Completely overhaul caching of external dependencies

The old caching was a mess of spaghetti code layered over pasta code.

The new code is well-commented, is clear about what it's trying to do,
and uses a blacklist of keyword arguments instead of a whitelist while
generating identifiers for dep caching which makes it much more robust
for future changes.

The only side-effect of forgetting about a new keyword argument would
be that the dependency would not be cached unless the values of that
keyword arguments were the same in the cached and new dependency.

There are also more tests which identify scenarios that were broken
Nirbheek Chauhan 8 years ago
parent 1570a90822
commit 8cf29bd288
  1. 2
  2. 18
  3. 92
  4. 2
  5. 23
      test cases/linuxlike/5 dependency versions/

@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class CoreData:
self.wrap_mode = options.wrap_mode
self.compilers = OrderedDict()
self.cross_compilers = OrderedDict()
self.deps = {}
self.deps = OrderedDict()
self.modules = {}
# Only to print a warning if it changes between Meson invocations.
self.pkgconf_envvar = os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', '')

@ -27,9 +27,10 @@ import subprocess
import sysconfig
from enum import Enum
from collections import OrderedDict
from . mesonlib import MesonException, version_compare, version_compare_many, Popen_safe
from . import mlog
from . import mesonlib
from .mesonlib import Popen_safe, flatten
from .mesonlib import MesonException, version_compare, version_compare_many
from .environment import detect_cpu_family, for_windows
class DependencyException(MesonException):
@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ class InternalDependency(Dependency):
def __init__(self, version, incdirs, compile_args, link_args, libraries, sources, ext_deps):
super().__init__('internal', {})
self.version = version
self.is_found = True
self.include_directories = incdirs
self.compile_args = compile_args
self.link_args = link_args
@ -1744,14 +1746,20 @@ class LLVMDependency(Dependency):
def get_dep_identifier(name, kwargs, want_cross):
# Need immutable objects since the identifier will be used as a dict key
identifier = (name, want_cross)
version_reqs = flatten(kwargs.get('version', []))
if isinstance(version_reqs, list):
version_reqs = frozenset(version_reqs)
identifier = (name, version_reqs, want_cross)
for key, value in kwargs.items():
# Ignore versions, they will be handled by the caller
if key == 'version':
# 'version' is embedded above as the second element for easy access
# 'native' is handled above with `want_cross`
# 'required' is irrelevant for caching; the caller handles it separately
# 'fallback' subprojects cannot be cached -- they must be initialized
if key in ('version', 'native', 'required', 'fallback',):
# All keyword arguments are strings, ints, or lists (or lists of lists)
if isinstance(value, list):
value = frozenset(mesonlib.flatten(value))
value = frozenset(flatten(value))
identifier += (key, value)
return identifier

@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ from . import compilers
from .wrap import wrap, WrapMode
from . import mesonlib
from .mesonlib import FileMode, Popen_safe, get_meson_script
from .dependencies import InternalDependency, Dependency, ExternalProgram
from .dependencies import ExternalProgram
from .dependencies import InternalDependency, Dependency, DependencyException
from .interpreterbase import InterpreterBase
from .interpreterbase import check_stringlist, noPosargs, noKwargs, stringArgs
from .interpreterbase import InterpreterException, InvalidArguments, InvalidCode
@ -1852,12 +1853,16 @@ class Interpreter(InterpreterBase):
def func_find_library(self, node, args, kwargs):
mlog.log('DEPRECATION:'), 'find_library() is removed, use the corresponding method in compiler object instead.')
def func_dependency(self, node, args, kwargs):
self.validate_arguments(args, 1, [str])
name = args[0]
if '<' in name or '>' in name or '=' in name:
raise InvalidArguments('Characters <, > and = are forbidden in dependency names. To specify'
'version\n requirements use the \'version\' keyword argument instead.')
def _find_cached_dep(self, name, kwargs):
Check that there aren't any mismatches between the cached dep and the
wanted dep in terms of version and whether to use a fallback or not.
For instance, the cached dep and the wanted dep could have mismatching
version requirements. The cached dep did not search for a fallback, but
the wanted dep specifies a fallback. There are many more edge-cases.
Most cases are (or should be) documented in:
`test cases/linuxlike/5 dependency versions/`
# Check if we want this as a cross-dep or a native-dep
# FIXME: Not all dependencies support such a distinction right now,
# and we repeat this check inside dependencies that do. We need to
@ -1868,52 +1873,89 @@ class Interpreter(InterpreterBase):
want_cross = is_cross
identifier = dependencies.get_dep_identifier(name, kwargs, want_cross)
# Check if we've already searched for and found this dep
cached_dep = None
# Check if we've already searched for and found this dep
if identifier in self.coredata.deps:
cached_dep = self.coredata.deps[identifier]
# All other kwargs are handled in get_dep_identifier(). We have
# this here as a tiny optimization to avoid searching for
# dependencies that we already have.
if 'version' in kwargs:
wanted = kwargs['version']
found = cached_dep.get_version()
if not cached_dep.found() or \
not mesonlib.version_compare_many(found, wanted)[0]:
# Cached dep has the wrong version. Check if an external
# dependency or a fallback dependency provides it.
cached_dep = None
# Check if exactly the same dep with different version requirements
# was found already.
# We only return early if we find a usable cached dependency since
# there might be multiple cached dependencies like this.
w = identifier[1]
for trial, trial_dep in self.coredata.deps.items():
# trial[1], identifier[1] are the version requirements
if trial[0] != identifier[0] or trial[2:] != identifier[2:]:
# The version requirements are the only thing that's different.
if trial_dep.found():
# Cached dependency was found. We're close.
f = trial_dep.get_version()
if not w or mesonlib.version_compare_many(f, w)[0]:
# We either don't care about the version, or the
# cached dep version matches our requirements! Yay!
return identifier, trial_dep
elif 'fallback' not in kwargs:
# this cached dependency matched everything but was
# not-found. Tentatively set this as the dep to use.
# If no other cached dep matches, we will use this as the
# not-found dep.
cached_dep = trial_dep
# There's a subproject fallback specified for this not-found dependency
# which might provide it, so we must check it.
if cached_dep and not cached_dep.found() and 'fallback' in kwargs:
return identifier, None
# Either no cached deps matched the dep we're looking for, or some
# not-found cached dep matched and there is no fallback specified.
# Either way, we're done.
return identifier, cached_dep
def func_dependency(self, node, args, kwargs):
self.validate_arguments(args, 1, [str])
name = args[0]
if '<' in name or '>' in name or '=' in name:
raise InvalidArguments('Characters <, > and = are forbidden in dependency names. To specify'
'version\n requirements use the \'version\' keyword argument instead.')
identifier, cached_dep = self._find_cached_dep(name, kwargs)
if cached_dep:
if kwargs.get('required', True) and not cached_dep.found():
m = 'Dependency {!r} was already checked and was not found'
raise DependencyException(m.format(name))
dep = cached_dep
# We need to actually search for this dep
exception = None
dep = None
# If the fallback has already been configured (possibly by a higher level project)
# try to use it before using the native version
# If the dependency has already been configured, possibly by
# a higher level project, try to use it first.
if 'fallback' in kwargs:
dirname, varname = self.get_subproject_infos(kwargs)
if dirname in self.subprojects:
subproject = self.subprojects[dirname]
dep = self.subprojects[dirname].get_variable_method([varname], {})
dep = dep.held_object
# Never add fallback deps to self.coredata.deps
return subproject.get_variable_method([varname], {})
except KeyError:
# Search for it outside the project
if not dep:
dep = dependencies.find_external_dependency(name, self.environment, kwargs)
except dependencies.DependencyException as e:
except DependencyException as e:
exception = e
# Search inside the projects list
if not dep or not dep.found():
if 'fallback' in kwargs:
fallback_dep = self.dependency_fallback(name, kwargs)
if fallback_dep:
# Never add fallback deps to self.coredata.deps since we
# cannot cache them. They must always be evaluated else
# we won't actually read all the build files.
return fallback_dep
if not dep:
raise exception

@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ def version_compare(vstr1, vstr2, strict=False):
return cmpop(varr1, varr2)
def version_compare_many(vstr1, conditions):
if not isinstance(conditions, (list, tuple)):
if not isinstance(conditions, (list, tuple, frozenset)):
conditions = [conditions]
found = []
not_found = []

@ -21,10 +21,18 @@ if dependency('zlib', version : ['<=1.0', '>=9999', '=' + zlib.version()], requi
error('zlib <=1.0 >=9999 should not have been found')
# Test that a versionless zlib is found after not finding an optional zlib dep with version reqs
zlibopt = dependency('zlib', required : false)
assert(zlibopt.found() == true, 'zlib not found')
# Test
dependency('somebrokenlib', version : '>=2.0', required : false)
dependency('somebrokenlib', version : '>=1.0', required : false)
# Search for an external dependency that won't be found, but must later be
# found via fallbacks
somelibnotfound = dependency('somelib', required : false)
assert(somelibnotfound.found() == false, 'somelibnotfound was found?')
# Find internal dependency without version
somelibver = dependency('somelib',
fallback : ['somelibnover', 'some_dep'])
@ -37,14 +45,25 @@ somelib = dependency('somelib',
somelibver = dependency('somelib',
version : '>= 0.3',
fallback : ['somelibver', 'some_dep'])
# Find somelib again, but with a fallback that will fail
# Find somelib again, but with a fallback that will fail because subproject does not exist
somelibfail = dependency('somelib',
version : '>= 0.2',
required : false,
fallback : ['somelibfail', 'some_dep'])
assert(somelibfail.found() == false, 'somelibfail found via wrong fallback')
# Find somelib again, but with a fallback that will fail because dependency does not exist
somefail_dep = dependency('somelib',
version : '>= 0.2',
required : false,
fallback : ['somelib', 'somefail_dep'])
assert(somefail_dep.found() == false, 'somefail_dep found via wrong fallback')
fakezlib_dep = dependency('zlib',
# Fallback should only be used if the primary was not found
fallbackzlib_dep = dependency('zlib',
fallback : ['somelib', 'fakezlib_dep'])
assert(fallbackzlib_dep.type_name() == 'pkgconfig', 'fallbackzlib_dep should be of type "pkgconfig", not ' + fallbackzlib_dep.type_name())
# Check that the above dependency was not found because it wasn't checked, not because the fallback didn't work
fakezlib_dep = dependency('fakezlib',
fallback : ['somelib', 'fakezlib_dep'])
assert(fakezlib_dep.type_name() == 'internal', 'fakezlib_dep should be of type "internal", not ' + fakezlib_dep.type_name())
