@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import mesonbuild.coredata
import mesonbuild . modules . gnome
from mesonbuild . interpreter import ObjectHolder
from mesonbuild . mesonlib import (
is_windows , is_osx , is_cygwin , is_dragonflybsd ,
is_windows , is_osx , is_cygwin , is_dragonflybsd , is_openbsd ,
windows_proof_rmtree , python_command , version_compare ,
grab_leading_numbers , BuildDirLock
@ -94,6 +94,25 @@ def skipIfNoPkgconfig(f):
return f ( * args , * * kwargs )
return wrapped
class PatchModule :
Fancy monkey - patching ! Whee ! Can ' t use mock.patch because it only
patches in the local namespace .
def __init__ ( self , func , name , impl ) :
self . func = func
assert ( isinstance ( name , str ) )
self . func_name = name
self . old_impl = None
self . new_impl = impl
def __enter__ ( self ) :
self . old_impl = self . func
exec ( ' {} = self.new_impl ' . format ( self . func_name ) )
def __exit__ ( self , * args ) :
exec ( ' {} = self.old_impl ' . format ( self . func_name ) )
class InternalTests ( unittest . TestCase ) :
@ -496,6 +515,76 @@ class InternalTests(unittest.TestCase):
deps . add_pub_reqs ( [ mock ] )
self . assertEqual ( deps . format_reqs ( deps . pub_reqs ) , " some_name " )
def _test_all_naming ( self , cc , env , patterns , platform ) :
shr = patterns [ platform ] [ ' shared ' ]
stc = patterns [ platform ] [ ' static ' ]
p = cc . get_library_naming ( env , ' shared ' )
self . assertEqual ( p , shr )
p = cc . get_library_naming ( env , ' static ' )
self . assertEqual ( p , stc )
p = cc . get_library_naming ( env , ' default ' )
self . assertEqual ( p , shr + stc )
p = cc . get_library_naming ( env , ' shared-static ' )
self . assertEqual ( p , shr + stc )
p = cc . get_library_naming ( env , ' static-shared ' )
self . assertEqual ( p , stc + shr )
def test_find_library_patterns ( self ) :
Unit test for the library search patterns used by find_library ( )
unix_static = [ ' lib {} .a ' , ' {} .a ' ]
msvc_static = [ ' lib {} .a ' , ' lib {} .lib ' , ' {} .a ' , ' {} .lib ' ]
# This is the priority list of pattern matching for library searching
patterns = { ' openbsd ' : { ' shared ' : [ ' lib {} .so ' , ' {} .so ' , ' lib {} .so.[0-9]*.[0-9]* ' ] ,
' static ' : unix_static } ,
' linux ' : { ' shared ' : [ ' lib {} .so ' , ' {} .so ' ] ,
' static ' : unix_static } ,
' darwin ' : { ' shared ' : [ ' lib {} .dylib ' , ' {} .dylib ' ] ,
' static ' : unix_static } ,
' cygwin ' : { ' shared ' : [ ' cyg {} .dll ' , ' cyg {} .dll.a ' , ' lib {} .dll ' ,
' lib {} .dll.a ' , ' {} .dll ' , ' {} .dll.a ' ] ,
' static ' : [ ' cyg {} .a ' ] + unix_static } ,
' windows-msvc ' : { ' shared ' : [ ' lib {} .lib ' , ' {} .lib ' ] ,
' static ' : msvc_static } ,
' windows-mingw ' : { ' shared ' : [ ' lib {} .dll.a ' , ' lib {} .lib ' , ' lib {} .dll ' ,
' {} .dll.a ' , ' {} .lib ' , ' {} .dll ' ] ,
' static ' : msvc_static } }
env = Environment ( ' ' , ' ' , get_fake_options ( ' ' ) )
cc = env . detect_c_compiler ( False )
if is_osx ( ) :
self . _test_all_naming ( cc , env , patterns , ' darwin ' )
elif is_cygwin ( ) :
self . _test_all_naming ( cc , env , patterns , ' cygwin ' )
elif is_windows ( ) :
if cc . get_id ( ) == ' msvc ' :
self . _test_all_naming ( cc , env , patterns , ' windows-msvc ' )
else :
self . _test_all_naming ( cc , env , patterns , ' windows-mingw ' )
else :
self . _test_all_naming ( cc , env , patterns , ' linux ' )
# Mock OpenBSD since we don't have tests for it
true = lambda x , y : True
if not is_openbsd ( ) :
with PatchModule ( mesonbuild . compilers . c . for_openbsd ,
' mesonbuild.compilers.c.for_openbsd ' , true ) :
self . _test_all_naming ( cc , env , patterns , ' openbsd ' )
else :
self . _test_all_naming ( cc , env , patterns , ' openbsd ' )
with PatchModule ( mesonbuild . compilers . c . for_darwin ,
' mesonbuild.compilers.c.for_darwin ' , true ) :
self . _test_all_naming ( cc , env , patterns , ' darwin ' )
with PatchModule ( mesonbuild . compilers . c . for_cygwin ,
' mesonbuild.compilers.c.for_cygwin ' , true ) :
self . _test_all_naming ( cc , env , patterns , ' cygwin ' )
with PatchModule ( mesonbuild . compilers . c . for_windows ,
' mesonbuild.compilers.c.for_windows ' , true ) :
self . _test_all_naming ( cc , env , patterns , ' windows-mingw ' )
cc . id = ' msvc '
with PatchModule ( mesonbuild . compilers . c . for_windows ,
' mesonbuild.compilers.c.for_windows ' , true ) :
self . _test_all_naming ( cc , env , patterns , ' windows-msvc ' )
class BasePlatformTests ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :