(self):
# Figure out if the extracted object list is compatible with a Unity
# build. When we're doing a Unified build, we go through the sources,
# and create a single source file from each subset of the sources that
# can be compiled with a specific compiler. Then we create one object
# from each unified source file.
# If the list of sources for which we want objects is the same as the
# list of sources that go into each unified build, we're good.
srclist_set = set(self.srclist)
# Objects for all the sources are required, so we're compatible
if srclist_set == set(
# Check if the srclist is a subset (of the target's sources) that is
# going to form a unified source file and a single object
compsrcs = classify_unity_sources(,
for srcs in compsrcs.values():
if srclist_set == set(srcs):
msg = 'Single object files can not be extracted in Unity builds. ' \
'You can only extract all the object files at once.'
raise MesonException(msg)
# from each unified source file. So for each compiler we can either
# extra all its sources or none.
cmpsrcs = self.classify_all_sources(,
extracted_cmpsrcs = self.classify_all_sources(self.srclist, self.genlist)
for comp, srcs in extracted_cmpsrcs.items():
if set(srcs) != set(cmpsrcs[comp]):
raise MesonException('Single object files can not be extracted '
'in Unity builds. You can only extract all '
'the object files for each compiler at once.')
class EnvironmentVariables:
def __init__(self):
@ -637,13 +644,13 @@ class BuildTarget(Target):
if src not in self.sources:
raise MesonException('Tried to extract unknown source %s.' % src)
return ExtractedObjects(self, obj_src, [], self.is_unity)
return ExtractedObjects(self, obj_src, [])
def extract_all_objects(self):
# FIXME: We should add support for transitive extract_objects()
if self.objects:
raise MesonException('Cannot extract objects from a target that itself has extracted objects')
return ExtractedObjects(self, self.sources, self.generated, self.is_unity)
return ExtractedObjects(self, self.sources, self.generated)
def get_all_link_deps(self):
return self.get_transitive_link_deps()
