Document formal Meson grammar [skip ci]

* WIP: Document formal Meson grammar

* Various little fixes [skip ci]

1) Add missing logical_not_expr
2) 'in' and 'not in' are valid relational operators at least for dicts
3) dictionary keys can be expressions, but kwarg names cannot
4) typo logical_end_expression -> logical_and_expression
5) Make jump statements only allowed inside an iteration statement

* Rework EBNF style [skip ci]

As there is no good order for the productions, just go alphabetically.
The EBNF style was changed to match the one the Python lark project
uses, that is colons for productions and terminals enclosed in double

* Add missing production for unary operators [skip ci]

* Add production for multiline strings [skip ci]

* Properly define terminal symbols [skip ci]

Depending on the EBNF flavor, regex can be used to describe the terminal
symbols. Lark allows this, and as it was mentioned as a possible user of
this grammar, let's follow its flavor here. Most regexes used are easily
human-readable, and we can always add comments to more complicated ones.

* Small changes to which expressions can be used where [skip ci]

Let the grammar be very general. The type system then has to check, that
the used expression really evaluates to the correct type. Even if we
know today that assignment expressions always evaluate to None (and can
therefore only be used as a toplevel expression in an expression
statement), this needn't be the case forever. So this way, the grammar
stays stable even if such changes were made.

* Rework function argument list production [skip ci]

* Be more verbose for production names [skip ci]

Rename expr -> expression, stmt -> statement, op -> operator, program ->
build_definition. Also adjust some list productions.

* Add paragraph about syntax stability promises [skip ci]
Flow-It 5 years ago committed by GitHub
parent d7c24ccddd
commit a124624c0e
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 70

@ -588,3 +588,73 @@ FAQ](
because of this limitation you find yourself copying and pasting code
a lot you may be able to use a [`foreach` loop
Stability Promises
Meson is very actively developed and continuously improved. There is a
possibility that future enhancements to the Meson build system will require
changes to the syntax. Such changes might be the addition of new reserved
keywords, changing the meaning of existing keywords or additions around the
basic building blocks like statements and fundamental types. It is planned
to stabilize the syntax with the 1.0 release.
This is the full Meson grammar, as it is used to parse Meson build definition files:
additive_expression: multiplicative_expression | (additive_expression additive_operator multiplicative_expression)
additive_operator: "+" | "-"
argument_list: positional_arguments ["," keyword_arguments] | keyword_arguments
array_literal: "[" [expression_list] "]"
assignment_expression: conditional_expression | (logical_or_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression)
assignment_operator: "=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "+=" | "-="
boolean_literal: "true" | "false"
build_definition: (NEWLINE | statement)*
condition: expression
conditional_expression: logical_or_expression | (logical_or_expression "?" expression ":" assignment_expression
decimal_literal: DECIMAL_NUMBER
DECIMAL_NUMBER: /[1-9][0-9]*/
dictionary_literal: "{" [key_value_list] "}"
equality_expression: relational_expression | (equality_expression equality_operator relational_expression)
equality_operator: "==" | "!="
expression: assignment_expression
expression_list: expression ("," expression)*
expression_statememt: expression
function_expression: id_expression "(" [argument_list] ")"
hex_literal: "0x" HEX_NUMBER
HEX_NUMBER: /[a-fA-F0-9]+/
id_expression: IDENTIFIER
IDENTIFIER: /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/
identifier_list: id_expression ("," id_expression)*
integer_literal: decimal_literal | octal_literal | hex_literal
iteration_statement: "foreach" identifier_list ":" id_expression NEWLINE (statement | jump_statement)* "endforeach"
jump_statement: ("break" | "continue") NEWLINE
key_value_item: expression ":" expression
key_value_list: key_value_item ("," key_value_item)*
keyword_item: id_expression ":" expression
keyword_arguments: keyword_item ("," keyword_item)*
literal: integer_literal | string_literal | boolean_literal | array_literal | dictionary_literal
logical_and_expression: equality_expression | (logical_and_expression "and" equality_expression)
logical_or_expression: logical_and_expression | (logical_or_expression "or" logical_and_expression)
method_expression: postfix_expression "." function_expression
multiplicative_expression: unary_expression | (multiplicative_expression multiplicative_operator unary_expression)
multiplicative_operator: "*" | "/" | "%"
octal_literal: "0o" OCTAL_NUMBER
OCTAL_NUMBER: /[0-7]+/
positional_arguments: expression ("," expression)*
postfix_expression: primary_expression | subscript_expression | function_expression | method_expression
primary_expression: literal | ("(" expression ")") | id_expression
relational_expression: additive_expression | (relational_expression relational_operator additive_expression)
relational_operator: ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=" | "in" | ("not" "in")
selection_statement: "if" condition NEWLINE (statement)* ("elif" condition NEWLINE (statement)*)* ["else" (statement)*] "endif"
statement: (expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement) NEWLINE
string_literal: ("'" STRING_SIMPLE_VALUE "'") | ("'''" STRING_MULTILINE_VALUE "'''")
STRING_SIMPLE_VALUE: \.*?(?<!\\)(\\\\)*?'\
subscript_expression: postfix_expression "[" expression "]"
unary_expression: postfix_expression | (unary_operator unary_expression)
unary_operator: "not" | "+" | "-"
