@ -24,25 +24,32 @@ from glob import glob
def detect_meson_py_location ( ) :
c = sys . argv [ 0 ]
c_fname = os . path . split ( c ) [ 1 ]
if c_fname == ' meson ' or c_fname == ' meson.py ' :
# $ /foo/meson.py <args>
c_dir , c_fname = os . path . split ( c )
# get the absolute path to the <mesontool> folder
m_dir = None
if os . path . isabs ( c ) :
return c
# $ meson <args> (gets run from /usr/bin/meson)
# $ /foo/<mesontool>.py <args>
m_dir = c_dir
elif c_dir == ' ' :
# $ <mesontool> <args> (gets run from /usr/bin/<mesontool>)
in_path_exe = shutil . which ( c_fname )
if in_path_exe :
# Special case: when run like "./meson.py <opts>" and user has
# period in PATH, we need to expand it out, because, for example,
m_dir , c_fname = os . path . split ( in_path_exe )
# Special case: when run like "./meson.py <opts>",
# we need to expand it out, because, for example,
# "ninja test" will be run from a different directory.
if ' . ' in os . environ [ ' PATH ' ] . split ( ' : ' ) :
p , f = os . path . split ( in_path_exe )
if p == ' ' or p == ' . ' :
return os . path . join ( os . getcwd ( ) , f )
return in_path_exe
# $ python3 ./meson.py <args>
if os . path . exists ( c ) :
return os . path . join ( os . getcwd ( ) , c )
if m_dir == ' . ' :
m_dir = os . getcwd ( )
else :
m_dir = os . path . abspath ( c_dir )
# find meson in m_dir
if m_dir is not None :
for fname in [ ' meson ' , ' meson.py ' ] :
m_path = os . path . join ( m_dir , fname )
if os . path . exists ( m_path ) :
return m_path
# The only thing remaining is to try to find the bundled executable and
# pray distro packagers have not moved it.