@ -2169,7 +2169,7 @@ class MesonMain(InterpreterObject):
self . interpreter . environment . build_dir )
if not os . path . exists ( abspath ) :
raise InterpreterException ( ' Tried to override %s with a file that does not exist. ' % name )
exe = OverrideProgram ( abspath )
exe = OverrideProgram ( name , abspath )
if not isinstance ( exe , ( dependencies . ExternalProgram , build . Executable ) ) :
raise InterpreterException ( ' Second argument must be an external program or executable. ' )
self . interpreter . add_find_program_override ( name , exe )
@ -3374,7 +3374,7 @@ external dependencies (including libraries) must go to "dependencies".''')
return ExternalProgramHolder ( prog , self . subproject )
return None
def program_from_system ( self , args , search_dirs , silent = False ) :
def program_from_system ( self , args , search_dirs , extra_info ) :
# Search for scripts relative to current subdir.
# Do not cache found programs because find_program('foobar')
# might give different results when run from different source dirs.
@ -3397,9 +3397,10 @@ external dependencies (including libraries) must go to "dependencies".''')
' files, not {!r} ' . format ( exename ) )
extprog = dependencies . ExternalProgram ( exename , search_dir = search_dir ,
extra_search_dirs = extra_search_dirs ,
silent = silent )
silent = True )
progobj = ExternalProgramHolder ( extprog , self . subproject )
if progobj . found ( ) :
extra_info . append ( ' ( {} ) ' . format ( ' ' . join ( progobj . get_command ( ) ) ) )
return progobj
def program_from_overrides ( self , command_names , extra_info ) :
@ -3457,7 +3458,7 @@ external dependencies (including libraries) must go to "dependencies".''')
if not is_found :
mlog . log ( ' Program ' , mlog . bold ( progobj . get_name ( ) ) , ' found: ' , mlog . red ( ' NO ' ) ,
' found ' , mlog . normal_cyan ( version ) , ' but need: ' ,
mlog . bold ( ' , ' . join ( [ " ' {} ' " . format ( e ) for e in not_found ] ) ) )
mlog . bold ( ' , ' . join ( [ " ' {} ' " . format ( e ) for e in not_found ] ) ) , * extra_info )
if required :
m = ' Invalid version of program, need {!r} {!r} found {!r} . '
raise InterpreterException ( m . format ( progobj . get_name ( ) , not_found , version ) )
@ -3483,7 +3484,7 @@ external dependencies (including libraries) must go to "dependencies".''')
progobj = self . program_from_file_for ( for_machine , args )
if progobj is None :
progobj = self . program_from_system ( args , search_dirs , silent = True )
progobj = self . program_from_system ( args , search_dirs , extra_info )
if progobj is None and args [ 0 ] . endswith ( ' python3 ' ) :
prog = dependencies . ExternalProgram ( ' python3 ' , mesonlib . python_command , silent = True )
progobj = ExternalProgramHolder ( prog , self . subproject ) if prog . found ( ) else None
@ -3593,53 +3594,68 @@ external dependencies (including libraries) must go to "dependencies".''')
required = kwargs . get ( ' required ' , True )
wanted = mesonlib . stringlistify ( kwargs . get ( ' version ' , [ ] ) )
dep = self . notfound_dependency ( )
# Verify the subproject is found
subproject = self . subprojects . get ( subp_name )
if not subproject or not subproject . found ( ) :
mlog . log ( ' Dependency ' , mlog . bold ( display_name ) , ' from subproject ' ,
mlog . bold ( subproject . subdir ) , ' found: ' , mlog . red ( ' NO ' ) ,
mlog . blue ( ' (subproject failed to configure) ' ) )
if required :
m = ' Subproject {} failed to configure for dependency {} '
raise DependencyException ( m . format ( subproject . subdir , display_name ) )
return dep
extra_info = [ ]
try :
subproject = self . subprojects [ subp_name ]
# Check if the subproject overridden the dependency
_ , cached_dep = self . _find_cached_dep ( name , display_name , kwargs )
if varname is None :
# Assuming the subproject overridden the dependency we want
if cached_dep :
if varname :
self . verify_fallback_consistency ( subp_name , varname , cached_dep )
if required and not cached_dep . found ( ) :
m = ' Dependency {!r} is not satisfied '
raise DependencyException ( m . format ( display_name ) )
return DependencyHolder ( cached_dep , self . subproject )
else :
elif varname is None :
mlog . log ( ' Dependency ' , mlog . bold ( display_name ) , ' from subproject ' ,
mlog . bold ( subproject . subdir ) , ' found: ' , mlog . red ( ' NO ' ) )
if required :
m = ' Subproject {} did not override dependency {} '
raise DependencyException ( m . format ( subproject . subdir , display_name ) )
mlog . log ( ' Dependency ' , mlog . bold ( display_name ) , ' from subproject ' ,
mlog . bold ( subproject . subdir ) , ' found: ' , mlog . red ( ' NO ' ) )
return self . notfound_dependency ( )
if subproject . found ( ) :
self . verify_fallback_consistency ( subp_name , varname , cached_dep )
dep = self . subprojects [ subp_name ] . get_variable_method ( [ varname ] , { } )
else :
# The subproject did not override the dependency, but we know the
# variable name to take.
dep = subproject . get_variable_method ( [ varname ] , { } )
except InvalidArguments :
# This is raised by get_variable_method() if varname does no exist
# in the subproject. Just add the reason in the not-found message
# that will be printed later.
extra_info . append ( mlog . blue ( ' (Variable {!r} not found) ' . format ( varname ) ) )
if not isinstance ( dep , DependencyHolder ) :
raise InvalidCode ( ' Fetched variable {!r} in the subproject {!r} is '
' not a dependency object. ' . format ( varname , subp_name ) )
if not dep . found ( ) :
mlog . log ( ' Dependency ' , mlog . bold ( display_name ) , ' from subproject ' ,
mlog . bold ( subproject . subdir ) , ' found: ' , mlog . red ( ' NO ' ) , * extra_info )
if required :
raise DependencyException ( ' Could not find dependency {} in subproject {} '
' ' . format ( varname , subp_name ) )
# If the dependency is not required, don't raise an exception
mlog . log ( ' Dependency ' , mlog . bold ( display_name ) , ' from subproject ' ,
mlog . bold ( subproject . subdir ) , ' found: ' , mlog . red ( ' NO ' ) )
return dep
found = dep . held_object . get_version ( )
if not self . check_version ( wanted , found ) :
if required :
raise DependencyException ( ' Version {} of subproject dependency {} already '
' cached, requested incompatible version {} for '
' dep {} ' . format ( found , subp_name , wanted , display_name ) )
mlog . log ( ' Dependency ' , mlog . bold ( display_name ) , ' from subproject ' ,
mlog . bold ( subproject . subdir ) , ' found: ' , mlog . red ( ' NO ' ) ,
' found ' , mlog . normal_cyan ( found ) , ' but need: ' ,
mlog . bold ( ' , ' . join ( [ " ' {} ' " . format ( e ) for e in wanted ] ) ) )
if required :
raise DependencyException ( ' Version {} of subproject dependency {} already '
' cached, requested incompatible version {} for '
' dep {} ' . format ( found , subp_name , wanted , display_name ) )
return self . notfound_dependency ( )
found = mlog . normal_cyan ( found ) if found else None