@ -2892,8 +2892,10 @@ different subdirectory.
if len ( args ) != 1 :
raise InterpreterException ( ' Add_test_setup needs one argument for the setup name. ' )
setup_name = args [ 0 ]
if re . fullmatch ( ' [_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]* ' , setup_name ) is None :
if re . fullmatch ( ' ([_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*:)? [_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*' , setup_name ) is None :
raise InterpreterException ( ' Setup name may only contain alphanumeric characters. ' )
if " : " not in setup_name :
setup_name = ( self . subproject if self . subproject else self . build . project_name ) + " : " + setup_name
try :
inp = extract_as_list ( kwargs , ' exe_wrapper ' )
exe_wrapper = [ ]
@ -2917,14 +2919,10 @@ different subdirectory.
if not isinstance ( timeout_multiplier , int ) :
raise InterpreterException ( ' Timeout multiplier must be a number. ' )
env = self . unpack_env_kwarg ( kwargs )
setupobj = build . TestSetup ( exe_wrapper = exe_wrapper ,
self . build . test_setups [ setup_name ] = build . TestSetup ( exe_wrapper = exe_wrapper ,
gdb = gdb ,
timeout_multiplier = timeout_multiplier ,
env = env )
if self . subproject == ' ' :
# Dunno what we should do with subprojects really. Let's start simple
# and just use the master project ones.
self . build . test_setups [ setup_name ] = setupobj
@permittedKwargs ( permitted_kwargs [ ' add_global_arguments ' ] )