@ -14,10 +14,32 @@ |
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
# limitations under the License. |
import sys |
import sys, struct |
class Elf(): |
def __init__(self, bfile): |
self.bf = open(bfile, 'rb') |
self.ident = struct.unpack('16s', self.bf.read(16))[0] |
if self.ident[1:4] != b'ELF': |
raise RuntimeError('File "%s" is not an ELF file.' % bfile) |
self.e_type = struct.unpack('h', self.bf.read(2))[0] |
self.e_machine = struct.unpack('h', self.bf.read(2))[0] |
self.e_version = struct.unpack('i', self.bf.read(4))[0] |
self.e_entry = struct.unpack('Q', self.bf.read(8))[0] |
self.e_phoff = struct.unpack('Q', self.bf.read(8))[0] |
self.e_shoff = struct.unpack('Q', self.bf.read(8))[0] |
self.e_flags = struct.unpack('i', self.bf.read(4))[0] |
self.e_ehsize = struct.unpack('h', self.bf.read(2))[0] |
self.e_phentsize = struct.unpack('h', self.bf.read(2))[0] |
self.e_phnum = struct.unpack('h', self.bf.read(2))[0] |
self.e_shentsize = struct.unpack('h', self.bf.read(2))[0] |
self.e_shnum = struct.unpack('h', self.bf.read(2))[0] |
self.e_shstrndx = struct.unpack('h', self.bf.read(2))[0] |
def remove_rpath(bfile): |
bf = open(bfile, 'rb') |
elf = Elf(bfile) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
if len(sys.argv) != 2: |