@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import multiprocessing
import concurrent . futures as conc
import re
from run_tests import get_backend_commands
from run_tests import get_backend_commands , get_backend_args_for_dir
class BuildStep ( Enum ) :
@ -155,18 +155,13 @@ def stop_handler(signal, frame):
signal . signal ( signal . SIGINT , stop_handler )
signal . signal ( signal . SIGTERM , stop_handler )
# Must define these here for compatibility with Python 3.4
backend = None
backend_flags = None
compile_commands = None
clean_commands = [ ]
test_commands = None
install_commands = [ ]
uninstall_commands = None
# Needed when running cross tests because we don't generate prebuilt files
compiler = None
def setup_commands ( ) :
def setup_commands ( optbackend ) :
global do_debug , backend , backend_flags
global compile_commands , clean_commands , test_commands , install_commands , uninstall_commands
backend = optbackend
msbuild_exe = shutil . which ( ' msbuild ' )
# Auto-detect backend if unspecified
if backend is None :
@ -188,14 +183,6 @@ def setup_commands():
compile_commands , clean_commands , test_commands , install_commands , \
uninstall_commands = get_backend_commands ( backend , do_debug )
def get_compile_commands_for_dir ( compile_commands , test_build_dir ) :
if ' msbuild ' in compile_commands [ 0 ] :
sln_name = glob ( os . path . join ( test_build_dir , ' *.sln ' ) ) [ 0 ]
comp = compile_commands + [ os . path . split ( sln_name ) [ - 1 ] ]
else :
comp = compile_commands
return comp
def get_relative_files_list_from_dir ( fromdir ) :
paths = [ ]
for ( root , _ , files ) in os . walk ( fromdir ) :
@ -221,7 +208,7 @@ def platform_fix_name(fname):
return fname
def validate_install ( srcdir , installdir ) :
def validate_install ( srcdir , installdir , compiler ) :
# List of installed files
info_file = os . path . join ( srcdir , ' installed_files.txt ' )
# If this exists, the test does not install any other files
@ -315,18 +302,18 @@ def parse_test_args(testdir):
return args
def run_test ( skipped , testdir , extra_args , flags , compile_ commands, should_fail ) :
def run_test ( skipped , testdir , extra_args , compiler , backend , flags , commands , should_fail ) :
if skipped :
return None
with AutoDeletedDir ( tempfile . mkdtemp ( prefix = ' b ' , dir = ' . ' ) ) as build_dir :
with AutoDeletedDir ( tempfile . mkdtemp ( prefix = ' i ' , dir = os . getcwd ( ) ) ) as install_dir :
try :
return _run_test ( testdir , build_dir , install_dir , extra_args , flags , compile_ commands, should_fail )
return _run_test ( testdir , build_dir , install_dir , extra_args , compiler , backend , flags , commands , should_fail )
finally :
mlog . shutdown ( ) # Close the log file because otherwise Windows wets itself.
def _run_test ( testdir , test_build_dir , install_dir , extra_args , flags , compile_ commands, should_fail ) :
global install_commands , clean_ commands
def _run_test ( testdir , test_build_dir , install_dir , extra_args , compiler , backend , flags , commands , should_fail ) :
compile_commands , clean_commands , install_commands , uninstall_commands = commands
test_args = parse_test_args ( testdir )
gen_start = time . time ( )
# Configure in-process
@ -347,9 +334,9 @@ def _run_test(testdir, test_build_dir, install_dir, extra_args, flags, compile_c
if returncode != 0 :
return TestResult ( ' Generating the build system failed. ' , BuildStep . configure , stdo , stde , mesonlog , gen_time )
# Build with subprocess
comp = get_compile_commands_for_dir ( compile_commands , test_build_dir )
dir_args = get_backend_args_for_dir ( backend , test_build_dir )
build_start = time . time ( )
pc , o , e = Popen_safe ( comp , cwd = test_build_dir )
pc , o , e = Popen_safe ( compile_commands + dir_args , cwd = test_build_dir )
build_time = time . time ( ) - build_start
stdo + = o
stde + = e
@ -376,8 +363,8 @@ def _run_test(testdir, test_build_dir, install_dir, extra_args, flags, compile_c
return TestResult ( ' Test that should have failed to run unit tests succeeded ' , BuildStep . test , stdo , stde , mesonlog , gen_time )
if returncode != 0 :
return TestResult ( ' Running unit tests failed. ' , BuildStep . test , stdo , stde , mesonlog , gen_time , build_time , test_time )
if len ( install_commands ) == 0 :
return TestResult ( ' ' , BuildStep . install , ' ' , ' ' , mesonlog , gen_time , build_time , test_time )
# Do installation, if the backend supports it
if len ( install_commands ) != 0 :
env = os . environ . copy ( )
env [ ' DESTDIR ' ] = install_dir
# Install with subprocess
@ -386,15 +373,16 @@ def _run_test(testdir, test_build_dir, install_dir, extra_args, flags, compile_c
stde + = e
if pi . returncode != 0 :
return TestResult ( ' Running install failed. ' , BuildStep . install , stdo , stde , mesonlog , gen_time , build_time , test_time )
if len ( clean_commands ) != 0 :
env = os . environ . copy ( )
# Clean with subprocess
pi , o , e = Popen_safe ( clean_commands , cwd = test_build_dir , env = env )
env = os . environ . copy ( )
pi , o , e = Popen_safe ( clean_commands + dir_args , cwd = test_build_dir , env = env )
stdo + = o
stde + = e
if pi . returncode != 0 :
return TestResult ( ' Running clean failed. ' , BuildStep . clean , stdo , stde , mesonlog , gen_time , build_time , test_time )
return TestResult ( validate_install ( testdir , install_dir ) , BuildStep . validate , stdo , stde , mesonlog , gen_time , build_time , test_time )
if len ( install_commands ) == 0 :
return TestResult ( ' ' , BuildStep . install , ' ' , ' ' , mesonlog , gen_time , build_time , test_time )
return TestResult ( validate_install ( testdir , install_dir , compiler ) , BuildStep . validate , stdo , stde , mesonlog , gen_time , build_time , test_time )
def gather_tests ( testdir ) :
tests = [ t . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' / ' ) . split ( ' / ' , 2 ) [ 2 ] for t in glob ( os . path . join ( testdir , ' * ' ) ) ]
@ -454,6 +442,7 @@ def run_tests(all_tests, log_name_base, extra_args):
passing_tests = 0
failing_tests = 0
skipped_tests = 0
commands = ( compile_commands , clean_commands , install_commands , uninstall_commands )
try :
# This fails in some CI environments for unknown reasons.
@ -483,7 +472,7 @@ def run_tests(all_tests, log_name_base, extra_args):
should_fail = False
if name . startswith ( ' failing ' ) :
should_fail = name . split ( ' failing- ' ) [ 1 ]
result = executor . submit ( run_test , skipped , t , extra_args , backend_flags , compile_ commands, should_fail )
result = executor . submit ( run_test , skipped , t , extra_args , compiler , backend , backend_flags , commands , should_fail )
futures . append ( ( testname , t , result ) )
for ( testname , t , result ) in futures :
sys . stdout . flush ( )
@ -598,7 +587,7 @@ def generate_prebuilt():
return objectfile , stlibfile
def check_meson_commands_work ( ) :
global meson_command , compile_commands , test_commands , install_commands
global backend , meson_command , compile_commands , test_commands , install_commands
testdir = ' test cases/common/1 trivial '
with AutoDeletedDir ( tempfile . mkdtemp ( prefix = ' b ' , dir = ' . ' ) ) as build_dir :
print ( ' Checking that configuring works... ' )
@ -607,8 +596,8 @@ def check_meson_commands_work():
if pc . returncode != 0 :
raise RuntimeError ( ' Failed to configure {!r} : \n {} \n {} ' . format ( testdir , e , o ) )
print ( ' Checking that building works... ' )
compile_cmd = get_compile_commands_for_dir ( compile_commands , build_dir )
pc , o , e = Popen_safe ( compile_cmd , cwd = build_dir )
dir_args = get_backend_args_for_dir ( backend , build_dir )
pc , o , e = Popen_safe ( compile_co mman ds + dir_args , cwd = build_dir )
if pc . returncode != 0 :
raise RuntimeError ( ' Failed to build {!r} : \n {} \n {} ' . format ( testdir , e , o ) )
print ( ' Checking that testing works... ' )
@ -628,8 +617,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser . add_argument ( ' --backend ' , default = None , dest = ' backend ' ,
choices = backendlist )
options = parser . parse_args ( )
backend = options . backend
setup_commands ( )
setup_commands ( options . backend )
# Appveyor sets the `platform` environment variable which completely messes
# up building with the vs2010 and vs2015 backends.