@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import re
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import textwrap
import time
import typing as T
@ -929,6 +928,14 @@ class TestSubprocess:
self . _process = p
self . postwait_fn = postwait_fn # type: T.Callable[[], None]
def stdout ( self ) - > T . Optional [ asyncio . StreamReader ] :
return self . _process . stdout
def stderr ( self ) - > T . Optional [ asyncio . StreamReader ] :
return self . _process . stderr
async def _kill ( self ) - > T . Optional [ str ] :
# Python does not provide multiplatform support for
# killing a process and all its children so we need
@ -1033,7 +1040,7 @@ class SingleTestRunner:
return self . runobj
async def _run_subprocess ( self , args : T . List [ str ] , * ,
stdout : T . IO , stderr : T . IO ,
stdout : int , stderr : int ,
env : T . Dict [ str , str ] , cwd : T . Optional [ str ] ) - > TestSubprocess :
# Let gdb handle ^C instead of us
if self . options . gdb :
@ -1088,11 +1095,12 @@ class SingleTestRunner:
stdout = None
stderr = None
if not self . options . verbose :
stdout = tempfile . TemporaryFile ( " wb+ " )
stderr = tempfile . TemporaryFile ( " wb+ " ) if self . options . split else stdout
if self . test . protocol is TestProtocol . TAP and stderr is stdout :
stdout = tempfile . TemporaryFile ( " wb+ " )
if self . test . protocol is TestProtocol . TAP :
stdout = asyncio . subprocess . PIPE
stderr = None if self . options . verbose else asyncio . subprocess . PIPE
elif not self . options . verbose :
stdout = asyncio . subprocess . PIPE
stderr = asyncio . subprocess . PIPE if self . options . split else asyncio . subprocess . STDOUT
extra_cmd = [ ] # type: T.List[str]
if self . test . protocol is TestProtocol . GTEST :
@ -1114,24 +1122,24 @@ class SingleTestRunner:
env = self . env ,
cwd = self . test . workdir )
stdo = stde = ' '
stdo_task = stde_task = None
if stdout is not None :
stdo_task = p . stdout . read ( - 1 )
if stderr is not None and stderr != asyncio . subprocess . STDOUT :
stde_task = p . stderr . read ( - 1 )
returncode , result , additional_error = await p . wait ( timeout )
if result is TestResult . TIMEOUT and self . options . verbose :
print ( ' {} time out (After {} seconds) ' . format ( self . test . name , timeout ) )
if additional_error is None :
if stdout is None :
stdo = ' '
else :
stdout . seek ( 0 )
stdo = decode ( stdout . read ( ) )
if stderr is None or stderr is stdout :
stde = ' '
else :
stderr . seek ( 0 )
stde = decode ( stderr . read ( ) )
else :
stdo = " "
stde = additional_error
if stdo_task is not None :
stdo = decode ( await stdo_task )
if stde_task is not None :
stde = decode ( await stde_task )
if additional_error is not None :
stde + = ' \n ' + additional_error
# Print lines along the way if requested
def lines ( ) - > T . Iterator [ str ] :