Remove type comments from

Tristan Partin 2 years ago
parent ecbba0c45b
commit ab21dc0384
  1. 112

@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ clib_langs = ('objcpp', 'cpp', 'objc', 'c', 'nasm', 'fortran')
clink_langs = ('d', 'cuda') + clib_langs
SUFFIX_TO_LANG = dict(itertools.chain(*(
[(suffix, lang) for suffix in v] for lang, v in lang_suffixes.items()))) # type: T.Dict[str, str]
[(suffix, lang) for suffix in v] for lang, v in lang_suffixes.items())))
# Languages that should use LDFLAGS arguments when linking.
LANGUAGES_USING_LDFLAGS = {'objcpp', 'cpp', 'objc', 'c', 'fortran', 'd', 'cuda'} # type: T.Set[str]
LANGUAGES_USING_LDFLAGS = {'objcpp', 'cpp', 'objc', 'c', 'fortran', 'd', 'cuda'}
# Languages that should use CPPFLAGS arguments when linking.
LANGUAGES_USING_CPPFLAGS = {'c', 'cpp', 'objc', 'objcpp'} # type: T.Set[str]
LANGUAGES_USING_CPPFLAGS = {'c', 'cpp', 'objc', 'objcpp'}
soregex = re.compile(r'.*\.so(\.[0-9]+)?(\.[0-9]+)?(\.[0-9]+)?$')
# Environment variables that each lang uses.
@ -190,99 +190,105 @@ class CompileCheckMode(enum.Enum):
LINK = 'link'
cuda_buildtype_args = {'plain': [],
cuda_buildtype_args: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]] = {'plain': [],
'debug': ['-g', '-G'],
'debugoptimized': ['-g', '-lineinfo'],
'release': [],
'minsize': [],
'custom': [],
} # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
java_buildtype_args = {'plain': [],
java_buildtype_args: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]] = {'plain': [],
'debug': ['-g'],
'debugoptimized': ['-g'],
'release': [],
'minsize': [],
'custom': [],
} # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
rust_buildtype_args = {'plain': [],
rust_buildtype_args: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]] = {'plain': [],
'debug': [],
'debugoptimized': [],
'release': [],
'minsize': [],
'custom': [],
} # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
d_gdc_buildtype_args = {'plain': [],
d_gdc_buildtype_args: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]] = {'plain': [],
'debug': [],
'debugoptimized': ['-finline-functions'],
'release': ['-finline-functions'],
'minsize': [],
'custom': [],
} # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
d_ldc_buildtype_args = {'plain': [],
d_ldc_buildtype_args: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]] = {'plain': [],
'debug': [],
'debugoptimized': ['-enable-inlining', '-Hkeep-all-bodies'],
'release': ['-enable-inlining', '-Hkeep-all-bodies'],
'minsize': [],
'custom': [],
} # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
d_dmd_buildtype_args = {'plain': [],
d_dmd_buildtype_args: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]] = {'plain': [],
'debug': [],
'debugoptimized': ['-inline'],
'release': ['-inline'],
'minsize': [],
'custom': [],
} # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
mono_buildtype_args = {'plain': [],
mono_buildtype_args: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]] = {'plain': [],
'debug': [],
'debugoptimized': ['-optimize+'],
'release': ['-optimize+'],
'minsize': [],
'custom': [],
} # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
swift_buildtype_args = {'plain': [],
swift_buildtype_args: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]] = {'plain': [],
'debug': [],
'debugoptimized': [],
'release': [],
'minsize': [],
'custom': [],
} # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
gnu_winlibs = ['-lkernel32', '-luser32', '-lgdi32', '-lwinspool', '-lshell32',
'-lole32', '-loleaut32', '-luuid', '-lcomdlg32', '-ladvapi32'] # type: T.List[str]
'-lole32', '-loleaut32', '-luuid', '-lcomdlg32', '-ladvapi32']
msvc_winlibs = ['kernel32.lib', 'user32.lib', 'gdi32.lib',
'winspool.lib', 'shell32.lib', 'ole32.lib', 'oleaut32.lib',
'uuid.lib', 'comdlg32.lib', 'advapi32.lib'] # type: T.List[str]
clike_optimization_args = {'plain': [],
'0': [],
'g': [],
'1': ['-O1'],
'2': ['-O2'],
'3': ['-O3'],
's': ['-Os'],
} # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
cuda_optimization_args = {'plain': [],
'0': [],
'g': ['-O0'],
'1': ['-O1'],
'2': ['-O2'],
'3': ['-O3'],
's': ['-O3']
} # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
cuda_debug_args = {False: [],
True: ['-g']} # type: T.Dict[bool, T.List[str]]
clike_debug_args = {False: [],
True: ['-g']} # type: T.Dict[bool, T.List[str]]
'uuid.lib', 'comdlg32.lib', 'advapi32.lib']
clike_optimization_args: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]] = {
'plain': [],
'0': [],
'g': [],
'1': ['-O1'],
'2': ['-O2'],
'3': ['-O3'],
's': ['-Os'],
cuda_optimization_args: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]] = {
'plain': [],
'0': [],
'g': ['-O0'],
'1': ['-O1'],
'2': ['-O2'],
'3': ['-O3'],
's': ['-O3']
cuda_debug_args: T.Dict[bool, T.List[str]] = {
False: [],
True: ['-g']
clike_debug_args: T.Dict[bool, T.List[str]] = {
False: [],
True: ['-g']
base_options: 'KeyedOptionDictType' = {
OptionKey('b_pch'): coredata.UserBooleanOption('Use precompiled headers', True),
@ -350,7 +356,7 @@ def are_asserts_disabled(options: KeyedOptionDictType) -> bool:
def get_base_compile_args(options: 'KeyedOptionDictType', compiler: 'Compiler') -> T.List[str]:
args = [] # type T.List[str]
args: T.List[str] = []
if options[OptionKey('b_lto')].value:
@ -399,7 +405,7 @@ def get_base_compile_args(options: 'KeyedOptionDictType', compiler: 'Compiler')
def get_base_link_args(options: 'KeyedOptionDictType', linker: 'Compiler',
is_shared_module: bool, build_dir: str) -> T.List[str]:
args = [] # type: T.List[str]
args: T.List[str] = []
if options[OptionKey('b_lto')].value:
thinlto_cache_dir = None
@ -499,12 +505,12 @@ class CompileResult(HoldableObject):
class Compiler(HoldableObject, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
# Libraries to ignore in find_library() since they are provided by the
# compiler or the C library. Currently only used for MSVC.
ignore_libs = [] # type: T.List[str]
ignore_libs: T.List[str] = []
# Libraries that are internal compiler implementations, and must not be
# manually searched.
internal_libs = [] # type: T.List[str]
internal_libs: T.List[str] = []
LINKER_PREFIX = None # type: T.Union[None, str, T.List[str]]
LINKER_PREFIX: T.Union[None, str, T.List[str]] = None
language: str
@ -799,7 +805,7 @@ class Compiler(HoldableObject, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def get_compiler_args_for_mode(self, mode: CompileCheckMode) -> T.List[str]:
# TODO: mode should really be an enum
args = [] # type: T.List[str]
args: T.List[str] = []
args += self.get_always_args()
if mode is CompileCheckMode.COMPILE:
args += self.get_compile_only_args()
@ -879,8 +885,8 @@ class Compiler(HoldableObject, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
# TODO: There's isn't really any reason for this to be a context manager
# Calculate the key
textra_args = tuple(extra_args) if extra_args is not None else tuple() # type: T.Tuple[str, ...]
key = (tuple(self.exelist), self.version, code, textra_args, mode) # type: coredata.CompilerCheckCacheKey
textra_args: T.Tuple[str, ...] = tuple(extra_args) if extra_args is not None else tuple()
key: coredata.CompilerCheckCacheKey = (tuple(self.exelist), self.version, code, textra_args, mode)
# Check if not cached, and generate, otherwise get from the cache
if key in cdata.compiler_check_cache:
